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Spectrum sensing is a key function of cognitive radio to prevent the harmful interference with licensed users and identify the available spectrum for improving the spectrum's utilization. However, detection performance in practice is... more
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      EngineeringDistributed ComputingTechnologyComputational Complexity
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    • Digital design
The unsteady flow past a reverse delta wing is simulated numerically to characterize the structure of the vortical flow and associated unsteady phenomena and quantify the impact of such structures on the aerodynamic performance. The most... more
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      AerodynamicsANSYS FLUENTUnsteady FlowsComputational Fluids Dynamics (CFD)
Reverse delta wings have been used in Lippisch type wing-in-ground crafts since the 1960's of the previous century, due to their stabilizing pitching moment close to ground. Previous studies showed that a reverse delta wing behaves... more
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      AerodynamicsVortex dynamicsUnsteady Flows
Thermal comfort indices are vital tools when assessing outdoor thermal comfort in hot and arid environments. Selecting a representative thermal comfort index for outdoor environments is challenging. This paper presents a comparative study... more
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Evaluation of the thermal comfort is essential for complex ventilation systems design. Assessment of thermal indices requires representative velocity and pressure fields' values. When simulating the air flow in large facilities such as... more
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      Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationThermal comfortCFD simulationCooling Load
Windbreaks such as vegetation barriers, fences, and buildings' perforated facades are used in various environmental and wind mitigation applications. Numerical simulation of the airflow through windbreaks is challenging as modeling of the... more
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      AerodynamicsComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationParticle image velocimetry (PIV)CFD simulation
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    • Aerospace Engineering
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      AerodynamicsFlow Simulation
This work aims to study and simulate the flow field around light a/c using numerical solution based on solving Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations coupled with K-ω SST turbulence model. Solution strategy began by analyzing wing... more
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Abstract Wing downwash study and estimation of downwash effect on the tail plane is important task during aircraft design process, although a lot of papers and works has been done, but the experimental work is the most important, the... more
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      AerodynamicsComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation
This paper aims to calculate the fuselage loads, and analyzing the structure to determine the margin of safety. Configuration of the aircraft was completed and frozen as addressed in a previous publications [1]. However, the aircraft... more
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Sudan, in specific, confronts a critical crises relating to fossil fuel resources, and mostly concerning the production of electricity energy from fired thermal power plants. One of these Garri "2" combined cycle power plants produce... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceCombined cycleExergy Efficiency
The determination of an accurate value of a moment of inertia plays a vital role in designing decent mechanical parts as general such as a flight control system for aircraft. This why an accurate value for moment of inertia is needed. A... more
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Under the scenario of an underlay cognitive radio network, we propose in this paper two adaptive schemes using switched transmit diversity and adaptive modulation in order to increase the spectral efficiency of the secondary link and... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceElectrical And Electronic Engineering
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      Computer ScienceRemote SensingFading ChannelCooperative Communication
Drones are increasingly vital in numerous fields, such as commerce, delivery services, and military operations. Therefore, it is essential to develop advanced systems for detecting and recognizing drones to ensure the safety and security... more
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