Papers by Anatoliy Lozovyy

Introduction. In style karate, the kata is an essential and integral
part of the long-term proce... more Introduction. In style karate, the kata is an essential and integral
part of the long-term process of achieving mastery. The mission of
the kata is to ensure gradual, systematic, and reliable mastery of
karate by the criteria laid down in its creation. However, in recent
years, the paradigm of karate has shifted towards sports, and kata
has become a subject of competition. In sport karate, the
competition rules and judging logic are aimed at determining the
winner as of today and, therefore, do not take into account the
traditional structure of long-term training and the stage of training a
particular athlete. In order to be competitive, an athlete is forced to
move away from the traditional structure of learning kata, which is
expressed in – narrow specialization exclusively in kata; violation
of the order of learning kata, and emphasis on “competitive” kata at
the expense of others; reduction of the time and volume of essential
technical work in favor of exceptional sports work; acceleration of
the pace of development of specific physical and psychological
indicators. It breaks the traditionally formed training structure and
reduces the quality and reliability of mastering karate as a
combat system

Abstract book. 13th International Conference of IMACSSS & 5th GSMACC 2024 , 2024
This analytica1 study is devoted to the rоlе and significance of Gепеrаl karate in protecting Jap... more This analytica1 study is devoted to the rоlе and significance of Gепеrаl karate in protecting Japanese karate in the mоdеrп West from two threats to its authenticity: 1) complete transformation into а typical Western sport, 2) primitivization and complete loss of features of the fighting system. Summarizing the results of previous studies and relying оп mапу years of practical experience, the аuthоr concludes that General Karate сап Ьесоmе а сощрrоmisе in the competition for influence in Western society between the two paradigms of modern karate: Budo and Sport. In 1993, the IOC recognized General karate as one of the sports disciplines of karate that meet the Olympic requirements. This recognition makes General karate an authoritative рlаtfоrm where апу karate style сап meet the need for high-level competition without losing its identity, changing the overall training strategy, and compromising its philosophical principles. On the оthеr hand, General karate creates conditions for the newly created styles and schools of karate, authentic оr marginal, to сопfirm the reality of thеir declared advantages Ьу comparison in direct competitions with classical styles.

Фізичне виховання, спорт і культура здоровʼя у сучасному суспільстві, Dec 31, 2021
Актуальность. В современном мире существует большое количество разнообразных боевых систем, стиле... more Актуальность. В современном мире существует большое количество разнообразных боевых систем, стилей, школ и организаций, в той или иной степени связаных с каратэ, однако отсутствуют их систематизация и классификация, которая бы стала основой для разработки унифицированных программ неформального образования для современных форм каратэ. Цель и методы исследования. Цель исследования – систематизация ныне существующих форм каратэ на базе более глубокого и всестороннего определения изначальной сущности каждой из форм современного каратэ с использованием цивилизационно-исторического подхода, что включает: а) изучение влияния цивилизационных, исторических и социальных факторов как системо образующих для различных форм каратэ; б) сравнение исторических форм каратэ с точки зрения отнесения их к различным учебным секторам европейской академии EurEthICS ETSIA. В работе использована теория локальных цивилизаций применительно к предложенной ранее собственной классификации боевых систем. В результате исследования рассматривается современное каратэ в трех разных парадигмах: 1) Будзюцу – совокупность воинских умений; 2) Будо – японская система военизированного воспитания; 3) спорт – каратэ как спортивное единоборство, к которым могут быть отнесены пять исторических форм каратэ: Будзюцу; традиционные рю; стилевое (Будо) каратэ; генеральное каратэ; спортивное каратэ. Определяются принципиальные различия между ними, как основание для создания отдельных учебных программ. Выводы. Предложенная систематика может быть основой для универсальных программ обучения экспертов для каждой формы каратэ, а также валидации результатов неформального профессионального образования в соответствующих учебных секторах EurEthICS ETSIA.
The study puts forward a hypothesis about the risks of reputational losses for karate as a well-k... more The study puts forward a hypothesis about the risks of reputational losses for karate as a well-known brand as a result of using the strategy of marketing brand-mimicry in the context of different paradigms of interpretation of modern karate.
The study puts forward a hypothesis about the risks of reputational losses for karate as a well-k... more The study puts forward a hypothesis about the risks of reputational losses for karate as a well-known brand as a result of using the strategy of marketing brand-mimicry in the context of different paradigms of interpretation of modern karate.
Keywords: Budo karate, sports karate, globalization, commodification, brand mimicry

