Change Websites preferences in Safari on Mac
In the Safari app on your Mac, use Websites preferences to customize how you browse individual websites. To change these preferences, choose Safari > Preferences, then click Websites.
The settings you can customize (such as Reader and Content Blockers) are listed in the column on the left.
To apply a setting to a website on the right, first select the setting, then choose the option you want from the pop-menu next to the website.
Option | Description | ||||||||||
Reader |
| ||||||||||
Content Blockers |
| ||||||||||
Auto-Play |
| ||||||||||
Page Zoom | Choose a percentage of zoom to make text and images on the site easier to see. | ||||||||||
Camera |
| ||||||||||
Microphone |
| ||||||||||
Screen Sharing |
| ||||||||||
Location |
| ||||||||||
Downloads |
| ||||||||||
Notifications |
| ||||||||||
Pop-up Windows | Block pop-up windows that appear when you open or close a webpage.
Note: Some websites use pop-up windows for essential content. | ||||||||||
WebGL |
The WebGL setting appears only for computers on which WebGL may present a security risk. If the setting doesn’t appear, the site can show WebGL content. | ||||||||||
Currently Open Websites | Websites that are open in a window or tab in Safari. You might have previously chosen an option from the pop-up menu for some of these websites. | ||||||||||
Configured Websites | The list of websites you’ve customized. If you don’t see Configured Websites, either you haven’t customized a website yet, or you’ve cleared the list. | ||||||||||
Remove | Remove the selected website from the list of configured websites. | ||||||||||
When visiting other websites | To apply a setting to any website that you haven’t already chosen a setting for, click this pop-up menu, then choose the option you want. To apply a setting to all websites, make sure no websites are listed under Configured Websites (to clear the list quickly, select the websites, then click Remove). Then click this pop-up menu and choose the option you want. |