Education help & learning
Back to school with #MicrosoftEDU!
Get guidance on setting up learning environments, creating scholastic community, and building an instructional toolbox to empower your students.

Invite students and educators to join class with a code
Make it easy to join class and staff teams.

Create your first assignment
Add instructions, due dates, grading rubrics, and more.

Track progress with Insights
View key data for how your students are doing over time.

Reach goals with staff teams
Collaborate on school and district goals together.

Make the most of M365
Discover tips for group projects, writing papers, and more.

Turn in assignments
Stay on top of due dates in Microsoft Teams.

Collaborate on documents
Use the cloud to share files with classmates.

Save time with templates
Format reports, papers, and presentations with ease.

Manage class meetings
Engage the whole class in virtual class meetings.

Group work in breakout rooms
Break students into small groups for projects and discussion.

Schedule virtual class meetings
Start setting up your calendar in Teams.

Join your class
Participate in virtual class meetings.

Check in with your class using Reflect
Give students an authentic way to share and express their feelings.

Discover Immersive Reader
Launch Immersive Reader from many apps for a more focused reading experience.
Try Immersive Reader to help customize your reading experience

Support readers with Reading Progress
Create student-friendly reading assessments right from Teams.
Get started with Reading Progress to support reading fluency

Focus on social and emotional learning
Foster student expression and wellbeing.
Hybrid teaching and learning
Seamlessly join and run your virtual and in-person classrooms with Teams for Education.
Trending topics
More training and learning
Parents and guardians
Communicating with educators in Teams
Use Microsoft Translator to host multilingual parent conferences
IT admins and school leaders
K-12 education transformation framework
Higher education transformation framework