? ?
23 December 2010 @ 09:07 pm
Hello there gentle viewers! I will be your new moderator here at sunnydalestamps! I have already made my way through, sorting out the missing tags and giving the community a new layout! I hope that we will get this place back up and running in no time.

I will be updating the themed stamps soon!

Please vote on these applications!

Go promote! sunnydalestamps sunnydalestamps sunnydalestamps sunnydalestamps sunnydalestamps sunnydalestamps sunnydalestamps sunnydalestamps.

Entries will be moderated & members only from now on.
30 September 2008 @ 06:18 pm
out for a walk bitchCollapse )
Current Mood: sillysilly
26 August 2008 @ 06:26 pm
'I think I'm gonna kill you just a little bit more than usualCollapse )
Current Mood: okayokay
Current Music: alkaine trio - sadie