Papers by Mohammed abdelwahab sharaf eldeen

Cleaner Engineering and Technology , 2021
In this work, a novel system design of using geothermal well energy acting as a brine heater for... more In this work, a novel system design of using geothermal well energy acting as a brine heater for desalination purposes has been numerically developed and investigated. The system contains a pumping unit, nanofiltration, flash evaporation unit, and end condenser for condensation and freshwater production. The system aimed to pump the pre-treatment brine flow into the geothermal well (abandoned oil well) benefiting from its energy considering the well as an underground brine heater. It is anticipated by the geothermal well to increase the
brine temperature up to an optimized value (40–50 ◦C). A Flash evaporation tank has been used as a steam generator. The brine blowdown will be dumped into the sea. To prevent corrosion and tubes deterioration, the Nanofiltration system has been used as a pre-stage before pumping the saline flow into the geothermal well. Reducing the salinity gradient was considered an important issue during this study. The salt-free steam will be directly flowing towards the condenser unit for condensation and freshwater production. It is expected to be pro-
duce an amount of freshwater in the range of 500 to 1500m3/day. Results reveal that the total hourly costs are 1.185$/h and the total water price was in the range of 0.12$/m3 to 1.2$/m3 depending on the performance and salinity concentration of the Nanofiltration system.

International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, 2021
To resolve the limited transmission and complicated layout, the common parameter measurement and ... more To resolve the limited transmission and complicated layout, the common parameter measurement and control system of agricultural equipment use virtual instrument technology and embedded technology. The research results show that the wireless transmission data of the system is accurate and reliable. The linearity errors of acquisition divestiture (AD) and frequency counting (FI) channel measurements are only 0.38% and 0.006%, respectively, and the resolution is 0.01V and 1 Hz. This performance evaluation fully meets equipment detection in agricultural use. The system is integrated with various wireless transmission platforms, intelligent agricultural equipment, and computer wireless reception and processing. These parameters can significantly improve the automation level and quality of agricultural equipment.

Vibration analysis is generally used in the industries for condition monitoring of various electr... more Vibration analysis is generally used in the industries for condition monitoring of various electromechanical equipment. For the predictive maintenance of the industry equipment, several techniques have been applied which are based on capacitive and piezoelectric accelerometers. However, they possess several real time problems due to the negative influence of electromagnetic interference. The major problem lies in the detection and transmission of various physical parameters in the noisy and harsh environment. In order to solve the weak points of commonly used structural vibration detection sensors that are easily affected by the harsh environment of the engineering site, the principle of optical fiber sensing is studied, and the system optical path is designed based on MZ interference technology. In this work, a special data acquisition and processing software is developed to acquire the sensed data and the vibration detection is carried out on the steel cantilever structure pasted with fiber optic sensors. Extraction using FFT and pattern recognition through bp neural network yields the system accuracy rate of 96.7 %. The proposed interference type optical fiber technology provides a novel approach for real-time monitoring of engineering structure vibration laying the foundation for the research of intelligent buildings.

Modern Applied Science, 2019
Solar-Wind systems are growing as a vital option to power different types of membrane desalinatio... more Solar-Wind systems are growing as a vital option to power different types of membrane desalination processes. It is becoming very important to use renewable power sources because of zero emissions to the environment. In this work, solar photovoltaic (PV) system is used to power on the reverse osmosis (RO) desalination process. Meanwhile, Vertical Wind Turbine (VWT) system has been used as a recovery system during sun absence periods. Moreover, the possibilities to operate a hybrid system of PV-VWT combined with RO system has also investigated. The system is designed to desalinate a low rate of fresh water at a scale capacity of 0.1-1m3/day. The system is contained as a mobile unit which can be used to serve rural areas during safari and tourism travels in deserts with some features such as, compactness, stability, and ease of maintenance. The unit product cost (UPC, $/m3) is found in the range of 1.51$/m3.

To cite this article: Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean & A.M. Soliman (2013): A new visual library for mo... more To cite this article: Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean & A.M. Soliman (2013): A new visual library for modeling and simulation of renewable energy desalination systems (REDS), Desalination and Water Treatment, A B S T R A C T The recourse to renewable energy systems in general has become a reality. Thus, it has become very important for engineers to design and simulate such systems that serve the renewable desalination plants. A computer software package has been developed by the authors for design and simulation of renewable energy desalination systems (REDS). This was motivated by unavailability of such packages in the literature or on a commercial scale. Solar desalination systems, wind desalination systems, and geothermal desalination systems software libraries became affirmative parts of the main REDS software library. This library enables the user to construct different configurations by clicking the mouse over the required units (blocks). The interface aids designers, scientists, and operators to perform different analyses and calculations such as energy, exergy, cost, and thermoeconomics. Typical desalination processes such as a multi-stage flash, multi-effect distillation, and reverse osmosis are numerically modeled and embedded within the main library of the developed software. REDS shows a wide scope of validity, reliability, and capability to model and simulate renewable desalination systems.

