Sessions by Alexis Bugnolo
Many do not know of this conference. I am republishing the official notice, so that scholars ever... more Many do not know of this conference. I am republishing the official notice, so that scholars everywhere might have time to come and attend. -- I will be there with a copy of my English translation of Saint Bonventure's Commentaria in I Sententiarum, for those wishing to examine it.

This is the First Edition of our Annuario Academico for 2016-17, which we are sharing on Academia... more This is the First Edition of our Annuario Academico for 2016-17, which we are sharing on to solicit interest from prospective students to study with us. Note that the edition is Polyglot, but the canonical version is the English.
The ScholastIcum is an institute for the study of Scholastic Theology and Philosophy, headquartered at Rome, dedicated to the promotion of the greater appreciation and understanding of Medieval Theology and Philosophy as it was taught at the University of Paris in the mid 13th century.
For that purpose, the Scholasticum focuses its attention on three fields of study, Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Biblical Studies and Scholastic Theology, offering graduate courses of Specialization in Medieval Studies, at Rome and via video-conferencing to students throughout the world, of the following kinds:
a) Preparatory courses in Latin, Philosophy, History and Medieval Studies, aimed at orientating the students for the three principle course-work.
b) Baccalaureatus Philosophicus: 2 year Course on medieval
Philosophy focusing on the Scholastics and pre-Scholastics
authorities and texts in Philosophy.
c) Baccalaureatus Biblicus: 2 year Course on medieval scriptural studies, based on the Glossae and Commentaries of that age.
d) Baccalaureatus Sententiarius: 2 year course on the Four Books of sentences of master Peter, taking as its text books, the Commentaria of Saints Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure of Bagnoregio on the same.
e) Magister Sacrae Doctrinae: 1-2 year specialization program for Doctoral students, seeking to fully grasp the Scholastic method of theological instruction.
In the study of which, the Institute has the following academic objectives:
a) To impart to the student an authentic historical understanding of the authors, language and methods used at the University of Paris, in the mid 13th century.
b) To educate students with profound and complete knowledge of Peter Lombard’s Four Book of Sentences, in Latin and in translation.
c) To give the student a profound and practical experience in the understanding, formulation, crafting and argumentation of the Scholastic Method, as employed by Sts. Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure of Bagnoregio.
d) To form students and instructors capable of Scholastic argumentation, analysis and research.
The faculty is to comprise full and part-time positions, with a frequency of visiting professorships, to provide a wide and broad exposure to the current research on the topics
treated of in this general description of the Institute.
Books by Alexis Bugnolo
Opera Omnia S. Bonaventurae, Nov 1, 2014
A Replica Translation, in English, of the Critical Latin Edition by the Quaracchi Fathers, of 188... more A Replica Translation, in English, of the Critical Latin Edition by the Quaracchi Fathers, of 1882 A. D.. With All accompanying Original Prolegomena, Tabulae, Scholia and Footnotes, Furnished with translations of All the Variant Readings cited in the Original & Enriched with frequent citation of Scholastic terms in the Latin tongue.
This vol. includes full text of Peter Lombard's First Book of Sentences and St. Bonaventure's Commenataries on the same. Get a copy at:
See links below for more information, and for Table of Questions included in tome I.
