Customize settings for each website in Safari on Mac
Choose how you work with individual websites. For example, for a website that has small text and images, you can increase the page zoom. Or another website might need to know your location to work effectively, so you can allow that site to know where you are without always asking for permission.
Customize the active website
Go to the Safari app
on your Mac.
in the Smart Search field, then choose Website Settings.
Choose the options you want for the website (options vary by website):
Use Reader when available: View webpage articles without distractions.
Enable content blockers: Stop ads and other unwanted content from appearing.
Enable Lockdown Mode: Choose optional, extreme protection for the website.
Important: Lockdown Mode is designed for the very few individuals who, because of who they are or what they do, might be personally targeted by some of the most sophisticated digital threats. Most people are never targeted by attacks of this nature. When in Lockdown Mode, your Mac won’t function as it typically does, and some features are unavailable. See Lock down your Mac if you’re targeted by a cyberattack.
Page Zoom: Make text and images easier to see.
Auto-Play: Choose whether video can play automatically on the website.
Pop-up Windows: Choose whether the website can show pop-up windows.
Open Links With Profile: Choose one of your profiles to use when you click a link on the website.
Camera: Choose whether the website can use the camera.
Microphone: Choose whether the website can use the microphone.
Screen Sharing: Choose whether the website can view your screen.
Location: Choose whether the website can know your location.
Customize other websites
Go to the Safari app
on your Mac.
Choose Safari > Settings, then click Websites.
On the left, click the setting you want to customize—for example, Camera.
Do any of the following:
Choose settings for a website in the list: Select the website, then choose the option you want for it.
Choose settings for all websites that aren’t currently customized: Click the “When visiting other websites” pop-up menu, then choose an option.
You can see websites you’ve customized below Configured Websites. If you don’t see Configured Websites, either you haven’t customized a website yet, or you’ve cleared the list.
Choose settings for all websites: Make sure no websites are listed below Configured Websites (to clear the list quickly, select the websites, then click Remove). Click the “When visiting other websites” pop-up menu, then choose an option.