Jezamine Chua
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Papers by Jezamine Chua
In order to plan for this expansion, it is crucial that a development framework is provided. Of significant relevance is the planning of streets, which will not only guide infrastructure development such as water, sewage and other basic services, but also facilitate the provision of efficient modes of public transportation, while providing a sufficient supply of land and positively affecting its affordability.
Our research framework and methodology comprises an on-site analysis of the suburbanization process in the Sukoharjo region by identifying development patterns across time in villages and farmland during a 10-day design workshop with Indonesian university students from Universitas Sebelas Maret, students from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Singapore University of Technology and Design and Technische Universität Berlin in the campus of Universitas Sebelas Maret in Surakarta City, Indonesia. Using social, economic and environmental impacts as pillars to frame our analysis of observations, this research strives to find an integrated framework for sustainable urban expansion.
This general scheme focuses on integrating and extending existing qualities of villages to sustain and diversify future urban expansion. It can then be adapted to other areas undergoing similar growth patterns near Solo City. The paper closes with a proposal for encouraging maximal growth without compromising on liveability factors important to the region: walkability, accessibility and social cohesion.
Our research framework and methodology comprises of three phases. The first phase (Community) focuses on preliminary site and community analysis. Techniques, including community asset mapping, data and system analysis and a community workshop with locals, were used to understand and identify Phú Xuân’s strengths, challenges, threats and opportunities. The second phase (Co-Creation) focuses on deeper examination of issues and design approaches, and co-design with the community to solicit stories, feedback and ideas. Fieldwork encompasses participatory data collection methods, including interviews and documentation through multiple lens such as time-lapse of public spaces, geo-tagging sounds and photos, and photo booths to reveal social networks. The third phase (Continuity) encompasses reframing and refining of designs into a self-sustainable model, through iterations of Community and Co-Creation. A local exhibition and community tea was held to bring together locals to envision and pursue self-sustaining ideas that would empower them to overcome challenges in the long run.
With an aim to break ground in participatory community planning in Vietnam by examining its journey in Phú Xuân, this research studies how to empower people to take ownership of their community development process for a better future.
Keywords: Action-based research, community development, Ho Chi Minh City, participatory approach, social sustainability
In order to plan for this expansion, it is crucial that a development framework is provided. Of significant relevance is the planning of streets, which will not only guide infrastructure development such as water, sewage and other basic services, but also facilitate the provision of efficient modes of public transportation, while providing a sufficient supply of land and positively affecting its affordability.
Our research framework and methodology comprises an on-site analysis of the suburbanization process in the Sukoharjo region by identifying development patterns across time in villages and farmland during a 10-day design workshop with Indonesian university students from Universitas Sebelas Maret, students from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Singapore University of Technology and Design and Technische Universität Berlin in the campus of Universitas Sebelas Maret in Surakarta City, Indonesia. Using social, economic and environmental impacts as pillars to frame our analysis of observations, this research strives to find an integrated framework for sustainable urban expansion.
This general scheme focuses on integrating and extending existing qualities of villages to sustain and diversify future urban expansion. It can then be adapted to other areas undergoing similar growth patterns near Solo City. The paper closes with a proposal for encouraging maximal growth without compromising on liveability factors important to the region: walkability, accessibility and social cohesion.
Our research framework and methodology comprises of three phases. The first phase (Community) focuses on preliminary site and community analysis. Techniques, including community asset mapping, data and system analysis and a community workshop with locals, were used to understand and identify Phú Xuân’s strengths, challenges, threats and opportunities. The second phase (Co-Creation) focuses on deeper examination of issues and design approaches, and co-design with the community to solicit stories, feedback and ideas. Fieldwork encompasses participatory data collection methods, including interviews and documentation through multiple lens such as time-lapse of public spaces, geo-tagging sounds and photos, and photo booths to reveal social networks. The third phase (Continuity) encompasses reframing and refining of designs into a self-sustainable model, through iterations of Community and Co-Creation. A local exhibition and community tea was held to bring together locals to envision and pursue self-sustaining ideas that would empower them to overcome challenges in the long run.
With an aim to break ground in participatory community planning in Vietnam by examining its journey in Phú Xuân, this research studies how to empower people to take ownership of their community development process for a better future.
Keywords: Action-based research, community development, Ho Chi Minh City, participatory approach, social sustainability