An English translation of Bonaventure's Itinerarium Mentis in Deum, from the Quaracchi edition of... more An English translation of Bonaventure's Itinerarium Mentis in Deum, from the Quaracchi edition of 1891, complete with their footnotes and scholia. (OUT OF PRINT)
Booklets/Monographs/Essays by Alexis Bugnolo
A Methodological Refutation of the Documentary Hypothesis, as that hypothesis is promoted by Juli... more A Methodological Refutation of the Documentary Hypothesis, as that hypothesis is promoted by Julius Wellhausen and his disciples. The author proposes in this short book, 30 principles derived from the sciences of theology, philosophy, archeology and cultural anthropology, as well as those of the general scientific method, which when applied to the question of the authorship of the first five books of the Bible, show clearly to what extent the Wellhausen theory is not in harmony with an authentic scientific methodology, nor with the Rule of the Faith. In the Appendix the author proposes a New paradigm for the explanation of the formation of the Pentateuch, founded upon the perennial testimony, that Moses is its real, historical author. Get a copy at
Since the Age of Martin Luther, the Book of Tobias has been severely criticized by rationalists w... more Since the Age of Martin Luther, the Book of Tobias has been severely criticized by rationalists who deny the historicity of the narrative contained in it. In this study, the author responds to the objections against the Book, and defends the historicity of the narrative, on the basis of recent scholarship in the fields of Biblical Studies, History and Archeology. The author also presents reasons why the Book of Tobias, and not the Book of Tobit is the more authentic text. Get a copy at
Papers by Alexis Bugnolo
De Medio Aevo, Oct 29, 2014
Bonaventure situates his teaching on the Beatific Vision enjoyed by Christ squarely at the center... more Bonaventure situates his teaching on the Beatific Vision enjoyed by Christ squarely at the center of his Christology, to affirm the unity and harmony of the authority of the Eternal Word and of Christ the Man. The central importance of his doctrine on the Beatific Vision has been overlooked in recent studies, hence the necessity of a return to the sources to rediscover the richness of his vision.
A Disputed Question, in English, on the Question of whether there be substantial error in Pope B... more A Disputed Question, in English, on the Question of whether there be substantial error in Pope Benedict's Act of Renunciation of office.
A critique of the Scholium of the Quaracchi editors of Bonaventure's critical edition of 1882 AD,... more A critique of the Scholium of the Quaracchi editors of Bonaventure's critical edition of 1882 AD, wherein they deny Bonaventure set forth a doctrine concerning the Ratio Formalis Personae, & a proposed solution to the historical debate on the question, derived from a close reading of Bonaventure's Commentaria on Lombard, with principles used to arrive at said solution.
Bonaventure situates his teaching on the Beatific Vision enjoyed by Christ squarely at the center... more Bonaventure situates his teaching on the Beatific Vision enjoyed by Christ squarely at the center of his Christology, to affirm the unity and harmony of the authority of the Eternal Word and of Christ the Man. The central importance of his doctrine on the Beatific Vision has been overlooked in recent studies, hence the necessity of a return to the sources to rediscover the richness of his vision.
A Résumé of Bernardus de Rubeis' 13th disseration, in English, containing important testimonies f... more A Résumé of Bernardus de Rubeis' 13th disseration, in English, containing important testimonies for the origin of the Summa Theologiae.
Translations by Alexis Bugnolo
The Franciscan Archive, 2014
Original Text, Transcription and English Translation of Friar Peter Reginaldette's Mirror of Fina... more Original Text, Transcription and English Translation of Friar Peter Reginaldette's Mirror of Final Retribution, up to page 70 -- A 15th Century treatise, written in the Low Countries? for preachers on the Punishments of Hell: the 10 corporal punishments -- with footnotes for various possible readings of doubtful passages, with references to Bonaventure's Commentaria -- Pro Manuscripto -- My first attempt at reading 15th century script.
The Franciscan Archive, 2005
New English translation.
Franciscan Archive, 2005
Traduzione Italiana nuova
This book is still for sale at
Sessions by Alexis Bugnolo
The ScholastIcum is an institute for the study of Scholastic Theology and Philosophy, headquartered at Rome, dedicated to the promotion of the greater appreciation and understanding of Medieval Theology and Philosophy as it was taught at the University of Paris in the mid 13th century.
