Nitrogen is a macro nutrient that is primarily needed by rice crop. Without N fertilizer the rice yield will be equal to that of unfertilized ones. There are inconsistence yield responses of rice to the nitrogen fertilization on the...
moreNitrogen is a macro nutrient that is primarily needed by rice crop. Without N fertilizer the rice yield will be equal to that of unfertilized ones. There are inconsistence yield responses of rice to the nitrogen fertilization on the rainfed lands. The aims of the study was to verify the responces of rice yields to the nitrogen fertilization on rain-fed lowland. The research were conducted at six locations, namely Boyolali, Pati, Cianjur, Grobogan, Pandeglang, dan East Lampung, during the dry season of 2015 and 2016. The experiment was aranged in a randomized complete block design of three replications. Treatments were four levels of N fertilizer dosages. The N fertilizer dosages were: 0; 90; 135 and 180 kg/ha. All plots were applied SP-36 and KCl, each was 125 and 100 kg/ha, respectively. Results showed that most of the soil of rain-fed lowland contained low level of N. Rice crop in the rain-fed lowlands highly responded to N fertilization. N fertilization significantly increased plant height, number of tillers, dry grain yield, and dry straw weight. The optimum dosage of urea fertilizer for the lowland rain-fed rice was 265 to 300 kg/ha. Fertilizer dosage as recommended based on the rice yield target in the area is still valid to obtain high grain yield. ABSTRAK Hara nitrogen merupakan hara makro primer yang sangat dibutuhkan tanaman padi, tanpa pupuk urea hasil padi sama dengan hasil yang tidak dipupuk. Respons tanaman padi pada lahan sawah tadah hujan kurang konsisten, sehingga penelitian respons pemupukan urea perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari konsistensi respons hasil gabah tanaman padi terhadap pemupukan nitrogen pada lahan sawah tadah hujan. Penelitian dilakukan di 6 lokasi di kabupaten Boyolali, Pati, Cianjur, Grobogan, Pandeglang, dan Lampung Timur pada musim kemarau tahun 2015 dan 2016. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok, tiga ulangan dengan empat tingkat dosis pupuk N, yaitu: 0, 90, 135 dan 180 kg/ ha. Semua petak perlakuan ditambah pupuk 125 kg SP-36 dan 100 kg KCl per ha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar tanah sawah tadah hujan kandungan N-nya yang rendah. Pemupukan N nyata meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, berat gabah kering panen, dan berat jerami kering. Dosis optimum pupuk urea untuk padi lahan sawah tadah hujan berkisar antara 265-300 kg urea/ha.