Papers by Roman Moskalenko

Mìžnarodnij endokrinologìčnij žurnal, Oct 30, 2023
plays an important role in the formation of transitional states: from normal to pathology and in ... more plays an important role in the formation of transitional states: from normal to pathology and in the transformation of pathological processes from one stage to another. In modern urological practice, the substance triptorelin is widely used for androgen deprivation therapy, according to the recommendations of the European Association of Urology. Ki67, a commercially available monoclonal antibody that reacts with a nuclear antigen detected only in proliferating cells, is used to assess immunohistochemical changes. CD68 is a valuable cytochemical marker for immunostaining of monocytes/macrophages during histochemical analysis of tissues in inflammation, cancer and other immunohistopathological purposes. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the proliferative activity and differentiation of progenitor cells through the expression of Ki67 and CD68+ monocyte sprouting of RBM under chemical castration of central origin in male rats caused by the administration of triptorelin solution with quercetin addition to the diet for one year. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 60 adult male white rats. They were divided into 3 groups: group I - control (n = 10), group II (n = 25) - subcutaneous injection of triptorelin, group III (n = 25)subcutaneous injection of triptorelin acetate and quercetin. Immunohistochemical analysis of biopsy specimens was conducted following a standard protocol at the Department of Pathological Anatomy in Sumy State University, under the supervision of the Head of the Department, Prof. Romaniuk A.M. Results. The study evaluated Ki67 expression on microsections of rat red bone marrow through immunohistochemistry, which exclusively reacted with nuclear antigen in the monocyte sprout's proliferating cells. Irregular changes were revealed depending on the experimental groups and time periods. Immunohistochemical analysis of RBM tissue using anti-CD68 antibodies in the experimental groups revealed a strong positive cytoplasmic response in monocytes and resident macrophages located in the monocyte sprout and surrounding environment. The data of the two experimental groups of RBM had a noticeable proliferating compartment, as evidenced by the high content of mitotically active DNA in them. These data correspond to the results obtained in the experiment with triptorelin, where we found a marked positivity of Ki67, depending on the timing of the experiment and the addition of the flavonoid quercetin. This discrepancy suggests that bone marrow cells that grow and proliferate under normal conditions are guided by natural control mechanisms and may lose their Ki67 expression after leaving the progenitor compartment and entering the differentiation compartment. Conclusions. Triptorelin administration induces hormonal imbalance in the hypothalamus-pituitary-testis-RBM system, resulting in quantitative and qualitative alterations in the cells of the RBM monocytic lineage. The level of cell proliferation, as measured by Ki67, is highest during the third month of observation. Cytoplasmic expression of CD68 is evident in two experimental groups from the third to the sixth month, suggesting activation of immunoreactive cells as they migrate from the progenitor compartment to the differentiation compartment.

Shìdnoukraïnsʹkij medičnij žurnal, Jun 28, 2019
This review is devoted to the topical issue of modern medicinethe molecular mechanisms and factor... more This review is devoted to the topical issue of modern medicinethe molecular mechanisms and factors for the development of bone metastases of malignant tumors, in particular prostate cancer. The recent publication on the formation and progression of prostate cancer bone metastases were analyzed in this study. The expression of some molecular markers in tumor and metastatic tissue and their role in tumor progression were also analyzed in this study. A common concept for the development of specific metastases is a seed and soil theory. According to this concept, circulating cancer cells recognize some organs as the optimal microenvironment for their development. However, the molecular mechanisms of this phenomenon remain unknown. Molecular and genetic features of the androgen receptors expression in the tumor and their role in metastatic tissue were summarized and compared in this study. We also demonstrated the effect of these receptors on the development of osteoblastic metastases and castration-resistant prostate cancer. Authors analyzed and summarized data about the role of p53 protein, Bax and activated caspase 3 in apoptosis, mechanisms of neoangiogenesis and remodeling of tumor connective tissue with matrix metalloproteinase 1, the presence of collagen type I and osteonectin in neoplastic tissues and the role of inflammation in metastasis development. Functions of heat shock proteins with molecular masses of 70 and 90 kDa and their role in tumor and metastatic tissue were also analyzed. Thus, the study complements and summarizes the data on the development of bone metastases of prostate cancer. The study analyzed the molecular characteristics of prostate cancer during its metastatic spread.
Вступ. Рак грудної залози (РГЗ) являється однією з актуальних проблем системи охорони здоров'я, н... more Вступ. Рак грудної залози (РГЗ) являється однією з актуальних проблем системи охорони здоров'я, не тільки в Україні, але й у всьому світі. РГЗ має тенденцію до збільшення з кожним роком, що викликає велику зацікавленість у науковців, щодо дослідження даної проблеми та шляхи її вирішення.

