Tout d'abord, je remercie sincèrement le professeur Dominique DENEUX d'avoir accepté de présider ... more Tout d'abord, je remercie sincèrement le professeur Dominique DENEUX d'avoir accepté de présider le jury de mon Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, ainsi que les professeurs Christine PRELLE, Hervé PANETTO et Vincent CHEUTET d'avoir rapporté sur ce manuscrit. Merci pour vos questions qui ont amené des discussions très intéressantes, me donnant un autre point de vue sur les recherches présentées et les perspectives associées. Un immense merci de coeur au professeur Samir LAMOURI, qui a su m'encourager puis m'accompagner tout au long de cette démarche. Merci pour tes précieux conseils, ton soutien et toute l'organisation mise en oeuvre pour que ce cheminement aboutisse dans la sérennité et le plaisir. Je dois la soutenance de cette HDR en grande partie aux encouragements et à la confiance que m'ont accordée les professeurs Jean-Yves CHOLEY et Alain RIVIERE. Merci d'avoir cru en moi, en me confiant des responsabilités qui m'ont permis de m'épanouir à la fois dans des missions transversales de gestion, de pilotage et de projets, que dans des activités de recherche et de valorisation. Ce travail est de fait le résultat de toute une équipe avec qui j'ai pris un grand plaisir à travailler, je voudrai les remercier pour tout le temps passé ensemble et les nombreux échanges à ces occasions qui ont permis l'émergence de tous ces travaux de recherche. Merci à toute l'équipe « mécatro », officiellement IS2M, Jean-Yves CHOLEY, Thierno DIALLO, Stéphane DUGOWSON, Moncef HAMMADI, Farid LOUNI, Faïda MHENNI, Régis PLATEAUX, Thierry SORIANO, Aude WARNIEZ, et plus récemment à Antoine SPICHER du LACL pour avoir usé de sa pédagogie pour me permettre d'intégrer le monde des catégories « avec bienveillance ». Merci à mes doctorants et anciens doctorants, d'avoir eu la patience d'endurer nos nombreuses interactions : Régis, Moncef, Aude, Romain, Mouna, Anis et Khalil. Merci également à tous les collègues et partenaires des différents projets auxquels j'ai pu participer, pour les nombreuses collaborations initiées. Je suis infiniment reconnaissante à Christel, pour le soutien administratif inconditionnel assuré tout au long de ces années et sa bonne humeur du matin qui illumine nos journées chargées. Un grand merci à tous les personnels des pôles, dont je garde de très bons souvenirs d'expériences techniques mais aussi de richesse humaine. Un merci particulier à Mireille, qui a accepté de prendre la responsabilité des pôles pour que je puisse m'épanouir dans de nouveaux challenges : je lui souhaite de parvenir à trouver un équilibre serein pour valoriser ses activités de recherche dans sa carrière. Enfin, je remercie Jamil (pour sa clairvoyance administrative), Véronique (pour sa bonne humeur communicative), Rahma, Messaouda et Amel (pour leur collaboration à la recherche des données perdues ), Dominique LIAUME (pour les nombreuses séances en anglais qui m'ont permis une plus grande aisance dans la rédaction d'articles et la communication orale, thank you very much !), Jean-Luc et Nicolas (de m'avoir accueillie au sein de leur bureau en zone « VAST », me permettant ainsi de continuer à profiter de l'ambiance « bon enfant » qu'ils générent, ainsi que tous les personnels du laboratoire et de Supmeca, côtoyés au fil de mes missions et qui rendent notre quotidien si dynamique et plein de surprises, nous évitant de connaître l'ennui ! Pour terminer, parce que sans eux, leur soutien, tout le bonheur qu'ils m'apportent au quotidien, je n'aurais jamais pu en arriver là, je remercie affectueusement Patrick, mes enfants Romain et Sasha, mes parents, ma soeur et ma famille. Merci pour vos encouragements, votre soutien, votre patience durant toutes ces années où mon projet d'« HDR » a interféré avec nos moments partagés, votre aide et les relectures « en boîte noire » de ce manuscrit (bravo aux courageux et courageuses !).
