[14 Nov 2005|01:33pm] |
Hey guys, i finally got my hands on the reissue of Nekromantix 1994 release, 'Brought Back To Life'. I had been trying to find this album for years, so glad they decided to reissue it! It's even better than I had expected! I'm loving the album, has anyone else picked it up yet, what did you think?
Noah |
[31 Oct 2005|09:53am] |
This is my dog. It's scared of everything. It smells like a bastard. It goes in this Friday to be neutered and have its horribly matted coat shaved off and maybe some crooked rotting teeth removed. It likes the couch. Otherwise, it just paces and circles. It always turns left. It doesn't understand concepts like "playing" or "treats". It wags it's tail maybe once every two days. It likes the couch.

[24 Oct 2005|09:53pm] |
If anyone is in the chicagoland area and needs a free haircut, I need models for my menswork cutting classes every monday at 4:30 starting October 31st(This monday).
The classes are at Art and Science Salon.
If you want yo shit cut, reply....if you're a guy.
Goblets Of Fires |
[21 Sep 2005|10:53am] |
Q: Did Harry & friends become goth kids or emo kids?
I can't tell. Perhaps I'll have to wait until the movie to see if Hermione has a Death Cab For Cutie poster on her wall or a Dead Can Dance poster on her wall...
[05 Aug 2005|03:55pm] |
what is there to do in chicago? i'm going there for six days. tell me tell me.
[27 Jul 2005|05:30pm] |
Great news - though I may be late! When I went to Warped Tour a few week ago, I went over to the Dropkick Murphy's tent and they were telling me about the new GIVE 'EM THE BOOT DVD from Hellcat that is going to be released next week. I've been waiting for something on the Hellcat bands and it's finally here. Joe Strummer and Iggy Pop are on it...plus every Hellcat band to date. By far this will be one of the best music DVD release all year!
[15 May 2005|02:45pm] |
[14 May 2005|07:04pm] |
i have not had a bowel movement in 17 days.
love, faustine
wulfbeet |
[27 Apr 2005|12:56pm] |
Wolfbait.org got an over-haul. New pics completely. Here's a taste. Check the site for the rest.

[28 Mar 2005|01:33pm] |
I got a new tattoo. Don't bother telling me I'm a n3rd. I already know.
( </3Collapse )
P.S. It's 100 pt Courier New if you really needed to know.
[14 Mar 2005|02:48pm] |
Today for lunch I just had two and a half broasted chickens and a box of girl scout cookies. Now that's subculture.
interpol |
[27 Feb 2005|02:02am] |
okay this community is dead but since a bunch of you live in chicago:
i'm stuck in glen ellyn (it's by lombard i think?) for a while. i really want to go see interpol in milwaukee on march 13 (sunday) but i don't have a car and the train is like $20. so, if any of you are planning on going or would like to go, in exchange for a ride in your car i will give you (and a friend if you want to bring one) a guestlist spot and a backstage pass. (backstage pass = tons of free liquor and food and cigarettes and other goodies.) so, uh, if you want to hang out with interpol in milwaukee, let me know.
(sorry this is so lame guys, but being in the midwest without a car sucks)
here is a picture of me:
stamped |
[28 Jan 2005|09:56pm] |
hey everyone check out our new community <3

COME APPLY. consider it the grand opening hahaha and you guys our first customers hahahahha.
<3 dee
stamped |
[23 Jan 2005|11:53pm] |
i'm leaving, no more rating communities for me for a while. i might come back later when i have more time to vote on people and post and what not.
xoxo, cati.
stamped |
[18 Jan 2005|07:11pm] |
so i just got my new computer and that's why i haven't been posting and what not. i hope you're not angered with my absence. i know i was missed.
p.s. i vote people start being more harsh with applicants. it makes me feel good.
love you but wouldn't fuck you! xoxo cati
[edit] love you...but would fuck a few of you.