This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the a... more This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: a b s t r a c t Solar power assisted different techniques of MED-VC (multi effect distillation-vapor compression) processes is thermo-economically analyzed and evaluated. In this work, two techniques of solar power cycles are considered to power on MED-PF-TVC, MVC (multi effect distillation thermal and mechanical vapor compressions). In the first technique, the developed solar thermal power is directly transmitted from the solar collector field via boiler heat exchanger unit toward the steam ejector of the MED-PF-TVC process. In the second technique, the electrical power generated from the SORC (Solar Organic Rankine Cycle) is used to power on the vapor compressor of the MED-PF-MVC process. The comparison is implemented according to the operation of PTC (parabolic trough collector) with Toluene organic oil and Water working fluids (2nd technique). Therminol-VP1 HTO (Heat Transfer Oil) is considered across the solar field and water is considered for boiler heat exchanger (1st technique). A case study is performed according to 4545 m 3 /day of distillate product. As a result, reducing the value of compression ratio with increasing the evaporator's numbers would reduce the specific power consumption, solar field area, and thermo-economic costs. Also it is clear that the operation of steam ejector would increase the gain ratio instead of increasing the evaporator's numbers.

Organic Rankine cycles (ORC) have unique properties that are well suited to solar power generatio... more Organic Rankine cycles (ORC) have unique properties that are well suited to solar power generation. In this work design and performance calculations are performed using MatLab/SimuLink computational environment. The cycle consists of thermal solar collectors (Flat Plate Solar Collector (FPC), or Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC), or Compound Parabolic Concentrator (CPC)) for heat input, expansion turbine for work output, condenser unit for heat rejection, pump unit, and Reverse Osmosis (RO) unit. Reverse osmosis unit specifications used in this work is based on Sharm El-Shiekh RO desalination plant. Different working fluids such as: butane, isobutane, propane, R134a, R152a, R245ca, and R245fa are examined for FPC. R113, R123, hexane, and pentane are investigated for CPC. Dodecane, nonane, octane, and toluene are allocated for PTC. The proposed process units are modeled and show a good validity with literatures. Exergy and cost analysis are performed for saturation and superheated operating conditions. Exergy efficiency, total exergy destruction, thermal efficiency, and specific capital cost are evaluated for direct vapor generation (DVG) process. Toluene and Water achieved minimum results for total solar collector area, specific total cost and the rate of exergy destruction.

Process simulation has become an accepted tool for the performance, design, and optimization calc... more Process simulation has become an accepted tool for the performance, design, and optimization calculations of solar desalination process units. Solving the mathematical models representing these units and systems is a tedious and repetitive problem. Nested iterative procedures are usually needed to solve these models. Also, the process configurations are characterized by existence of a number of recycle streams. To tackle these problems, several researchers have developed different methods, techniques, and computer programs for the simulation of a very wide range of variety of solar desalination process units and systems. It is of interest in this work to show and demonstrate a new program working under Matlab/ SimuLink environments for solar desalination processes calculation and modeling. Using these environments a visual design and simulation for different types and configurations of standalone (common) and solar desalination processes can be performed. Embedded user block programming with SimuLink is implemented to construct a flexible reliable and friendly user-interface package. The solar heating systems and desalination plant components (named here as blocks), such as heat exchangers, flash chambers, evaporators, pumps, steam ejector, compressor, reverse osmosis membrane, pipes, etc., are stored as icons in a visual library. This library enables the user to construct different configurations by just clicking the mouse over the required units (blocks). The interface aids designers, and operators to perform different analyses and calculations such as energy, exergy, and thermoeconomics. Typical desalination processes such as multi stage flash, and reverse osmosis are presented to show the wide scope and the validity, reliability, and capability of the developed package.

Wind energy plays a vital role in the quest for renewable and sustainable energy as well as in re... more Wind energy plays a vital role in the quest for renewable and sustainable energy as well as in reducing carbon emission. There are a lot of numerical techniques that are performed in order to design and simulate the wind turbines. However; such numerical techniques are focused on structure, blade design, blade fatigue, aerodynamics analyses, etc. In this work, new correlations are implemented for the design and simulation of different types of wind turbines (Horizontal and Vertical). The numerical correlations are performed by the use of Mat Lab/SimuLink tool box. Moreover; Artificial Neural Network (ANN) numerical technique is used to simulate and evaluate the designed modules. The implemented correlations may help the designer and\or investor in order to elect a specified wind turbine according to the demanded load and design the wind farm. The results reveal that the implemented correlations show a very good matching with the actual commercial data points of the wind turbines.
Papers by Mohammed abdelwahab sharaf eldeen
brine temperature up to an optimized value (40–50 ◦C). A Flash evaporation tank has been used as a steam generator. The brine blowdown will be dumped into the sea. To prevent corrosion and tubes deterioration, the Nanofiltration system has been used as a pre-stage before pumping the saline flow into the geothermal well. Reducing the salinity gradient was considered an important issue during this study. The salt-free steam will be directly flowing towards the condenser unit for condensation and freshwater production. It is expected to be pro-
duce an amount of freshwater in the range of 500 to 1500m3/day. Results reveal that the total hourly costs are 1.185$/h and the total water price was in the range of 0.12$/m3 to 1.2$/m3 depending on the performance and salinity concentration of the Nanofiltration system.
brine temperature up to an optimized value (40–50 ◦C). A Flash evaporation tank has been used as a steam generator. The brine blowdown will be dumped into the sea. To prevent corrosion and tubes deterioration, the Nanofiltration system has been used as a pre-stage before pumping the saline flow into the geothermal well. Reducing the salinity gradient was considered an important issue during this study. The salt-free steam will be directly flowing towards the condenser unit for condensation and freshwater production. It is expected to be pro-
duce an amount of freshwater in the range of 500 to 1500m3/day. Results reveal that the total hourly costs are 1.185$/h and the total water price was in the range of 0.12$/m3 to 1.2$/m3 depending on the performance and salinity concentration of the Nanofiltration system.