? ?
Journal created:
on 6 January 2004 (#1809775)
on 12 June 2016
stupid obsession
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated
This wonderful community is owned by Ashley (/~airbrush) and Relly (/~hamstertail) and Justine (/~sandcake) !!

To Join, just fill out this mini survey thing ;)

Your Obsessions:

Obsessions so Far ;)
-ferrets in thongs
-ashton kutcher
-running into walls X 3
-putting olives on my fingers
-calling animals in my backyard fat
-orlando bloom
-chad michael murray
-blue blanket
-spongebob slippers
-wearing lots of layers
-Dori(from FINDING NEMO)
-my dog
-my friend Pat
-jumping out of windows
-getting into trouble
-getting mad at geese
-liking stupid things
-yelling at random people
-scratching your leg
-wearing my snowcap:D
-wearing sweatshirts
-acting 'silly'
-Billy Martin
-Good Charlotte
-Relient K
-the internet
-old TV shows
-Kid ;]
-hot boys in eyeliner
-benji/joel madden
-making icons
-falling out of bed
-taking pictures
-walking down stairs really fast
-sliding on slippery floors
-playing guitar
-Bam Margera
-Conversation Hearts
-Smile Empty Soul
-Rainbows X 2
-compulsively doing my eyebrows
-cracking my neck/back/knuckles/toes
-doodling all over paper
-reading people's away messages
-chocolate soy milk
-Luna bars
-SARS tag
-grindXblast extravaganza
-The Darkness
- MUSIC <333
- hot foreign boys
- ashton kutcher
- chad michael murray
- riley smith
- shane west
- big hands on guys
- just hot boys in general
- lyrics that make you think
- thin eyebrows
- hugs
- black eyeliner
- stars
- pink and black things
- band shirts
- playing guitar
- online journals
- concerts
- CDs
- black hair with blue eyes
- chipped black nail polish
- having stupid obsessions
-odd socks
-jumping up and down
-wearing my hat
-spinning in my chair
-more bands and people from bands
-Billy Dean Martin
-Good Charlotte
-Lime green
-Black Nailpolish
-Dying my hair
-neon green shoelaces
-miniature hotel items
-collecting defected items
-cracking my back & neck
-random t-shirts
-lj layouts
-hugging the hobos
-smile empty soul
-peeling my nails...yes, peeling, not biting
-drinking pineapplie juice
-pulling all-nighters...not even studying for a test or something -- when it's a school night
-eating when I'm not hungry (no, I don't have an eating disorder)
-killing my hair...dying it, brushing it until I become bald, pulling hair ties out
-bashing punk posers
-bashing gay bashers
-being a DORK
-drawing on my shoes
-calling animals in my backyard fat
-blue blanket
-spongebob slippers
-Dori(from FINDING NEMO)
-your mom
-getting mad at geese
-liking stupid things
-scratching your leg
-acting 'silly'
-the internet
-making icons
-taking pictures
-sliding on slippery floors
Rainbows X 2
-just hot boys in general
-lyrics that make you think
-odd socks
-lj layouts
-peeling my nails...yes, peeling, not biting
-staring absentmindedly at the keyboard
-reading backwards
-eye liner
-vanilla chapstick
-taking pictures
-Adam Brody
-my darlin, Jabbo
-rubber ducks
-finding nemo

Note from owner Ashley: Sorry if someone of these are repeated i have to look at them all later when i have time.


