Thesis Chapters by Williams Mathias

Status quo bias , 2023
The research was conducted to assess the performance of public sector procurement in the Sunyani ... more The research was conducted to assess the performance of public sector procurement in the Sunyani municipal. The study was based on the core objectives; to identify the challenges facing procurement sustainability, and to assess the effects of status quo bias on procurement sustainability. The study adopted a descriptive study design with a simple random sampling technique in sampling total sample size of 100 respondents (four selected procurement entities, twenty-five from each procurement firm or entity). A quantitative data analysis method was used with the aid of Statistical Product for Service Solution (SPSS) version 23.0. The outcome of the study found that majority of the respondents disagreed to the statements such as how goods bought would be disposed-off and procurement of goods and services are done without any hindrances with high mean score values of 3.74 and 3.54 as performance of the public sector in procurement of goods and services. The findings however discovered that majority of the respondents agreed to the statements such as the department / unit do get it supplies regularly when it requests from stores, we do comply with the rules and regulations regarding procurement processes and there is a long process in the procurement of goods and services at the department/unit as performance of the public sector in procurement of goods and services. The research revealed several challenges that are faced by public sector when procuring sustainable goods and services as local politicians influence our procurement of goods and services, we are faced with conflict of interest, politicians force for award of procurement contract to their favorites. The study revealed that, status quos bias has impacts on investor decisions on procurement and also affects procurement planning, status quos bias affects our confidence in procurement goods and services, status quo bias cause representative bias, status quo bias affects selection of goods and services, status quo bias affects value for money as the effects of status quo bias on procurement sustainability. The study therefore recommends that procurement professionals must comply with the public procurement laws and other regulations to improve procurement performance.
contributions, consistent love and support that gave us the strength to continue surging forward ... more contributions, consistent love and support that gave us the strength to continue surging forward even in times of hardship and difficulty. We really appreciate it and love you all. May God richly bless you all.
Papers by Williams Mathias

Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2021
Frequent visits to livestock farms for cleaning, feed and water distribution are possible ways of... more Frequent visits to livestock farms for cleaning, feed and water distribution are possible ways of spreading viruses and bacteria. An automatic feed distribution and water management system can significantly reduce the workload by helping to control transmissible animal diseases. To this end, an automatic solar-powered module for feed and water distribution, sanitation management, and communication via the global mobile communications system and the internet through a web application has been developed for livestock farms. This module consists of an Arduino Mega board, water and feed level sensors, a "Reel Time Clock", relay modules, an LCD screen, a "Global System for Mobile Communications" module and a web application. Initial testing of the prototype revealed a minimum efficiency of 83.33% for all units. Field and laboratory tests indicated that the module is capable of communicating with the farmer 1 to 3 seconds after completion of each task. It was conclude...
Thesis Chapters by Williams Mathias
Papers by Williams Mathias