Papers by Rico J . Baldegger
This paper examines the early internationalization process for a MedTech start-up in Boston. It i... more This paper examines the early internationalization process for a MedTech start-up in Boston. It investigates the specificity of the medical sector and sheds light on challenges arising when integrating an entrepreneurial ecosystem. It helps entrepreneurs understand which resources are crucial to succeed in a highly competitive market. Our results show the particularity of Boston as a platform of change if resources are adequately used by entrepreneurs. Findings demonstrate the importance of a network to overcome obstacles but also exposes the different perceptions of what entrepreneurs expect from a foreign ecosystem compared with what it actually has to offer. This paper presents an in-depth case study of a MedTech start-up looking to internationalize in Boston due to its reputation of being the region with the most to offer the medical device industry.

Wann, wo und wie man am besten internationalisiert ist für viele Schweizer Unternehmen auch heute... more Wann, wo und wie man am besten internationalisiert ist für viele Schweizer Unternehmen auch heute noch nicht vollends geklärt. Zwar profitiert die Schweiz von vielen Vorteilen, wie der hohen Produkt-und Servicequalität, der geographisch günstigen Lage zu mehreren bedeutenden Nachbarmärktensowie von der Sprachenvielfalt im Lande, doch können Internationalisierungsentscheidungen enorme und nicht immer profitable Komplexität mit sich bringen. Was daher richtig verstanden werden muss, ist der eigene Entscheidungsansatz bei der ersten und weiteren Internationalisierung. Internationale Märkte, Kunden und Technologien sind oft nur schwer deut-und vorhersagbar, da es hier viele unbekannte Faktoren sowie Dynamiken über die Zeit gibt. Doch kann man zumindest die eigeneEntscheidungslogik reflektieren, um auszuschließen, dass diese ungewollte Nebeneffekte mit sich bringt. Um hier Transparenz zu gewährleisten, wurden in der akademischen Entrepreneurship-Forschung zwei sich ergänzende Konzepte vorgeschlagen –Effectuation und Kausallogik– die bei Unternehmern in Situation von Unsicherheit Anwendung finden. Auch empirisch wurden diese Ansätze fundiert untersucht und bestätigt, nicht jedoch bis dato auf Schweizer Unternehmerin KMU, die erstmalig oder weiter internationalisieren wollen. Mit dieser Studie will die Hochschule für Wirtschaft Freiburg (HSW-FR) und insbesondere das Institut für Entrepreneurship & KMU einen Beitrag leisten, um Schweizerische KMUs in ihren Internationalisierungsbemühungen zu unterstützen, relevante Aspekte aufzuarbeiten und somit helfen, den Internationalisierungserfolg zu sichern. Für Rückfragen und weiteren Dialog stehen wir jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung

Journal of Entrepreneurship, Nov 1, 2022
This article aims to investigate the differences in entrepreneurship activity and entrepreneurshi... more This article aims to investigate the differences in entrepreneurship activity and entrepreneurship-related perceptions and intentions within Switzerland and to shed light on the explanations of those differences through a cultural context. Two possible divisions within the country that complement each other are used: the administrative division into seven NUTS2 regions and the division into language regions (German, French and Italian). The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor is used for entrepreneurship-related data and the European Social Survey for measuring societal values. The findings of this article show that higher perceptions about the possibilities to be successful in entrepreneurship or higher entrepreneurial intentions do not automatically lead to entrepreneurship. The analysis of societal values both across language regions and across NUTS2 regions in Switzerland shows that it is the pattern that matters, not the single values, and sometimes the combination of societal values and educational background determines entrepreneurship activity. Comparing the patterns and correlations across three language regions and across seven NUTS2 administrative regions in Switzerland shows that pronounced differences can be found across language regions. In a country with a high economic and human development level like Switzerland, most of the entrepreneurship is opportunity-driven and not necessity-driven.
Journal of the International Council for Small Business, Oct 13, 2022
While the benefits of a board of directors are well understood for more established firms,the rol... more While the benefits of a board of directors are well understood for more established firms,the role of the board for new ventures constitutes a particular challenge. A new venture’s board of directors is highly consequential for its most important strategic and personnel outcomes. Based on the observation of multiple board meetings and several interviews with board members, this article reflects on how organization and strategy influence new venture boards. It summarizes key findings and identifies the most important limitations. It also explains how new international venture boards are impacted by venture capitalists and lays out their distinctive nature. New insights on venture board composition, structure, process, and transition to public firm boards will be relevant to venture executives, investors, and directors
Journal of the International Council for Small Business, Dec 12, 2023
De Boeck Supérieur eBooks, Jun 1, 2016