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 24, 2022
This work focuses on ongoing research within the EU-funded EnerMan project aiming at improving th... more This work focuses on ongoing research within the EU-funded EnerMan project aiming at improving the energy efficiency of manufacturing systems. Industrial use cases are generally too constrained to easily proceed to the verification and validation (V&V) of the scientific approaches tackling their challenges. In this context, we propose an ontology-based framework with a methodology assessing the scalability of heterogeneous systems, environments, and missions in a V&V context. Indeed, projecting these industrial and laboratory applications onto a meaningful ontology allows them to be flattened out to the same scale from a semantic point of view. Reasoning is used to evaluate the extent to which a given scientific approach can be verified on a laboratory use case different from the industrial scenario on which it has to be validated. The framework has been implemented using Protégé and Owlready2, and applied to a scientific approach focused on a blind source separation technique used to identify system operating modes in a black box manner, tested on a coffee machine and two industrial case studies (a vehicle testbed's heating ventilation and air conditioning system, and a chocolate production line).
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2011
National audienceLa démarche de conception d'un système mécatronique peut être abordée comme ... more National audienceLa démarche de conception d'un système mécatronique peut être abordée comme une déclinaison de l'ingénierie des systèmes avec ses spécificités. Dans son approche collaborative interdisciplinaire, la mécatronique nécessite :d'une part, de replacer la conception du produit dans son cycle de vie global ;d'autre part, de mettre en œuvre simultanément une collaboration interdisciplinaire, utilisant une démarche commune d'intégration.La spécificité de la conception de produits mécatroniques réside dans les différents niveaux d'intégration à mettre en œuvre : intégration fonctionnelle, multidomaine et physique, pour obtenir un produit avec une plus haute valeur ajoutée.Après avoir détaillé ces différentes notions, ce dossier présentera les bonnes pratiques à mettre en œuvre pour concevoir des produits mécatroniques.Un deuxième dossier décrira en détail le processus de conception des produits mécatroniques ainsi que les outils et méthodes associés
Human resource skills have a significant impact on the production systems performance and competi... more Human resource skills have a significant impact on the production systems performance and competitiveness of companies. In fact, many companies are aware of the human potential in their development, to improve their overall performance and to cope with global economic and technological changes. Hence the need for any company to assess its staff potential and to put into place relevant training plans becomes a crucial challenge, in order to meet its current and future needs. Employees’ competencies assessment includes all the activities related to the planning, monitoring, evaluation, recognition and development of individual work performance. In this paper, we present a method to evaluate the human performance based on the job and skills management, in order to improve industrial performance. This assessment relates to the analysis of the data and information gathered from surveys of employees working in a company’s cosmetic production departments.
Optimizing and predicting the energy consumption of industrial manufacturing can increase its cos... more Optimizing and predicting the energy consumption of industrial manufacturing can increase its cost efficiency. The interaction of different aspects and components is necessary. An overarching framework is currently still missing, and establishing such is the central research approach in this paper. This paper provides an overview of the current demands on the manufacturing industry from the perspective of digitalization and sustainability. On the basis of the developed fundamentals and parameters, a superordinate framework is proposed that allows the modelling and simulation of energy-specific properties on several product and process levels. A detailed description of the individual methods concludes this work and demonstrates their application potential in an industrial context. As a result, this integrated conceptual framework offers the possibility of optimizing the production system, in relation to different energy flexibility criteria.
2020 21st International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), 2020
To meet the increasingly personalized and unpredictable demand experienced by manufacturing indus... more To meet the increasingly personalized and unpredictable demand experienced by manufacturing industry, we propose a Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach to support the development of more flexible manufacturing systems in an Industry 4.0 context. The final purpose of this research work is the design of a decision-making system, based on three solutions (scheduling optimization, Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems) coupled with real time data to satisfy an increasingly changing demand. These alternatives will depend on both the desired flexibility dimensions and the relevant associated criteria. This approach is then applied to a perfume production case study.
