Videos by Dmitry Zinoviev
Books by Dmitry Zinoviev
Make your good Python code even better by following proven and effective pythonic programming tip... more Make your good Python code even better by following proven and effective pythonic programming tips. Avoid logical errors that usually go undetected by Python linters and code formatters, such as frequent data look-ups in long lists, improper use of local and global variables, and mishandled user input. Discover rare language features, like rational numbers, set comprehensions, counters, and pickling, that may boost your productivity. Discover how to apply general programming patterns, including caching, in your Python code. Become a better-than-average Python programmer, and develop self-documented, maintainable, easy-to-understand programs that are fast to run and hard to break.
Reusing well-written, well-debugged, and well-tested code improves productivity, code quality, an... more Reusing well-written, well-debugged, and well-tested code improves productivity, code quality, and software configurability and relieves pressure on software developers. When you organize your code into self-contained modular units, you can use them as building blocks for your future projects and share them with other programmers, if needed. Understand the benefits and downsides of seven code reuse models so you can confidently reuse code at any development stage. Create static and dynamic libraries in C and Python, two of the most popular modern programming languages. Adapt your code for the real world: deploy shared functions remotely and build software that accesses them using remote procedure calls.

Kompromat" (the Russian word for "compromising material") has been efficiently used to harass Rus... more Kompromat" (the Russian word for "compromising material") has been efficiently used to harass Russian political and business elites since the days of the USSR. Online crowdsourcing projects such as "RuCompromat" made it possible to catalog and analyze kompromat using quantitative techniques-namely, social network analysis. In this paper, we constructed a social network of 11,000 Russian and foreign nationals affected by kompromat in Russia in 1991-2020. The network has an excellent modular structure with 62 dense communities. One community contains prominent American officials, politicians, and entrepreneurs (including President Donald Trump) and appears to concern Russia's controversial interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. Various network centrality measures identify seventeen most central kompromat figures, with President Vladimir Putin solidly at the top. We further reveal four types of communities dominated by entrepreneurs, politicians, bankers, and law enforcement officials ("siloviks"), the latter disjointed from the first three.

The Routledge Handbook of Service Research Insights and Ideas, 2020
The topic of service innovation (SI) attracts substantial interest among both service researchers... more The topic of service innovation (SI) attracts substantial interest among both service researchers and industrial practitioners. Drawing from network theory and complex network analysis methods, this chapter maps the conceptual structure of SI by detecting and delineating related themes and their interconnections. Based on subject terms collected from more than two thousand SI-related articles published in 786 scholarly journals during the years from 2003 to 2018, six SI clusters or domains are identified. Next, the critical concepts, typical research methods, and prominent industry contexts of each domain are identified and used to inform a multilevel SI conceptual framework. This chapter closes with a discussion on the proposed structural holes that imply novel, combinative research opportunities between otherwise disparate domains for future SI research.
Q1 What conspiratorial/pseudoscientific books/items are frequently purchased together?
Go from messy, unstructured artifacts stored in SQL and NoSQL databases to a neat, well-organized... more Go from messy, unstructured artifacts stored in SQL and NoSQL databases to a neat, well-organized dataset with this quick reference for the busy data scientist. Understand text mining, machine learning, and network analysis; process numeric data with the NumPy and Pandas modules; describe and analyze data using statistical and network-theoretical methods; and see actual examples of data analysis at work. This one-stop solution covers the essential data science you need in Python.
The issue of information diffusion in small-world social networks was first systematically brough... more The issue of information diffusion in small-world social networks was first systematically brought to light by Mark Granovetter in his seminal paper “The Strength of Weak Ties” in 1973 and has been an area of active academic studies in the past three decades. In this review, I discuss information proliferation mechanisms in massive online social networks (MOSNs—networks with thousands and millions of members). In particular, I address the following aspects of information diffusion processes: the role and the strategic position of influential spreaders of information; the pathways in the social networks that serve as conduits for communication and the flow of information; mathematical models describing the proliferation processes; short-term and longterm dynamics of information diffusion, and secrecy of information diffusion.
Papers by Dmitry Zinoviev
ArXiV Preprint, 2023
Elon Musk has long been known to significantly impact Wall Street through his controversial state... more Elon Musk has long been known to significantly impact Wall Street through his controversial statements and actions, particularly through his own use of social media. An innovator and visionary entrepreneur, Musk is often considered a poster boy for all entrepreneurs worldwide. It is, thus, interesting to examine the effect that Musk might have on Main Street, i.e., on the social media activity of other entrepreneurs. In this research, we study and quantify this "Musk Effect," i.e., the impact of Musk's recent and highly publicized acquisition of Twitter on the tweeting activity of entrepreneurs. Using a dataset consisting of 9.94 million actual tweets from 47,190 self-declared entrepreneurs from seven English-speaking countries (US,
A COOL-1 multiprocessor shared memory system based on superconductor Rapid Single-Flux Quantum (R... more A COOL-1 multiprocessor shared memory system based on superconductor Rapid Single-Flux Quantum (RSFQ) technology is being developed at SUNY (Stony Brook, USA) within the framework of the Hybrid Technology Multithreaded architecture (HTMT) petaflops project led by JPL. This paper describes a multithreading approach proposed in the COOL-I architecture and mechanisms to exploit the thread level parallelism in RSFQ processors called SPELL-1. Up to 128 fine-grain threads called (instruction) streams arranged in 16 groups of 8 streams each can run in parallel within a SPELL-1 processor. All eight streams comprising each COOL stream cluster can communicate and synchronize directly via shared registers. Fast creation and termination of streams including speculative stream execution are also supported.

