Methods & Tools for Population-based Cancer Statistics

The Surveillance Research Program provides innovative methods and software tools for the analysis and interpretation of cancer statistics.

The flowchart shows the statistical methods implemented in SEER*Stat software and the complex methods developed in separate tools used with SEER*Stat output.

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Methods in SEER*Stat

SEER*Stat Survival

  • Relative Survival
  • Net Cancer-specific Survival
  • Expected Survival
  • Competing Risks Survival
  • Left-truncated Survival

SEER*Stat Prevalence

  • Limited-Duration Prevalence

Tools Using SEER*Stat Output

Joinpoint *
Trend Analysis

Risk of Diagnosis and Death

Confidence Intervals for Rates and Ranks

Cohort vs. Period Temporal Trends

Survey-based Population-adjusted Rate Calculator

HD*Calc *
Health Drivers Calculator

Survival Models

Oral Cancer Survival Calculator
Competing Risk Survival Tool

Complete Prevalence

Projected Prevalence

* Joinpoint and HD*Calc are general tools that can be used with other data. HD*Calc is now available to support disparity studies using complex survey samples, such as national health survey sample data from the National Health Interview Survey or the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.