For mechatronic design, physical integration of components is both: a challenge for compactness, ... more For mechatronic design, physical integration of components is both: a challenge for compactness, and also a critical element since it can cause harmful multi-physical couplings. So a SysML profile is proposed to take into account geometrical specifications since the emergence of physical architectures of mechatronic system design. This additional information allows to calculate geometrical metrics on different possible architectures or to specify geometrical constraints for relative positioning of components. I.
2017 IEEE International Systems Engineering Symposium (ISSE), 2017
System engineering is an approach that allows to manage complex multi-physical constraints occurr... more System engineering is an approach that allows to manage complex multi-physical constraints occurring in mechatronic systems. During the conceptual design phase, the choice of a concept is critical, as it has to ensure that a corresponding 3D physical architecture fulfills thermal, EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility) and dynamic requirements. This paper first focuses on the state-of-the-art of existing methods and tools regarding concept architecture assessment in a multidisciplinary context. The current disciplinary expert processes and corresponding expectations are presented, based on industrial surveys. Then the specifications of the SAMOS (Spatial Architecture based on Multi-physics and Organization of Systems) MBSE approach extension are detailed. This extension aims at evaluating a 3D concept architecture under multi- physical constraints. Finally, the corresponding multi-physical 3D sketcher framework development roadmap is described.
2019 20th International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM)
Project-based learning (PBL) is an active learning concept to bring learners to higher levels of ... more Project-based learning (PBL) is an active learning concept to bring learners to higher levels of learning. In this paper, we present a case of project-based learning course given to mechatronic students in Supméca-Paris. The objective of the course is to involve mechatronic students in business innovation based on the design of new mechatronic products. After giving some details about the course organization and the engineering activities, we present the acquired skills and some recommendations to carry out efficiently such approach.
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE), 2020
Traditional design processes must adapt to new industrial challenges, to the rapid evolution of t... more Traditional design processes must adapt to new industrial challenges, to the rapid evolution of technologies and the resulting complexity of systems. Today's industry, particularly in the field of mechatronics, must design and develop ever more innovative products while reducing time-to-market in order to maintain a competitive edge. As late changes during the realization and detailed design phases lead to a considerable increase in costs and design time, it is necessary to introduce more flexibility during the development process. The agile approach has already proven successful in the design of software system and offer many benefits, as it aims to limit the rigidity of the specifications, interfaces and organization, and to involve in a more flexible way the different actors, customers, specifiers and partners. In this context, we propose a MBSE approach to identify the set of requirements related both to the mechatronic product development and to the dynamic market, companies and current new trends, in order to define the SCRUM++ framework key concepts that aim to meet previous requirements, by supporting agile hybridization methods.
La conception de systèmes mécatroniques fait apparaître deux spécificités fondamentales : l'a... more La conception de systèmes mécatroniques fait apparaître deux spécificités fondamentales : l'approche multi-niveau et l'aspect multi-domaine. Ces deux points impliquent que de nombreux modèles vont être développés, échangés, modifiés, hiérarchisés, sélectionnés, avant l'aboutissement à un prototype virtuel réaliste du système à concevoir. Or, il est souvent difficile pour les concepteurs de choisir, à chaque étape du processus de conception des produits mécatroniques, les meilleurs modèles à valider. Pour répondre à ce besoin, des objectifs « haut-niveau » (robustesse, coût, fiabilité, intégration…), doivent d'abord être définis, puis traduits en critères mathématiques. Puis, les métriques permettront de quantifier (au travers de ces critères) les performances des modèles par rapport aux objectifs fixés, pour justifier les choix des concepteurs, capitaliser un savoir-faire et avoir une traçabilité de la conception. Notre première approche est de s'appuyer sur l...