Corr, Jun 28, 2010
One major function of social networks (e.g., massive online social networks) is the dissemination... more One major function of social networks (e.g., massive online social networks) is the dissemination of information such as scientific knowledge, news, and rumors. Information can be propagated by the users of the network via natural connections in written, oral or electronic form. The information passing from a sender to a receiver intrinsically involves both of them considering their self-perceived knowledge, reputation, and popularity, which further determine their decisions of whether or not to forward the information and whether or not to provide feedback. To understand such human aspects of the information dissemination, we propose a game theoretical model of the information forwarding and feedback mechanisms in a social network that take into account the personalities of the sender and the receiver (including their perceived knowledgeability, reputation, and desire for popularity) and the global characteristics of the network.
|Traditional micropipelines based on handshaking mechanisms are simple and reliable, but their th... more |Traditional micropipelines based on handshaking mechanisms are simple and reliable, but their throughput is limited by the round-trip ight time between two consecutive micropipeline stages. We propose an RSFQ implementation of a micropipeline with simple credit-based ow control that can hide the round-trip latency and signi cantly improve the throughput. In this paper, we present numerically calculated and experimentally measured throughput for several types of RSFQ credit-controlled micropipelines (including the special case of a micropipeline with only one credit), and their critical comparison.
Design and partial implementation of RSFQ-based Batcher-Banyan switch and support tools. Dmitry Y... more Design and partial implementation of RSFQ-based Batcher-Banyan switch and support tools. Dmitry Yurievich Zinoviev State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1997.
Page 1. RSFQ Pseudo Random Generator and Its Possible Applications Anna Yu. Kidiyarova-Shevchenko... more Page 1. RSFQ Pseudo Random Generator and Its Possible Applications Anna Yu. Kidiyarova-Shevchenko Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Vorobiyovy Gory, Moscow, Russia Dmitry Yu. Zinoviev Department ...
In this paper, I present the design and implementation of Clown--a simulator of a microprocessor-... more In this paper, I present the design and implementation of Clown--a simulator of a microprocessor-based computer system specifically optimized for teaching operating system courses at undergraduate or graduate levels. The package includes the simulator itself, as well as a collection of basic I/O devices, an assembler, a linker, and a disk formatter. The simulator architecturally resembles mainstream microprocessors from the Intel 80386 family, but is much easier to learn and program. The simulator is fast enough to be used as an emulator--in the direct user interaction mode.
This paper describes the results of a preliminaryanalysis of ultra-fast low-power superconductord... more This paper describes the results of a preliminaryanalysis of ultra-fast low-power superconductordigital switches based on Rapid Single-Flux-Quantum(RSFQ) technology. In particular, RSFQ-based crossbar,Batcher-banyan, and shared bus switching cores havebeen considered, and the possible parameters of these circuitshave been estimated. The results show that theproposed RSFQ digital switches with overall throughputof 7:5 T bps operating at an internal clock frequency of? 60
Videos by Dmitry Zinoviev
Books by Dmitry Zinoviev
Papers by Dmitry Zinoviev
The purpose of our study is to gain a broader understanding of how fraud is viewed in the compendium of academic literature. Using semantic network analysis method, we explore the structure of fraud-related research and analyze the internal connections among the current areas of interest for fraud researchers. We are particularly interested in the relationship between the mainstream financial accounting and audit research and the field of information systems and technology.
Our work makes a big stride toward the understanding of current state of fraud-related research. The interdisciplinary semantic map of keywords and subject terms helps understand the trends in fraud scholarship, identify gaps and propose directions for future research.