Digitalization is playing an increasingly important role in the growth of small businesses and is... more Digitalization is playing an increasingly important role in the growth of small businesses and is leading to structural and strategic transformations. For micro-small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) which decide to engage internationally, the use of digital infrastructures presents new opportunities to succeed in foreign markets. This paper aims to jointly study research streams investigating the internationalization and digitalization of small businesses. Through a literature review, this article presents an overview of International Business theories and justifies the need to introduce the digital context in theoretical internationalization models. By linking these dimensions, the study demonstrates how digitalization impacts on international trade. It also highlights opportunities for MSME to define a new international value proposition through digital infrastructures. To conclude, the article discusses avenues for future research and managerial implications
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 30, 2020

Journal of the International Council for Small Business, Aug 2, 2022
The digital technologies that are emerging around the world are completely transforming the parad... more The digital technologies that are emerging around the world are completely transforming the paradigms of our economies, societies, and firms, including the new reality of international trade that is becoming connected. Although there are many opportunities to be built, traditional theories of business internationalization do not specifically address the pervasive effects of digital technologies. This article aims to jointly study digitalization and firm internationalization and proposes an overall conceptual process that links these dimensions through entrepreneurial behaviors of firms and entrepreneurs. This process demonstrates how the use of digital technologies impacts entrepreneurial behaviors and how this might shape new opportunities to enhance the propensity for internationalization of firms. It illustrates that the effective use of digital technologies depends to a large extent on the entrepreneurial behaviors of firms (with an entrepreneurial orientation) and of entrepreneurs (with their self-efficacy). These results provide new relevant practical value to practitioners and policy makers.

This paper contributes to existing research by integrating the notions of opportunity recognition... more This paper contributes to existing research by integrating the notions of opportunity recognition and international entrepreneurial orientation into the body of the new venture theory of internationalization. It helps to explain and understand which factors compel SMEs to take the fast track to internationalization or a stage-wise approach. A conceptual framework is developed that presents potential relationships between key concepts from the field of entrepreneurship on the one hand, and the degree of internationalization and performance of an internationalizing SME on the other. Our results suggest that internationalization may not just be the result of one or multiple push or pull factors, but that internationalization itself may significantly influence the international entrepreneurial orientation and the opportunity recognition capabilities of a firm. Consequently, internationalization may be seen as an independent variable, a fact that was largely neglected in past research on SME internationalization
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2020
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2016

Internationalization speed currently receives once again substantial attention in the internation... more Internationalization speed currently receives once again substantial attention in the internationalization literature. Internationalization speed already formed an integral part of the incremental approach to internationalization 40 years ago. It received center stage position in the more recent born global and international new venture debate. However, there are new developments in its conceptualization and operationalization approach. Our understanding of the multidimensional construct of internationalization speed is currently being detailed. Speed is not only explored as a byproduct of strategy or a dependent variable. It is turning into an independent variable. This quantitative study explores the financial and non-financial performance implications of internationalization speed based on the sample of Swiss SMEs and data gathered in 2016 with end of 2015 as the reference point for reporting. The results clarify that speed has indeed positive performance implications based on ROA figures, while no such significant positive impact was found for EBITDA. This paper also outlines how internationalization speed impacts seven non-financial, organizational performance based on multidimensional perceptions of CEOs. Statistical analysis showed that only some of these dimensions are positively affected, while overall no negative effect of a swift internationalization approach could be traced. In light of the absence of negative performance implications, companies should explore faster internationalization strategies
Papers by Rico J . Baldegger