[25 Nov 2007|04:45pm] |
Name: Karen
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Your Obsessions: Pirates of the Caribbean Tom Hollander Demetri Martin Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert/The Daily Show/The Colbert Report Those small gadgets no one will ever really need Computers Other geeky things Fashion Photoshop Myspace Photography Fanfics Doodling Hair [ Oh come on, you're talking to the girl with turquoise hair ] Drawing on myself AIM Ugly Betty [ I swore to myself I will never get addicted to a TV show, yet here I am... ] The Fratellis / Music in general Being a camwhore Scratches on my brand new cell phone I really do have Mr. Monk-esque OCD sometimes ... Academics.. [ It's not really learning, just getting good grades to my parents are happy and I can get into an okay college. How sad is that? ]
[01 Dec 2006|12:53am] |
[ |
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tired |
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Name: Lau
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Location: Bristol uni!!!
Your Obsessions: Muse Matt Bellamy Smoothies Diet coke mit cherry Music NME Fruit Salads Texting Dancing like a fairy Shopping Bags Straightening my hair = O Msn Tinternet Myspace Memes!!! Being a camera whore Spicy foods Piglet Giraffes Friends Incense Lj The colour pink Sparkly/glittery things
Application |
[08 Jun 2005|09:26am] |
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quixotic |
] |
Name: Mia
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Location: Some random state called Maine where it's either too cold, or too hot
Your Obsessions: Ready for this? Michael Weatherly Musicals Shopping Piercings Laughing loudly Randomly yelling at people from car windows Sleeeeeep Make up (typical for a teenage female, I suppose) Music Acting Personality quizzes (always wonder what they think of me...) Drawing Painting Hanging out Pina Coladas... or coconut in general... CHOCOLATE Green eyes The male sex History Travelling Talking Surfing the 'net Photography Reading Red hair (I'm a blonde... want red hair though...) CSI Making people laugh Smiling Obsessing over small details
[25 Mar 2005|05:39pm] |
Name: Sally Age: 20 Sex: Fem Location: Las Vegas, NV Your Obsessions: well i can see that chocolate soy milk is what brought another person here so i must say dito! haha luv he chocolate soy milk. i have it like every day at work LOL! so obsessions......brushing my hair, being clean, concerts, hott hair, construction cones, richard geere movies, sharpies, music, oh and green pens ^.^
N e w b i e . . . |
[07 Dec 2004|04:08am] |
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chipper |
] |
Name: Christine (bustobrooklyn)
Age: 20
Sex: F
Location: Michigan
Your Obsessions: chocolate soy milk (seeing that it had a match in my lj user interest list, made me find this place.) immitation string cheese attempting to have David Bowie's love child Cows online gaming DDR dying my hair weird colors randomness jhonen vasquez being pervy TMBG annoying random people i dont even know midnight dorm parking lot golfing with flaming tennis balls and suitcoats doing donuts in parking lots getting lost on purpose while driving around stars getting peirced and tattooed seeing concerts, even if they're shitty baking cookies rolling around on the floor couch surfing down stairs GIR music (mostly metal and punk) black eyeliner on MEN duct tape clothing the color pink, because it's ugly like me sexual harrassment handcuffs
That's really about it. Though I am totally sure there's more. Maybe i'll admit them later.
[15 Aug 2004|06:01pm] |
[20 Jul 2004|06:00pm] |
Name: Shannon Age: not sure... Sex: female Location: w/ Paul & don't believe anyone who says otherwise! Your Obsessions: Paul Thomas, Good Charlotte, being random
[24 Jun 2004|01:03am] |
Since I'm such a loser, I made custom MSN icons of my dog.

[28 May 2004|02:15pm] |
Name: Brox Age: 18 Sex: F Location: Canada Your Obsession: my darlin, Jabbo
[12 May 2004|05:14pm] |
Name: Chelsea
Age: Fourteen
Sex: Female
Location: Florida
Your Obsessions: Adam Brody what else? <3
im a newbie! |
[24 Apr 2004|04:46pm] |
Name: Emily Age: 16 Sex: female Location: chicago, illinois Your Obsessions: eye liner, vanilla chapstick, candles, taking pictures, grapes
heyy guys im new here... i dont really know what to post in here or what to talk about.. but it sounded fun so here i am!
Survey |
[14 Apr 2004|08:14pm] |
Behind the cut, just for the sake of it. *nods* That's one of my obsessions...
( ObsessedCollapse )
[01 Apr 2004|12:24pm] |
okay i know everyone in this community are girls (except corey.) so i'm going to tell you about a new community i made.
It's called _girly_girl.
It's a community where you can just talk about makeup, clothes, shoes, new stuff, movies, music, just about anything you want!
and the best part is all you have to do is fill out a little form and you are in this community! no one rates you.
i hope to see you all there.
Hmm.. |
[24 Mar 2004|02:12am] |
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blank |
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Name: Brittany Age: 14 Sex: Girl..? Location: Santa Rosa, California Your Obsessions: ~neon green shoelaces ~dickies ~miniature hotel items (like the shampoos, they're TINY!) ~collecting defected items (M&Ms with a Q on it and such) ~scotch tape ~organizing ~cracking my back & neck ~random t-shirts ~lj layouts ~hugging the hobos ~tim. ~smile empty soul ~html
helloooooo |
[01 Mar 2004|04:48pm] |
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curious |
] |
Name:brittany Age:14 Sex:I'm female Location:CO Your Obsessions: Snowboarding odd socks jumping up and down wearing my hat music spinning in my chair cone deryck dave tom matt cky more bands and people from bands livejournals