Sushant School of Art & Architecture
Suushantschool of Art and Architecture
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management is a huge challenge, especially for mega cities such as Delhi where existing landfills are overflowing and there is hardly any space left to build a new landfill. SWM challenges are multifold as they... more
Like any other developing nation, Indian cities are facing typical problems, namely urban sprawl, affordable housing shortage , access to public transport and lack of equitable access to basic services adversely impacting productivity,... more
Although there are many similar definitions of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) by different authors worldwide; but, in Indian context, TOD aims to create a moderate to high-density development with mixed land-uses within maximum... more
To make transit rail services more attractive, the preferred public travel mode and serve as the backbone of any metropolitan area, there arises a need to create a sustainable and inclusive urban environment with access to all. This study... more
Transit-oriented development (TOD), by integrating land-use planning with transit system is gaining importance in Indian Metropolitan cities as a new urbanism strategy however, lack of similar research for large satellite towns like Noida... more
Accessibility is a prime concern faced by urban planners to design pedestrian-friendly cities that are healthy, walkable and sustainable. Walkability has mainly been evaluated and measured using urban design principles; however, no such... more
It becomes vital for urban planners to apprehend functions performed by individual transit stations along the transit corridor, which is hard to infer from the land use distribution suggested in the static master plan prepared. This... more
Worldwide, most previous studies based on the transit-oriented development (TOD) concept focused heavily on the three Ds (3Ds) application in TOD (e.g., urban density, design, and land use diversity). Along with the 3Ds, three other TOD... more