University of Surrey
... actual level of authenticity, all of Mahler's own early texts display his spiritual kinship with the knowingly Romantic Wunder-horn world, the ... It should also be pointed out that an interesting study by Mirjam Schadendorf... more
... for the Sixth Symphony (first movement) and Seventh Symphony (fifth movement), the autograph fair copy of the Eighth Symphony mentioned above and a Breitkopf & Härtel edition of Schubert's Eighth Symphony with... more
The decision of the editorial board of the Complete Critical Edition of Mahler's works, under the directorship of Reinhold Kubik, to publish the original, three-movement Das klagenda Lied is symptomatic of their current enlightened... more
... Despite its flaws, Svetlana Zvereva's study of Alexander Kastalsky and his milieu is a signifi-cant contribution to the literature on Russian ... the likes of Sittard and Krause, particularly for the handling of outer... more
This article examines philosophical and creative aspects of digital musical culture in the context of the Berlin Philharmonic's 2011 open competition to create remixes of Mahler's First Symphony. Issues of social mediation, hybridity,... more
In this article Adorno's approach to Mahler is subjected to linguistic-conceptual critique, in order to highlight its ambiguous philosophical and methodological syncretizing of discourses of epistemological commensurability and... more