Papers by Paul Johannesson

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
One of a business system's important roles is to provide a representation of a Universe of Discou... more One of a business system's important roles is to provide a representation of a Universe of Discourse, which reflects its structure and behaviour. An equally important function of the system is to support communication within an organisation by structuring and coordinating the actions performed by the organisations agents. These two roles of a business system may be represented in terms of business and process models, i.e. the separation of the declarative economic aspects from the procedural control flow aspects of the system. Although this separation of concerns has many advantages, the differences in representation techniques and focus of the two model types constitutes a problem in itself. The main contribution of this paper is a unified framework to facilitate the analysis and integration of business models and process models in e-Commerce in a systematic way. The approach suggested bridges the gap between the declarative and social/economic aspects of a business model and the procedural and communicative aspects of a process model. We illustrate how our approach can be used to facilitate integration, process specification, process pattern interpretation and choreography.
Abstract: In order to reduce the costs for systems development, methods for the reuse of specific... more Abstract: In order to reduce the costs for systems development, methods for the reuse of specification knowledge have been developed. One approach is to build libraries of reusable analysis patterns, ie abstract models describing the generic features of a type of situation that may occur in many different domains. In order to systematise libraries of such patterns, we propose a novel analysis pattern based on a deontic perspective. The basic components of this pattern are object types describing obligations, the parties involved in ...
Abstract An important part of information systems development and distributed database design is ... more Abstract An important part of information systems development and distributed database design is schema integration. The author shows how problems in schema integration can be analyzed using concepts from logic programming and deductive databases. It is shown how equivalent constructs of conceptual schemas can be represented by so called integration assertions.
In this paper, a declarative foundation for process models is proposed. Three issues in process m... more In this paper, a declarative foundation for process models is proposed. Three issues in process management and modeling are identified: business orientation, traceability, and flexibility. It is shown how these issues can be addressed by basing process models on business models, where a business model focuses on the transfer of value between agents.
Abstract An important activity in requirements engineering is validation, which is the process of... more Abstract An important activity in requirements engineering is validation, which is the process of checking whether a model correctly represents a piece of reality and the users' requirements. One technique for supporting validation is explanation generation, which combines paraphrasing of a specification with question–answer facilities that interactively support a user in exploring a model. In this paper, we propose an architecture and design principles for constructing explanation generation systems for conceptual models.
Abstract. Software support for well structured business processes is today provided through workf... more Abstract. Software support for well structured business processes is today provided through workflow technology and process management tools. Tailored to support well structured processes, these tools do not provide adequate support for loosely structured work activities such as knowledge intensive processes. This type of work is heavily reliant on professional knowledge, deals with large amounts of data and tasks that can be redone several times.
Abstract. The Semantic Web vision aims to integrate and convert the vast amount of information av... more Abstract. The Semantic Web vision aims to integrate and convert the vast amount of information available on the Internet into a machine-understandable network. The objective is to promote knowledge sharing and reusability. Ontologies form a global pool of reusable, shared knowledge resources. Ontology languages, like RDFS, DAML or the W3C recommended OWL, make the knowledge base machine or platform independent. However, ontology use outside the realm of ontology experts is still limited.
One of an information system's important roles is to provide a representation of a Universe of Di... more One of an information system's important roles is to provide a representation of a Universe of Discourse, which reflects its structure and behaviour. An equally important function of the system is to support communication within an organisation by structuring and coordinating the actions performed by the organisation's agents. In many systems development methods, these different roles that an information system assumes are not explicitly separated. Representation techniques appropriate for one role are uncritically applied to another.
Abstract. Addressed in this paper is the domain of interoperability and interoperable information... more Abstract. Addressed in this paper is the domain of interoperability and interoperable information systems. Enterprise analysis and modelling is an essential tool for achieving interoperability. However, the big number and diversity of enterprise modelling tools and techniques available today challenges the usefulness of enterprise modelling. Addressing this problem, a Unified Enterprise Modelling Language is under development.