2018 Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2018
New adaptive complex systems are required in order to tackle Industry 4.0 challenges. These Indus... more New adaptive complex systems are required in order to tackle Industry 4.0 challenges. These Industry 4.0 compliant systems (Cyber Physical Production System) will mainly rely on mechatronics and CPS (Cyber-Physical Systems) concepts. Thus, it is important to have a better understanding of the available synergies between these three concepts, the main goal being the adaptability of manufacturing systems related to the variability of new innovative manufactured products. In this paper, a CPPS conjoint design process based on mechatronic systems and CPS is proposed. In order to better design such complex manufacturing systems, a conjoint design process encompassing the design of the innovative product and its manufacturing system is developed.
2020 4th International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies (IC_ASET), 2020
The Industry 4.0 highlights the integration of new Information Technologies in industrial compani... more The Industry 4.0 highlights the integration of new Information Technologies in industrial companies. Regarding the production field, automation controller components have a critical role to play. Indeed, one of the latest is to use the virtual commissioning approach to validate the complete operation of the systems before they materialize in the physical environment. The aim of this paper is to develop a real time communication interface between Dymola software and the physical B&R automation controller (PLC) using Modelica _ DeviceDriver library for a virtual commissioning of a real perfume production line.
2018 IEEE International Systems Engineering Symposium (ISSE), 2018
The multidisciplinary collaboration can be efficiently supported by the Model-Based Systems Engin... more The multidisciplinary collaboration can be efficiently supported by the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach. However, even if the MBSE approach presents a brilliant method of development of complete architectures, this approach does not avoid system defects during or after the development process. In this paper, we describe the benefits to integrate agile methods into MBSE approaches and we propose in particular to introduce the Agile Scrum method in a MBSE design methodology for multidisciplinary systems.
Nowadays, simulation technologies are becoming indispensable to support the design process, and n... more Nowadays, simulation technologies are becoming indispensable to support the design process, and notably during the verification and optimization phases. However, when building a simulation architecture that has to provide the systems architects with answers, simulations architects have to correctly specify the corresponding models required. In a MBSE concept, we propose to extend the concept of model of intention, to verify the specification of these models, to model suppliers by providing them with a Model Request Package. Models of Intention will allow an executable verification of the simulation architecture before the integration of the final models of realization.
Tout d'abord, je remercie sincèrement le professeur Dominique DENEUX d'avoir accepté de présider ... more Tout d'abord, je remercie sincèrement le professeur Dominique DENEUX d'avoir accepté de présider le jury de mon Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, ainsi que les professeurs Christine PRELLE, Hervé PANETTO et Vincent CHEUTET d'avoir rapporté sur ce manuscrit. Merci pour vos questions qui ont amené des discussions très intéressantes, me donnant un autre point de vue sur les recherches présentées et les perspectives associées. Un immense merci de coeur au professeur Samir LAMOURI, qui a su m'encourager puis m'accompagner tout au long de cette démarche. Merci pour tes précieux conseils, ton soutien et toute l'organisation mise en oeuvre pour que ce cheminement aboutisse dans la sérennité et le plaisir. Je dois la soutenance de cette HDR en grande partie aux encouragements et à la confiance que m'ont accordée les professeurs Jean-Yves CHOLEY et Alain RIVIERE. Merci d'avoir cru en moi, en me confiant des responsabilités qui m'ont permis de m'épanouir à la fois dans des missions transversales de gestion, de pilotage et de projets, que dans des activités de recherche et de valorisation. Ce travail est de fait le résultat de toute une équipe avec qui j'ai pris un grand plaisir à travailler, je voudrai les remercier pour tout le temps passé ensemble et les nombreux échanges à ces occasions qui ont permis l'émergence de tous ces travaux de recherche. Merci à toute l'équipe « mécatro », officiellement IS2M, Jean-Yves CHOLEY, Thierno DIALLO, Stéphane DUGOWSON, Moncef HAMMADI, Farid LOUNI, Faïda MHENNI, Régis PLATEAUX, Thierry SORIANO, Aude WARNIEZ, et plus récemment à Antoine SPICHER du LACL pour avoir usé de sa pédagogie pour me permettre d'intégrer le monde des catégories « avec bienveillance ». Merci à mes doctorants et anciens doctorants, d'avoir eu la patience d'endurer nos nombreuses interactions : Régis, Moncef, Aude, Romain, Mouna, Anis et Khalil. Merci également à tous les collègues et partenaires des différents projets auxquels j'ai pu participer, pour les nombreuses collaborations initiées. Je suis infiniment