Edit notes in the Score Editor in GarageBand on Mac
You can select notes in the Score Editor and edit them in a variety of ways. When you select individual notes, the Score Editor inspector shows “Notes,” and its controls apply to the selected notes. When no note is selected, the Score Editor inspector shows “Region,” and changes apply to selected regions.
Select notes in the Score Editor
In GarageBand on Mac, do one of the following:
Click the note head.
Select multiple notes by Shift-clicking or by dragging around the notes to enclose them.
Select all notes in a region
In GarageBand on Mac, choose Edit > Select All (or press Command-A).
All visible notes are selected.
Move notes in the Score Editor
In GarageBand on Mac, select one or more notes, then drag left or right.
Copy notes in the Score Editor
In GarageBand on Mac, do one of the following:
Option-drag the note head to a new position.
Select one or more notes, then choose Edit > Copy (or press Command-C).
When you choose Edit > Paste (or press Command-V), the note is pasted at the playhead position.
Change the pitch of notes
You can change the pitch of—or transpose—notes in the Score Editor. This is especially useful when you want to reuse a melody, rhythm part, or other pattern of notes, at a different pitch.
In GarageBand on Mac, do one of the following:
Drag the notes up or down.
Select notes, then press Option–Up Arrow to raise or Option–Down Arrow to lower the pitch in semitones.
Select notes, then press Option-Shift–Up Arrow to raise or Option-Shift–Down Arrow to lower the pitch in octaves.
You can also transpose complete regions using the Transpose slider. For more information, see Transpose regions in the Piano Roll Editor in GarageBand on Mac.
Change note length
In GarageBand on Mac, select one or more notes, then drag the right edges of the duration bars horizontally to shorten or lengthen the notes.
Change note velocity
In GarageBand on Mac, select notes, then drag the Velocity slider in the Score Editor inspector horizontally.
Velocity signifies how hard the key was struck when the note was recorded. It often corresponds to the volume of the note when played back, but can control other parameters as well.
Delete a note in the Score Editor
In GarageBand on Mac, select the note, then choose Edit > Delete (or press Delete).
You can delete notes (and pedal markings) in the Score Editor. MIDI controller information, such as pitch bend data, is not deleted, even if you delete the notes the data was recorded with.