Theory and practice of physical culture and sports, Nov 30, 2022
Abstract. Relevance of the research topic. Education reform envisages the development of non-form... more Abstract. Relevance of the research topic. Education reform envisages the development of non-formal vocational training in Ukraine and the formation of a structure for the validation of non-formal education outcomes. However, the preparation of curricula, assessment standards and non-formal education providers is already relevant. Purpose and research methods. The purpose of the study is to determine the possibilities of the national style karate federation as a potential provider of non-formal vocational education in Ukraine. The subject of consideration were the status, internal regulations, training and certification programs of the a typical style karate federation. The characteristics of the association were assessed in accordance with the European Union recommendations and the requirements of the national education system. Results of work and conclusions. Style karate was formed in the paradigm of Budo - the system of education and training of youth by means of traditional combat systems. Curricula are designed for a long multi-year process and are structured for different qualification levels. This creates good preconditions for the implementation of European programs: lifelong learning; adult education, vocational training in the workplace, dual education and adaptation to the EQF / NQF structure. IKA Gosoku Ryu Budo-Ukraine can already autonomously carry out effective activities on the validation at the stages of identification and documentation and be certified as a provider of non-formal learning in style karate and a stakeholder in dual education. Keywords: karate Gosoku Ryu, educational program, certification, validation, non-formal education provider.

Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences
Background: Nowadays, many karate organizations hold their own competitions at various levels, up... more Background: Nowadays, many karate organizations hold their own competitions at various levels, up to and including the world championships. They are positioned as separate sports, although the content, rules and regulations of many of them differ only in details. A large number of similar sports versions of karate interfere with the correct understanding and objective assessment of karate in the modern world. Materials and Methods: Based on 40 years of practical experience in studying and teaching karate and on the results of his own research in 2019-2022, the author presents his point of view on the unification of sports versions of karate based on common systemic features into three separate sports. Like any sport, karate reflects the social phenomenon from which it originated. Using civilization-historical, functional and social approaches, the author suggests that the paradigm shifts in combat systems lead to the emergence of new forms that have deep systemic differences. Accord...

Background: Nowadays, many karate organizations hold their own competitions at various levels, up... more Background: Nowadays, many karate organizations hold their own competitions at various levels, up to and including the world championships. They are positioned as separate sports, although the content, rules and regulations of many of them differ only in details. A large number of similar sports versions of karate interfere with the correct understanding and objective assessment of karate in the modern world. Materials and Methods: Based on 40 years of practical experience in studying and teaching karate and on the results of his own research in 2019-2022, the author presents his point of view on the unification of sports versions of karate based on common systemic features into three separate sports. Like any sport, karate reflects the social phenomenon from which it originated. Using civilization-historical, functional and social approaches, the author suggests that the paradigm shifts in combat systems lead to the emergence of new forms that have deep systemic differences. Accordingly, these differences are also manifested in sports disciplines that have arisen on the basis of these forms. Results: Three forms of karate have a component with pronounced features of modern sport and form three systemically different competitive disciplines: 1) Style (Traditional) karate; 2) General karate; 3) Sports (Olympic) karate. The differences between them stem from the differences between the forms of karate from which they arose. Conclusions: Style, General and Sports karate are sports which require consideration in different paradigms. They are selfsufficient and equal in value and public demand.
The phenomenon of defense of Ukraine from the first days of the war had characteristic features t... more The phenomenon of defense of Ukraine from the first days of the war had characteristic features the release of powerful deep processes that were ripening inside the Ukrainian
society. This prompted the idea to consider it from the point of view of the theory
local civilizations and look for an answer in the classical works of followers
civilizational theory A. Toynbee and S. Huntington .