reconnaissante à Christel, pour le soutien administratif inconditionnel assuré tout au long de ces années et sa bonne humeur du matin qui illumine nos journées chargées. Un grand merci à tous les personnels des pôles, dont je garde de très bons souvenirs d'expériences techniques mais aussi de richesse humaine. Un merci particulier à Mireille, qui a accepté de prendre la responsabilité des pôles pour que je puisse m'épanouir dans de nouveaux challenges : je lui souhaite de parvenir à trouver un équilibre serein pour valoriser ses activités de recherche dans sa carrière. Enfin, je remercie Jamil (pour sa clairvoyance administrative), Véronique (pour sa bonne humeur communicative), Rahma, Messaouda et Amel (pour leur collaboration à la recherche des données perdues ), Dominique LIAUME (pour les nombreuses séances en anglais qui m'ont permis une plus grande aisance dans la rédaction d'articles et la communication orale, thank you very much !), Jean-Luc et Nicolas (de m'avoir accueillie au sein de leur bureau en zone « VAST », me permettant ainsi de continuer à profiter de l'ambiance « bon enfant » qu'ils générent, ainsi que tous les personnels du laboratoire et de Supmeca, côtoyés au fil de mes missions et qui rendent notre quotidien si dynamique et plein de surprises, nous évitant de connaître l'ennui ! Pour terminer, parce que sans eux, leur soutien, tout le bonheur qu'ils m'apportent au quotidien, je n'aurais jamais pu en arriver là, je remercie affectueusement Patrick, mes enfants Romain et Sasha, mes parents, ma soeur et ma famille. Merci pour vos encouragements, votre soutien, votre patience durant toutes ces années où mon projet d'« HDR » a interféré avec nos moments partagés, votre aide et les relectures « en boîte noire » de ce manuscrit (bravo aux courageux et courageuses !).
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 24, 2022
This work focuses on ongoing research within the EU-funded EnerMan project aiming at improving th... more This work focuses on ongoing research within the EU-funded EnerMan project aiming at improving the energy efficiency of manufacturing systems. Industrial use cases are generally too constrained to easily proceed to the verification and validation (V&V) of the scientific approaches tackling their challenges. In this context, we propose an ontology-based framework with a methodology assessing the scalability of heterogeneous systems, environments, and missions in a V&V context. Indeed, projecting these industrial and laboratory applications onto a meaningful ontology allows them to be flattened out to the same scale from a semantic point of view. Reasoning is used to evaluate the extent to which a given scientific approach can be verified on a laboratory use case different from the industrial scenario on which it has to be validated. The framework has been implemented using Protégé and Owlready2, and applied to a scientific approach focused on a blind source separation technique used to identify system operating modes in a black box manner, tested on a coffee machine and two industrial case studies (a vehicle testbed's heating ventilation and air conditioning system, and a chocolate production line).
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2011
National audienceLa démarche de conception d'un système mécatronique peut être abordée comme ... more National audienceLa démarche de conception d'un système mécatronique peut être abordée comme une déclinaison de l'ingénierie des systèmes avec ses spécificités. Dans son approche collaborative interdisciplinaire, la mécatronique nécessite :d'une part, de replacer la conception du produit dans son cycle de vie global ;d'autre part, de mettre en œuvre simultanément une collaboration interdisciplinaire, utilisant une démarche commune d'intégration.La spécificité de la conception de produits mécatroniques réside dans les différents niveaux d'intégration à mettre en œuvre : intégration fonctionnelle, multidomaine et physique, pour obtenir un produit avec une plus haute valeur ajoutée.Après avoir détaillé ces différentes notions, ce dossier présentera les bonnes pratiques à mettre en œuvre pour concevoir des produits mécatroniques.Un deuxième dossier décrira en détail le processus de conception des produits mécatroniques ainsi que les outils et méthodes associés
Human resource skills have a significant impact on the production systems performance and competi... more Human resource skills have a significant impact on the production systems performance and competitiveness of companies. In fact, many companies are aware of the human potential in their development, to improve their overall performance and to cope with global economic and technological changes. Hence the need for any company to assess its staff potential and to put into place relevant training plans becomes a crucial challenge, in order to meet its current and future needs. Employees’ competencies assessment includes all the activities related to the planning, monitoring, evaluation, recognition and development of individual work performance. In this paper, we present a method to evaluate the human performance based on the job and skills management, in order to improve industrial performance. This assessment relates to the analysis of the data and information gathered from surveys of employees working in a company’s cosmetic production departments.