Shìdnoukraïnsʹkij medičnij žurnal, 2022
Introduction. Microcalcifications in breast tissue are an important marker of the tumor process a... more Introduction. Microcalcifications in breast tissue are an important marker of the tumor process and are crucial for early diagnosis of this pathology. Detection of microcalcifications in the breast gland using mammography is of great importance in the diagnosis of breast cancer (BC), especially in the early stages. The presence of microcalcifications in the mammary gland indicates a worse prognosis, mainly due to a higher frequency of lymph node invasion and rapid metastasis. The objective of the paper is the bibliometric analysis and research of data on the pathomorphological characteristics of breast cancer with biomineralization. Materials and methods. The authors searched for information on BC in electronic databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar using key terms such as "breast cancer," "calcification," "microcalcifications". For bibliometric analysis, we used SciVal (Scopus) online platform for monitoring and analyzing international scientific research using visualization tools and modern citation metrics and VOSviewer tool for building and visualizing bibliometric networks. Results. The presence of microcalcifications in the mammary gland correlates with a worse prognosis, especially due to a higher frequency of lymph node invasion and rapid metastasis. It is important to distinguish microcalcifications by type and origin, as they can be an indicator of differential diagnosis of the pathological process in the tissue of the gastrointestinal tract, namely, benign and malignant pathology. We performed a bibliometric analysis of the scientific sources of the Scopus database, which included 924 publications. The main keywords for the bibliometric analysis were "breast cancer", "calcification", "microcalcifications". The results of the analysis indicated that the number of publications on the specified subject had increased over the past 10 years, which showed the relevance of the problem among scientists. Among the most interesting areas, we singled out the papers devoted to the classification of breast cancers, early diagnosis of breast cancer, and classification of biomineral deposits.
2022 IEEE 12th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP), Sep 11, 2022

Резюме. Статья посвящена исследованию особенностей медицинского патологоанатомического дискурса к... more Резюме. Статья посвящена исследованию особенностей медицинского патологоанатомического дискурса как связной речи и как языкового коррелята медицинской практики с учётом анализа его стратегий и тактик. Цель работы -дать многоаспектный анализ речевых стратегий и тактик патологоанатомического дискурса и способов их реализации. К основным стратегиям патологоанатомического варианта медицинского дискурса относятся предваряющая, диагностирующая и объясняющая. Вспомогательными стратегиями являются прагматическая, диалоговая и риторическая. Прагматическая стратегия реализуется при помощи контактоустанавливающих тактик, диалоговая -при помощи контролирующих тактик, риторическая -при помощи тактики коррекции внимания. Вышеуказанные тактики и стратегии используются при выделении основных, тесно связанных между собой стратегий: "контакт стратегия" (налаживание контакта c родственниками пациента -фатические реплики приветствия и обращения) и "стратегия объяснения" (используется в практике патолога для подробного объяснения причин смерти пациента). Рассматривается этический аспект речевого поведения врача-патологоанатома.
Міністерство освіти та науки, молоді та спорту України Міністерство охорони здоров'я Сумський дер... more Міністерство освіти та науки, молоді та спорту України Міністерство охорони здоров'я Сумський державний університет Медичний інституту АКТУАЛЬНІ ПИТАННЯ ТЕРЕТИЧНОЇ ТА ПРАКТИЧНОЇ МЕДИЦИНИ Topical Issues of Clinical and Theoretical Medicine Збірник тез доповідей ІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції Студентів та молодих вчених (Суми, 23-24 квітня 2015 року) Суми Сумський державний університет 2015