ABSTRACT Composition of software services is a fundamental part in supporting enterprise business... more ABSTRACT Composition of software services is a fundamental part in supporting enterprise business processes. Designed properly, executable processes can be used to closely support business processes by the integration of existing software services. In order to support business processes the design of the executable process must closely follow the business events and activities, as perceived by business actors. However, the design must also consider technical issues such as limitations in existing technology and systems.
Abstract. Contemporary social software and business process support systems utilize different arc... more Abstract. Contemporary social software and business process support systems utilize different architectural principals. While social software employs the idea of shared spaces for communication/collaboration, most of the contemporary business process support systems employ a workflow engine to coordinate the work of people engaged in the given business process. There are two alternatives when developing a system that provides business process support enhanced with properties of social software.
The healthcare sector is a complex domain with many stakeholders having different interests and g... more The healthcare sector is a complex domain with many stakeholders having different interests and goals, which often are contradictory. For example, healthcare shall be equal, be of high quality, and at the same time be efficient. Mainly due to efficiency reasons, the healthcare sector is divided into different healthcare providers, such as home care, primary care, hospital clinics and private specialists. This results in an increased complexity, as different healthcare providers need to collaborate in order to fulfill their missions.
Abstract The basic notions in e-commerce are communicative, institutional, and deontic notions su... more Abstract The basic notions in e-commerce are communicative, institutional, and deontic notions such as obligation, responsibility, and trust. The Language Action approach, therefore, seems to be a most promising framework for designing e-commerce systems. However, the penetration of the Language Action approach in industrial practice is still limited. We discuss some reasons for this state of affairs by identifying a number of problems that hinder an effective application of the Language Action approach.
Abstract The basic notions in computer supported work coordination in e-Business are communicativ... more Abstract The basic notions in computer supported work coordination in e-Business are communicative, institutional, and deontic notions such as obligation, responsibility, and trust. The Language Action approach that has a significant impact within CSCW, therefore, seems to be a most promising framework for designing e-Business systems. However, the penetration of the Language Action approach in industrial practice is still limited.
Abstract In order to reduce the costs for systems development, methods for the reuse of specifica... more Abstract In order to reduce the costs for systems development, methods for the reuse of specification knowledge have been developed. One approach is to build libraries of reusable analysis patterns, ie abstract models describing the generic features of a type of situation that may occur in many different domains. In this paper, we propose a novel analysis pattern based on a deontic perspective.
In the design of information systems, the notion of agent has proven useful. When modelling commu... more In the design of information systems, the notion of agent has proven useful. When modelling communication among agents, deontic concepts, such as obligations, permissions, and prohibitions are essential. The dynamics of obligations, ie how obligations are created and destroyed, can effectively be described by means of notions from speech act theory. In this paper, we present a language that includes deontic and illocutionary constructs for the modelling of communication between agents.
In electronic commerce, two fundamental types of models are business models and process models. W... more In electronic commerce, two fundamental types of models are business models and process models. While a business model is concerned with value exchanges between actors, a process model describes the procedural realization of business requirements. There is a need for methodological guidelines and tool support to move from a business model to a process model, which enables design decisions to be based on requirements captured in the business model.
Abstract The need for integrating applications is growing as a consequence of organisational dema... more Abstract The need for integrating applications is growing as a consequence of organisational demands and enabling technologies, in particular the Web and enterprise software packages. In this Chapter, we introduce the basic concepts of application integration, discuss a number of the most important issues in the area and outline promising research directions: process libraries, methodologies for process integration, adaptive and flexible process enactment, and moving business logic from systems to processes.
Two major problems in schema integration are to identify correspondences between different concep... more Two major problems in schema integration are to identify correspondences between different conceptual schemas and to verify that the proposed correspondence are consistent with the semantics of the schemas. These problems can only be effectively addressed if the schemas are expressed in a semantically rich modelling formulation. We introduce such a modelling formalism that utilises linguistic instruments, in particular case grammar and speech act theory.
Papers by Paul Johannesson