Physical education, sport and health culture in modern society, 2021
Актуальность. В современном мире существует большое количество разнообразных боевых систем, стиле... more Актуальность. В современном мире существует большое количество разнообразных боевых систем, стилей, школ и организаций, в той или иной степени связаных с каратэ, однако отсутствуют их систематизация и классификация, которая бы стала основой для разработки унифицированных программ неформального образования для современных форм каратэ. Цель и методы исследования. Цель исследования – систематизация ныне существующих форм каратэ на базе более глубокого и всестороннего определения изначальной сущности каждой из форм современного каратэ с использованием цивилизационно-исторического подхода, что включает: а) изучение влияния цивилизационных, исторических и социальных факторов как системо образующих для различных форм каратэ; б) сравнение исторических форм каратэ с точки зрения отнесения их к различным учебным секторам европейской академии EurEthICS ETSIA. В работе использована теория локальных цивилизаций применительно к предложенной ранее собственной классификации боевых систем. В результ...

Lozovyi, A., & Serhіienko V. (2021). Civilizational and Historical Aspects of Modern Karate. Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, (4(56), 10–18., Dec 31, 2021
Relevance. Nowadays there are many options for combat systems, styles, schools and organizations,... more Relevance. Nowadays there are many options for combat systems, styles, schools and organizations, which are associated with karate, but there is no systematization and classification of them, which would become the basis for the development of unified programs of non-formal education for modern forms of karate. Purpose and research methods. The aim of the study was the systematization of modern forms of karate on the basis of a deeper and more comprehensive definition of the initial essence of each of the forms of modern karate using a civilizational-historical approach, which includes: a) study of the influence of civilizational, historical and social factors as backbone for various forms of karate; b) comparison of historical forms of karate from the point of view of their attribution to different educational sectors of the European academy EurEthICS ETSIA. In this work, the theory of local civilizations was used in relation to our own classification of combat systems proposed by us earlier. Result of the research. Modern karate was considered in three different paradigms: 1) Bujutsu: a set of military skills; 2) Budo: the Japanese paramilitary education system; 3) sports: karate, as a combat sport, as well as in five historical forms: Bujutsu; traditional ryu; style (Budo) karate; general karate; sports karate. The fundamental differences between them are determined as the basis for the creation of separate educational programs. Conclusions. The proposed systematics can be the basis for universal training programs for experts for each form of karate, as well as validation of the results of non-formal vocational education in the relevant educational sectors of the EurEthICS ETSIA.
Papers by Anatoliy Lozovyy
part of the long-term process of achieving mastery. The mission of
the kata is to ensure gradual, systematic, and reliable mastery of
karate by the criteria laid down in its creation. However, in recent
years, the paradigm of karate has shifted towards sports, and kata
has become a subject of competition. In sport karate, the
competition rules and judging logic are aimed at determining the
winner as of today and, therefore, do not take into account the
traditional structure of long-term training and the stage of training a
particular athlete. In order to be competitive, an athlete is forced to
move away from the traditional structure of learning kata, which is
expressed in – narrow specialization exclusively in kata; violation
of the order of learning kata, and emphasis on “competitive” kata at
the expense of others; reduction of the time and volume of essential
technical work in favor of exceptional sports work; acceleration of
the pace of development of specific physical and psychological
indicators. It breaks the traditionally formed training structure and
reduces the quality and reliability of mastering karate as a
combat system
Keywords: Budo karate, sports karate, globalization, commodification, brand mimicry
society. This prompted the idea to consider it from the point of view of the theory
local civilizations and look for an answer in the classical works of followers
civilizational theory A. Toynbee and S. Huntington .
part of the long-term process of achieving mastery. The mission of
the kata is to ensure gradual, systematic, and reliable mastery of
karate by the criteria laid down in its creation. However, in recent
years, the paradigm of karate has shifted towards sports, and kata
has become a subject of competition. In sport karate, the
competition rules and judging logic are aimed at determining the
winner as of today and, therefore, do not take into account the
traditional structure of long-term training and the stage of training a
particular athlete. In order to be competitive, an athlete is forced to
move away from the traditional structure of learning kata, which is
expressed in – narrow specialization exclusively in kata; violation
of the order of learning kata, and emphasis on “competitive” kata at
the expense of others; reduction of the time and volume of essential
technical work in favor of exceptional sports work; acceleration of
the pace of development of specific physical and psychological
indicators. It breaks the traditionally formed training structure and
reduces the quality and reliability of mastering karate as a
combat system
Keywords: Budo karate, sports karate, globalization, commodification, brand mimicry
society. This prompted the idea to consider it from the point of view of the theory
local civilizations and look for an answer in the classical works of followers
civilizational theory A. Toynbee and S. Huntington .