Change Websites settings in Safari on Mac
In the Safari app on your Mac, use Websites settings to customize how you browse individual websites.
To change these settings, choose Safari > Settings, then click Websites.
The settings you can customize (such as Reader and Content Blockers) are listed on the left.
To apply a setting to a website, first select the setting, then choose the option you want from the pop-menu next to the website.
Option | Description | ||||||||||
Reader |
| ||||||||||
Content Blockers |
| ||||||||||
Auto-Play |
| ||||||||||
Page Zoom | Choose a percentage of zoom to make text and images on the site easier to see. | ||||||||||
Camera |
| ||||||||||
Microphone |
| ||||||||||
Screen Sharing |
| ||||||||||
Location |
| ||||||||||
Downloads |
| ||||||||||
Notifications |
Sites you allow to send notifications are also listed in Notifications settings. | ||||||||||
Pop-up Windows | Block pop-up windows that appear when you visit a website.
Note: Some websites use pop-up windows for essential content. | ||||||||||
Lockdown Mode |
Important: Lockdown Mode is designed for the very few individuals who, because of who they are or what they do, might be personally targeted by some of the most sophisticated digital threats. Most people are never targeted by attacks of this nature. When in Lockdown Mode, your Mac won’t function as it typically does, and some features are unavailable. | ||||||||||
Currently Open Websites | Websites that are open in a window or tab in Safari. You might have previously chosen an option from the pop-up menu for some of these websites. | ||||||||||
Configured Websites | The list of websites you’ve customized. If you don’t see Configured Websites, either you haven’t customized a website yet, or you’ve cleared the list. | ||||||||||
Remove | Remove the selected website from the list of configured websites. | ||||||||||
When visiting other websites | Choose an option from this pop-up menu to apply it to any website that you haven’t already chosen a setting for. To apply a setting to all websites, make sure no websites are listed below Configured Websites (to clear the list quickly, select the websites, then click Remove). Then click this pop-up menu and choose the option you want. | ||||||||||
Share across devices | Use the settings you chose for a website on all Apple devices where you’re signed in to the same Apple Account, have Safari turned on in iCloud settings, and have two-factor authentication turned on. Page Zoom settings are shared only with another Mac or an iPad. Important: Privacy-sensitive settings, such as Camera and Microphone, aren’t shared across Apple devices. |