For that purpose, the Scholasticum focuses its attention on three fields of study, Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Biblical Studies and Scholastic Theology, offering graduate courses of Specialization in Medieval Studies, at Rome and via video-conferencing to students throughout the world, of the following kinds:
a) Preparatory courses in Latin, Philosophy, History and Medieval Studies, aimed at orientating the students for the three principle course-work.
b) Baccalaureatus Philosophicus: 2 year Course on medieval
Philosophy focusing on the Scholastics and pre-Scholastics
authorities and texts in Philosophy.
c) Baccalaureatus Biblicus: 2 year Course on medieval scriptural studies, based on the Glossae and Commentaries of that age.
d) Baccalaureatus Sententiarius: 2 year course on the Four Books of sentences of master Peter, taking as its text books, the Commentaria of Saints Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure of Bagnoregio on the same.
e) Magister Sacrae Doctrinae: 1-2 year specialization program for Doctoral students, seeking to fully grasp the Scholastic method of theological instruction.
In the study of which, the Institute has the following academic objectives:
a) To impart to the student an authentic historical understanding of the authors, language and methods used at the University of Paris, in the mid 13th century.
b) To educate students with profound and complete knowledge of Peter Lombard’s Four Book of Sentences, in Latin and in translation.
c) To give the student a profound and practical experience in the understanding, formulation, crafting and argumentation of the Scholastic Method, as employed by Sts. Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure of Bagnoregio.
d) To form students and instructors capable of Scholastic argumentation, analysis and research.
The faculty is to comprise full and part-time positions, with a frequency of visiting professorships, to provide a wide and broad exposure to the current research on the topics
treated of in this general description of the Institute.
Books by Alexis Bugnolo
This vol. includes full text of Peter Lombard's First Book of Sentences and St. Bonaventure's Commenataries on the same. Get a copy at:
See links below for more information, and for Table of Questions included in tome I.
Booklets/Monographs/Essays by Alexis Bugnolo
Papers by Alexis Bugnolo
Translations by Alexis Bugnolo
The ScholastIcum is an institute for the study of Scholastic Theology and Philosophy, headquartered at Rome, dedicated to the promotion of the greater appreciation and understanding of Medieval Theology and Philosophy as it was taught at the University of Paris in the mid 13th century.
For that purpose, the Scholasticum focuses its attention on three fields of study, Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Biblical Studies and Scholastic Theology, offering graduate courses of Specialization in Medieval Studies, at Rome and via video-conferencing to students throughout the world, of the following kinds:
a) Preparatory courses in Latin, Philosophy, History and Medieval Studies, aimed at orientating the students for the three principle course-work.
b) Baccalaureatus Philosophicus: 2 year Course on medieval
Philosophy focusing on the Scholastics and pre-Scholastics
authorities and texts in Philosophy.
c) Baccalaureatus Biblicus: 2 year Course on medieval scriptural studies, based on the Glossae and Commentaries of that age.
d) Baccalaureatus Sententiarius: 2 year course on the Four Books of sentences of master Peter, taking as its text books, the Commentaria of Saints Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure of Bagnoregio on the same.
e) Magister Sacrae Doctrinae: 1-2 year specialization program for Doctoral students, seeking to fully grasp the Scholastic method of theological instruction.
In the study of which, the Institute has the following academic objectives:
a) To impart to the student an authentic historical understanding of the authors, language and methods used at the University of Paris, in the mid 13th century.
b) To educate students with profound and complete knowledge of Peter Lombard’s Four Book of Sentences, in Latin and in translation.
c) To give the student a profound and practical experience in the understanding, formulation, crafting and argumentation of the Scholastic Method, as employed by Sts. Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure of Bagnoregio.
d) To form students and instructors capable of Scholastic argumentation, analysis and research.
The faculty is to comprise full and part-time positions, with a frequency of visiting professorships, to provide a wide and broad exposure to the current research on the topics
treated of in this general description of the Institute.
This vol. includes full text of Peter Lombard's First Book of Sentences and St. Bonaventure's Commenataries on the same. Get a copy at:
See links below for more information, and for Table of Questions included in tome I.
For more information
This Course will be offered telematically, and you can read more about it at