Optimizing and predicting the energy consumption of industrial manufacturing can increase its cos... more Optimizing and predicting the energy consumption of industrial manufacturing can increase its cost efficiency. The interaction of different aspects and components is necessary. An overarching framework is currently still missing, and establishing such is the central research approach in this paper. This paper provides an overview of the current demands on the manufacturing industry from the perspective of digitalization and sustainability. On the basis of the developed fundamentals and parameters, a superordinate framework is proposed that allows the modelling and simulation of energy-specific properties on several product and process levels. A detailed description of the individual methods concludes this work and demonstrates their application potential in an industrial context. As a result, this integrated conceptual framework offers the possibility of optimizing the production system, in relation to different energy flexibility criteria.
2020 21st International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), 2020
To meet the increasingly personalized and unpredictable demand experienced by manufacturing indus... more To meet the increasingly personalized and unpredictable demand experienced by manufacturing industry, we propose a Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach to support the development of more flexible manufacturing systems in an Industry 4.0 context. The final purpose of this research work is the design of a decision-making system, based on three solutions (scheduling optimization, Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems) coupled with real time data to satisfy an increasingly changing demand. These alternatives will depend on both the desired flexibility dimensions and the relevant associated criteria. This approach is then applied to a perfume production case study.
For mechatronic design, physical integration of components is both: a challenge for compactness, ... more For mechatronic design, physical integration of components is both: a challenge for compactness, and also a critical element since it can cause harmful multi-physical couplings. So a SysML profile is proposed to take into account geometrical specifications since the emergence of physical architectures of mechatronic system design. This additional information allows to calculate geometrical metrics on different possible architectures or to specify geometrical constraints for relative positioning of components. I.
2017 IEEE International Systems Engineering Symposium (ISSE), 2017
System engineering is an approach that allows to manage complex multi-physical constraints occurr... more System engineering is an approach that allows to manage complex multi-physical constraints occurring in mechatronic systems. During the conceptual design phase, the choice of a concept is critical, as it has to ensure that a corresponding 3D physical architecture fulfills thermal, EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility) and dynamic requirements. This paper first focuses on the state-of-the-art of existing methods and tools regarding concept architecture assessment in a multidisciplinary context. The current disciplinary expert processes and corresponding expectations are presented, based on industrial surveys. Then the specifications of the SAMOS (Spatial Architecture based on Multi-physics and Organization of Systems) MBSE approach extension are detailed. This extension aims at evaluating a 3D concept architecture under multi- physical constraints. Finally, the corresponding multi-physical 3D sketcher framework development roadmap is described.
2019 20th International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM)
Project-based learning (PBL) is an active learning concept to bring learners to higher levels of ... more Project-based learning (PBL) is an active learning concept to bring learners to higher levels of learning. In this paper, we present a case of project-based learning course given to mechatronic students in Supméca-Paris. The objective of the course is to involve mechatronic students in business innovation based on the design of new mechatronic products. After giving some details about the course organization and the engineering activities, we present the acquired skills and some recommendations to carry out efficiently such approach.
