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BackgroundIt is essential for professionals from different organizations to collaborate when handling matters concerning children, adolescents, and their families in order to enable society to provide health care and social services from... more
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      ManagementNursingSocial WorkPublic health systems and services research
Professionals in healthcare, social services, and schools often collaborate when addressing children and adolescents with complex psychosocial needs. Based on theory of social representations, we investigated how professionals in the... more
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      Social WorkInterProfessional Education in Health CarePublic health systems and services researchInterdisciplinary Communication
The concept of mental hygiene is historically intertwined with eugenics and what it meant both ideologically and for the care of the mentally ill. A closer investigation of the concept and of the historical context shows that different... more
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      History of PsychiatryHistory Of Madness And Psychiatry
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
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      PsychiatrySocial WorkScandinavian history
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
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      Social WorkSocial SciencesSocial Work EducationCurriculum and Pedagogy
Why do we need alternatives to psychiatry? The question is presented on the very first page of the book and after reading the contributions from 61 authors, the answer comes without hesitation. We certainly need alternatives based on... more
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    • Social Work
Projektet Case management–för personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning/funktionshinder och komplexa vårdbehov finansieras med medel från regeringens satsning på” psykiatri och socialt stöd och omsorg för personer med psykisk sjukdom... more
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    • Social Work
Den mentalhygieniska rörelsen under 1900-talet har kallats för den nya psykiatrins korståg i västvärlden. Det nya var ambitionen att utvidga den psykiatriska vetenskapen till att omfatta definitioner av psykisk hälsa och inte enbart... more
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    • Social Work
Den här rapporten handlar om SAM-teamet, ett samarbete mellan beroendevården, öppenvårdspsykiatrin och två kommuner, Järfälla och Upplands-Bro. Det har varit ett långsiktigt och tålamodskrävande arbete, som gett resultat. Det täta... more
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    • Social Work
Avsikten med den här artikeln är att samla tankarna och fördjupa diskussionen kring de Foucault-inspirerade perspektiv och metodologiska ansatser som jag tidigare använt i avhandlingen Normalitetens gränser: En studie om 1900-talets... more
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    • Social Work
Vården av barn och unga är ett viktigt uppdrag för socialtjänsten och alltför sällan görs undersökningar av hur vården utfaller för dem som erhåller samhällets vård. Uppsala kommun har därvidlag påbörjat ett förändringsarbete genom att... more
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    • Social Work
Well-functioning collaboration between professionals in the welfare sector has a strong influence on the contacts with parents of children and adolescents suffering from mental illness, and it is a precondition for the availability of... more
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      NursingSocial WorkPublic health systems and services researchIntegrated Care
The comprehensive aim of the dissertation is to examine how ideas about mental hygiene have been elaborated and debated within the context of Swedish welfare. The dissertation is a compilation of four articles where issues of mental... more
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      Social WorkSocial Sciences
Why do we need alternatives to psychiatry? The question is presented on the very first page of the book and after reading the contributions from 61 authors, the answer comes without hesitation. We certainly need alternatives based on... more
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    • Social Work
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    • Social Work
The comprehensive aim of the dissertation is to examine how ideas about mental hygiene have been elaborated and debated within the context of Swedish welfare. The dissertation is a compilation of four articles where issues of mental... more
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      Social WorkSocial Sciences
Persons with mental health problems and substance abuse often have complex needs requiring many kinds of help concurrently. In Sweden, an attempt has been made to counterbalance the effects of fragmentation by means of legislation on... more
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This study explores experiences of mothers in Sweden who care for their adult children suffering from severe mental illness. Using 15 interviews with mothers from 40 to 80 years old, the article examines how predominant professional... more
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    • Psychology
Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse discourses of parenting training in official inquires in Sweden that explicitly deal with the bringing up of children and parental education and how the representations of the problems and their... more
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    • Public health systems and services research
Projektet Dataverkstad Väntorp i Solna Stad är ett utvecklingsprojekt inom social ekonomi och miljö som pågått från och med december 2005 till och med juni 2007. Verksamheten är deltagarstyrd i form av ett socialt arbetskooperativ för... more
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    • Social Work