Shizuoka University of Art and Culture
School of Design
The discussion about underground spaces for office use has intensified during the past few decades, but the human reactions towards them are not yet well understood. Furthermore, most of the previous studies have been carried out in... more
Since the speed of ageing is so rapid in Japan, the country is facing the serious problem of having to provide buildings and dwellings that will be suitable for use by elderly persons in a very short time. This article examines the... more
Although the rights of disabled persons have been recognized as inviolable through legislation in many countries, it is still arguable whether the nature of the context is correctly understood. The philosophical basis is seldom discussed,... more
It was mid 1980s when Japan was told that it will become highly aged society in the years to come. To cope with the rapid change, a research and development project was conducted with the government funding, followed by policy... more
What is universal design? And where lies the difference between barrier-free design and universal design? One can answer this question from different viewpoints. This paper attempts to answer the question from the Far East, where the idea... more
Japanese government policies for seniors have long assumed that informal care by their families exists for them. The rapid aging of Japan is eroding the basis for this assumption. It is now necessary to include barrier-free design... more
Rapid ageing of the population necessitates the preparation of dwellings that are suited to ones' later years. Since dwellings last for decades, it is often the case that people rarely care about the outcome of choosing poor quality... more
The discussion about underground spaces for office use has intensified during the past few decades, but the human reactions towards them are not yet well understood. Furthermore, most of the previous studies have been carried out in... more
It is sixty years since ASA A117.1 was introduced in 1961, and fifty years since the US Senate Special Committee on Aging hearings on barrier-free environment in October 1971. During these years, the word “barrier-free design” was... more
What are the capabilities of occupants who are to be safeguarded during a fire in a building? What type of disabilities should one assume exist? An enormous number of persons who will experience difficulties once a fire occurs have never... more
いわゆるバリアフリー先進国で建築物・施設に関しての「バリアフリー設計標準」がつくられるようになってからずいぶん時が経つ。各国は他国の事例を横目で見ながら、自らの経済力、気候、地形、自国民の体格などを総合的に判断して、根拠データがある場合はそれらを援用し、そうでないときには成り行きなどから規定内容を定めてきているが、国際標準を定める動きが出てきて各国の思惑の違いが露わになりつつある。果たして世界統一標準は成立するのだろうか?During these several... more
- by Satoshi Kose
Th e re is an ol d s aying, "a m an's h om e is h is cas tl e ". Th e ide al condition w ou l d b e th at a pe rs on's dw e l l ing s h ou l d b e s u itab l e from 'cradl e to grave '. H ow e ve r, m any pe opl e are force d to l e ave... more