Surya University
Nutrition and Food Technology
ALBERT P. KUHON. A Design Model of Crisis Management in an Agroindustry Enterprise. Under the direction of IRAWADI JAMARAN, DJUMALI MANGUNWIJAYA, AMRIL AMAN, MARIMIN, dan YANDRA ARKEMAN. In the industry, a crisis is often defined as a... more
Cassava is one of the Indonesian local commodities. Cassava contains a high amount of starch which can be used as an alternative to gelatin in making marshmallow. This study aimed to analyze: 1) the enzymatic process of starch... more
Laporan Fidas Termodinamika
Laporan FIsika Dasar Gelombang
Kadar air yang tinggi menyebabkan umur simpan kwetiau menjadi singkat. Hal ini menyebabkan banyaknya produsen yang menambahkan formalin pada kwetiau. Iradiasi gamma merupakan metode untuk memperpanjang umur simpan yang ekonomis serta... more
Kway teow is categorized as high moisture food which is reflected by its short shelf-life. This condition has triggered many producers to add formalin into kway teow which is prohibited by law. Gamma irradiation is a method to prolong... more
This experiment aimed to learn how to process and preserve meat, specifically to process beef into meatball. Meatball consists from various component. Meatball was made from 150 grams of beef; 26.3 grams of tapioca; 46.5 grams of ice... more
- by dhyah citra
Saat ini minat terhadap bahan pangan dengan kandungan antioksidan terus meningkat, khususnya kandungan antioksidan alami yang terdapat pada pangan lokal Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu, telah dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan menjelaskan... more