Objective: To determine prognostic criteria for pituitary adenoma depending on hormone production... more Objective: To determine prognostic criteria for pituitary adenoma depending on hormone production. We studied the hormonal state and Ki-67 prolifirative index in 142 patients with pituitary adenomas. MRI was used to estimate the tumour size and to monitor its growth. Tumours exceeding 10 mm in size were defined as macroadenomas, and those smaller than or equal to 10 mm as microadenomas. Immunohistochemical staining was carried out with anti-bodies against Ki-67 and 6 pituitary honnones. Results: Macroadenomas were mainly mammosomatotropinomas or gonadotropinomas with tumour with invasive growth and recurrence. Proliferative activities of micro-and macroadenomas were not significantly different. The average size of recurrent adenomas was 29 ± 12 mm (the nonrecurrent ones were 17,6± 10 mm, p< 0,001), their proliferative activities did not differ. The proliferative activity of invasive adenomas was significantly higher than in non-invasive. Gonadotropinomas were more often recurrent and demonstrated invasive growth without clinical signs of hormonal hypersecretion. Our study showed that the most part of gonadotropinomas did not have any clinical signs. In all the cases they were macroadenomas and often recurrent. The tumour proliferative activity more than 2,6 % can be used as a prognostic criterion only for gonadotropinomas.
Arkhiv patologii, 2019
Представлены современные данные литературы о взаимосвязи и патогенетических механизмах влияния жи... more Представлены современные данные литературы о взаимосвязи и патогенетических механизмах влияния жировой ткани на канцерогенез колоректального рака (КРР). Рассматриваются аспекты изменения жировой ткани и микроокружения самой опухоли, в том числе под влиянием биологически активных веществ, выделяемых адипоцитами; отличия подкожного и висцерального жира и их значение в становлении и прогрессировании КРР, а также роль стволовых клеток жировой ткани. Понимание данных механизмов влияния жировой ткани на КРР поможет не только профилактике данного заболевания, но и поиску новых терапевтических мишеней.
Objective: To determine the histogenesis of the urinary bladder (UB) neoplasia under suspected ri... more Objective: To determine the histogenesis of the urinary bladder (UB) neoplasia under suspected risk of multifocal pathology

Стаття присвячена дослідженню імуногістохімічних особливостей раку яєчників з патологічною біомін... more Стаття присвячена дослідженню імуногістохімічних особливостей раку яєчників з патологічною біомінералізацією, оскільки рак яєчників є найпоширенішим онкогінекологічним захворюванням, а кальцифікація пухлинної тканини є однією з клінічних особливостей прояву цієї патології. На основі проведених досліджень було встановлено достовірно вищу експресію OPN (p < 0.001) та нижчу експресію SPARC (p < 0.01) у тканині раку яєчників з патологічною біомінералізацією. Аналіз отриманих результатів експресії OPG та RANKL не виявив достовірної різниці між групою І та ІІ. Також рівень експресії СD68 достовірно не відрізнявся в обох групах, що показує відсутність впливу кальцифікації на цей показник. Водночас експресія Сasp3 у групі раку яєчників з патологічною біомінералізацією була вищою (p < 0.05). Цей факт може свідчити про стимулювальний вплив біомінеральних депозитів на інтенсивність апоптозу у пухлинній тканині. Цей феномен заслуговує на подальше більш детальне вивчення. Ключові слова: рак яєчників, імуногістохімічне дослідження, маркери, каспаза-3, СD68.
Likars'ka sprava / Ministerstvo okhorony zdorov'ia Ukraïny, Mar 24, 2012