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE), 2020
Traditional design processes must adapt to new industrial challenges, to the rapid evolution of t... more Traditional design processes must adapt to new industrial challenges, to the rapid evolution of technologies and the resulting complexity of systems. Today's industry, particularly in the field of mechatronics, must design and develop ever more innovative products while reducing time-to-market in order to maintain a competitive edge. As late changes during the realization and detailed design phases lead to a considerable increase in costs and design time, it is necessary to introduce more flexibility during the development process. The agile approach has already proven successful in the design of software system and offer many benefits, as it aims to limit the rigidity of the specifications, interfaces and organization, and to involve in a more flexible way the different actors, customers, specifiers and partners. In this context, we propose a MBSE approach to identify the set of requirements related both to the mechatronic product development and to the dynamic market, companies and current new trends, in order to define the SCRUM++ framework key concepts that aim to meet previous requirements, by supporting agile hybridization methods.
La conception de systèmes mécatroniques fait apparaître deux spécificités fondamentales : l'a... more La conception de systèmes mécatroniques fait apparaître deux spécificités fondamentales : l'approche multi-niveau et l'aspect multi-domaine. Ces deux points impliquent que de nombreux modèles vont être développés, échangés, modifiés, hiérarchisés, sélectionnés, avant l'aboutissement à un prototype virtuel réaliste du système à concevoir. Or, il est souvent difficile pour les concepteurs de choisir, à chaque étape du processus de conception des produits mécatroniques, les meilleurs modèles à valider. Pour répondre à ce besoin, des objectifs « haut-niveau » (robustesse, coût, fiabilité, intégration…), doivent d'abord être définis, puis traduits en critères mathématiques. Puis, les métriques permettront de quantifier (au travers de ces critères) les performances des modèles par rapport aux objectifs fixés, pour justifier les choix des concepteurs, capitaliser un savoir-faire et avoir une traçabilité de la conception. Notre première approche est de s'appuyer sur l...
2018 Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2018
New adaptive complex systems are required in order to tackle Industry 4.0 challenges. These Indus... more New adaptive complex systems are required in order to tackle Industry 4.0 challenges. These Industry 4.0 compliant systems (Cyber Physical Production System) will mainly rely on mechatronics and CPS (Cyber-Physical Systems) concepts. Thus, it is important to have a better understanding of the available synergies between these three concepts, the main goal being the adaptability of manufacturing systems related to the variability of new innovative manufactured products. In this paper, a CPPS conjoint design process based on mechatronic systems and CPS is proposed. In order to better design such complex manufacturing systems, a conjoint design process encompassing the design of the innovative product and its manufacturing system is developed.
2020 4th International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies (IC_ASET), 2020
The Industry 4.0 highlights the integration of new Information Technologies in industrial compani... more The Industry 4.0 highlights the integration of new Information Technologies in industrial companies. Regarding the production field, automation controller components have a critical role to play. Indeed, one of the latest is to use the virtual commissioning approach to validate the complete operation of the systems before they materialize in the physical environment. The aim of this paper is to develop a real time communication interface between Dymola software and the physical B&R automation controller (PLC) using Modelica _ DeviceDriver library for a virtual commissioning of a real perfume production line.
2018 IEEE International Systems Engineering Symposium (ISSE), 2018
The multidisciplinary collaboration can be efficiently supported by the Model-Based Systems Engin... more The multidisciplinary collaboration can be efficiently supported by the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach. However, even if the MBSE approach presents a brilliant method of development of complete architectures, this approach does not avoid system defects during or after the development process. In this paper, we describe the benefits to integrate agile methods into MBSE approaches and we propose in particular to introduce the Agile Scrum method in a MBSE design methodology for multidisciplinary systems.
Nowadays, simulation technologies are becoming indispensable to support the design process, and n... more Nowadays, simulation technologies are becoming indispensable to support the design process, and notably during the verification and optimization phases. However, when building a simulation architecture that has to provide the systems architects with answers, simulations architects have to correctly specify the corresponding models required. In a MBSE concept, we propose to extend the concept of model of intention, to verify the specification of these models, to model suppliers by providing them with a Model Request Package. Models of Intention will allow an executable verification of the simulation architecture before the integration of the final models of realization.
Papers by olivia PENAS