Shìdnoukraïnsʹkij medičnij žurnal, Dec 31, 2022
Among all malignant neoplasms, lung cancer is the cause of death in approximately every fifth pat... more Among all malignant neoplasms, lung cancer is the cause of death in approximately every fifth patient. Next-generation sequencing can solve the issue of not only diagnosis but also the further treatment of lung cancer. Aim. The work aims to search, process, generalize and bibliometrically analyze the scientific literature to study the main trends in next-generation sequencing in diagnosing non-small cell lung cancer. Materials and methods. One thousand nine hundred thirty-one literature sources, including information about next-generation sequencing, were published between 2010 and 2023. The data search was carried out in electronic databases Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar using keywords: "lung cancer," "nextgeneration sequencing," "targeted therapy," "genetic mutations," "circulating tumor DNA," and "liquid biopsy." The authors used the bibliometric tools of the Scopus and SciVal databases to analyze the year, source, type of study, subject area, and country of publication. Results and discussion. Next-generation sequencing is gradually becoming the new diagnostic standard. This technology allows to detect biological markers with high accuracy and specificity. Many studies have confirmed the effectiveness of next-generation sequencing for diagnosing lung cancer, assessing response to treatment and sensitivity to drug therapy, and predicting the prognosis of the disease. Lung cancer is one of the most common tumors with a high mutational load. Unique diagnostic panels allow for a short period to examine tumor tissue for a wide range of biological markers. The article aims to investigate the main areas of application of nextgeneration sequencing in patients with lung cancer and current clinical trials in this field. The bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature consisted of the study of publication activity from 2010 to 2023, the geography of publications, and the identification of scientific journals 214
Likarska sprava
Стаття присвячена особливостям діагностики та лікування хвороби Делафуа. Наведено клінічну характ... more Стаття присвячена особливостям діагностики та лікування хвороби Делафуа. Наведено клінічну характеристику шістьох випадків даної патології. Описано морфологічні особливості виразки Делафуа. Проаналізовано один летальний випадок захворювання.

Shìdnoukraïnsʹkij medičnij žurnal, 2021
Treatment of patients with thyroid cancer (TС) with clinically undetected metastases to regional ... more Treatment of patients with thyroid cancer (TС) with clinically undetected metastases to regional lymph nodes remains an unsolved problem of modern oncology. The search for reliable diagnostic methods, which underlie the decision to perform an adequate lymphadenectomy for TC, is one of the priorities of oncosurgery. The aim of the research: to find an effective method of intraoperative contrasting of sentinel lymph nodes (SLN) in patients with TC using toluidine blue and to evaluate its effectiveness. Methods. A study of 123 patients with TC who underwent surgical treatment using the contrast-visual method in the amount of thyroidectomy with central and bilateral selective cervical lymph node dissection (levels VI; IIA; III; IV). During surgery, a 1% solution of toluidine blue was injected into the tumor using a syringe. Surgical treatment was performed in two stages. At the first stagethyroidectomy was performed in a block with a central lymphatic collector of the neck (level IV), which included removal of paratracheal, prelaryngeal, parathyroid tissue of the neck. Urgent intraoperative histological examination of thyroid tumor and distant SLN was performed. In the second stage of the operation performed cervical lymph node dissection with removal of fiber IIA; III; IV levels of the neck, with mandatory revision of the level of VB. After the operation, the final histological examination of the removed specimen with the tumor and all lymph nodes was performed. Results. After the application contrasting technique, SLN were found in 120 (97.6%) patients. Their number varied from 2 to 12. These lymph nodes were mainly localized in the central collector of the neck on the side of the primary tumor (central, ipsilateral SLN) in 91 (75.8%) patients. Based on the results of an intraoperative study of SLN, metastases were found in 33 (27.5%) of 120 patients. In most cases (83.3%) SLNs were detected in the central lymphatic collector of the neck (level VI). In 76 (63.3%) patients, staining of the lymph nodes of the III level of the neck (middle ipsilateral jugular lymphatic collector) occurred, in 11 (9.2%) SLNs were found only at levels III, IV and VB of the neck. Very rarely (5.8%), the lymph nodes of the anterior-superior mediastinum were contrasted. Conclusions. The method of contrast visualization of the regional collector in patients with TC using a 1% solution of toluidine blue is a 401
Papers by Roman Moskalenko