Indonesian Journal of Medical Sciences and Public Health, Nov 23, 2021
Introduction: One strategy for molecular cancer therapy is to know the key mechanism of cytotoxic... more Introduction: One strategy for molecular cancer therapy is to know the key mechanism of cytotoxic compounds that can kill cancer cells. Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud.) leaves contain active compounds that have important effects on cancer chemoprevention. Objective: To obtain the active fraction of a Ramie leaf extract in inhibiting the proliferation of MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines and to determine the mechanism of apoptosis induction using MCF-7 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains 1140, 1353, and 1138. Method: Fractions were prepared using n-hexane, dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), ethyl acetate, and n-butanol as solvents. All fractions were tested qualitatively through phytochemical. The MTT-based cytotoxicity assay used MCF-7 (in vitro) to obtain the IC50 value, whereas the model system that targets the enzymatic (topoisomerase) used a yeast-based bioassay to obtain the IC12 value. Apoptotic induction of the active fraction in MCF-7 was performed using flow cytometry and qPCR (2-ΔΔCt method). Results: The phytochemical analysis indicated that the extract fraction consisted of alkaloids and steroids. The smallest IC50 value was obtained from the CH2Cl2 fraction as 3.79 g/mL, potentially act as an anticancer. A higher percentage of apoptosis than that of necrotizing cells and live cells was observed through flow cytometry. The CH2Cl2 fraction with an IC12 value < 8000 in strains 1140, 1353, and 1138 consistently showed the mechanism of apoptosis induction as topoisomerase I and II inhibitors. Also, another mechanism could be through the intrinsic pathway, indicated by the highest expression level in p53. Conclusions: The CH2Cl2 fraction of Ramie leaves can inhibits the proliferation of MCF-7 cells in the active and strong categories. The CH2Cl2 fraction induces apoptosis by increasing p53 gene expression and inhibiting topoisomerase I and II. Thus, it showed potential as an anticancer drug candidate.
AbstrakSaat ini, perbanyakan rami menggunakan rizoma sebagai bahan tanamnya, tetapi dalam produks... more AbstrakSaat ini, perbanyakan rami menggunakan rizoma sebagai bahan tanamnya, tetapi dalam produksinya membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan sebagai bahan tanam umur simpannya singkat. Kultur jaringan merupakan salah satu teknologi untuk mendapatkan bahan tanam yang seragam dan sehat dalam waktu yang singkat. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi BAP terhadap pertumbuhan tunas aksilar pada rami klon lokal Wonosobo dan konsentrasi mana yang memberikan pengaruh terbaik. Percobaan dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Teknologi Benih, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran. Nodus batang dari rami klon lokal Wonosobo diklturkan pada media MS dengan penambahan berbagai konsentrasi BAP selama 8 minggu dan diamati pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan yang diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Adapun perlakuannya adalah kontrol (tanpa penambahan BAP), BAP 0,5 mg/L, BAP 1,0 ...
In this study, technical lignin from black liquor was used as a pre-polymer for the preparation o... more In this study, technical lignin from black liquor was used as a pre-polymer for the preparation of bio-polyurethane (Bio-PU) resins. Briefly, the isolated lignin was fractionated using ethyl acetate (EtAc) and methanol (MeOH). The liquid fractions of lignin, such as lignin-EtAc (L-EtAc) and lignin-methanol (L-MeOH), were mixed with 10% of polymeric isocyanate (based on the weight of liquid fractions) to obtain Bio-PU resins. The isolated lignin, fractionated lignin, and lignin-derived Bio-PU resins were characterized using several techniques. The obtained Bio-PU resins were then used to modify ramie fibers using vacuum impregnation method. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) revealed that the isolated lignin had quite similar characteristics to the lignin standard. Fractionation of lignin with EtAc and MeOH altered its characteristics. FTIR, DSC, and TGA showed that solid fractions of lignin ha...
Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M.Sm. has been welldocumented to have antioxidant and antidiabetic pro... more Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M.Sm. has been welldocumented to have antioxidant and antidiabetic properties. Among all medical conditions worldwide, diabetes mellitus is one of the leading causes of death. Therefore, research on the discovery of antidiabetic medicines inhibitory to α-glucosidase (an enzyme for degrading complex dietary carbohydrates into sugar in the digestive process) is urgently needed. This study aims to isolate and evaluate the potential of the fermentation culture of endophytic fungi associated with E. elatior to inhibit the activity of α-glucosidase. The endophytic fungi were isolated from various parts of E. elatior. A total of 29 isolates were successfully isolated from the plant's roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. The endophytic fungi were tested for their ability to inhibit α-glucosidase activity in bioassays. Among those isolates, 8 were inhibitory to such an enzyme, and 2 showed the highest inhibitory activities. Morphotype and molecular identification of those isolates, using their Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) regions of ribosomal DNA (rDNA), identified them as Daldinia eschscholtzii isolate CFL 7 and Hypoxylon trugodes voucher YMJ 57, with IC50 values of 738 µg/mL and 825 µg/mL, respectively. That indicates that they are potentially used in preventing or treating diabetic mellitus.
Endophytes are a potent source of bioactive compounds that mimic plant-based metabolites. Fungi F... more Endophytes are a potent source of bioactive compounds that mimic plant-based metabolites. Fungi Fusarium spp. and Clonostachys rosea have been identified as pathogenic microorganisms in ramie (Boehmeria nivea). The antifungal test was carried out using the diffusion method and the MIC50 and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration (MFC) values using the tested microbial pathogens were Fusarium solani isolate 3248941, F. solani isolate Colpat-359, F. oxysporum isolate N-61-2, dan Clonostachys rosea strain B3042. Identification of secondary metabolites of the extract was carried out using GC-MS. The chromatogram of GC-MS analysis of this ethyl acetate extract (EA) showed seven dominant chemical compounds with various biological activities. Ethyl asetate extract of P. citrinum showed inhibition zone ranged from 19.10-22.07 mm with strong-very strong category at 200 mg ml-1 concentration against the tested microbial pathogens. Results revealed that the significant MIC values were observed against F. solani isolate 3248941 and Clonostachys rosea strain B3042 by less than 6.3 mg ml-1 and against F. solani isolate Colpat-359 and F. oxysporum isolate N-61-2 with 12.5 mg ml-1 and 25 mg ml-1 respectively. Minimum Fungicidal concentrations (MFC) for EA of P. citrinum were also reported against F. solani isolate 3248941 and C. rosea strain B3042, by 12.5 mg ml-1 , whilst Fusarium solani isolate Colpat-359 by 25 mg ml-1 and Fusarium oxysporum isolate N-61-2 ,by 50 mg ml-1 respectively. Results of this study showed that P. citrinum, endophytic fungi of ramie, could be a promising source of compounds for antifungal agents.
Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) is believed to be one of the strongest natural fibers, but it still remai... more Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) is believed to be one of the strongest natural fibers, but it still remains behind synthetic materials in terms of tensile strength. In this study, ramie materials were prepared to evaluate the modification crosslinking effect of natural fiber. The aim is to optimize various concentrations of citric acid (CA) crosslinking by adding Sodium hypophosphite (NaPO2H2), which is activated at different temperatures, to obtain the highest tensile mechanical strength. This crosslinking effect has been confirmed by FTIR to show the esterification process in the molecular structure of cellulose. The changes in the character of the fiber surface were analyzed by SEM. The tensile strength increased from 62.33 MPa for 0% CA to 124–172.86 MPa for decorticated fiber with a CA concentration of 0.75–1.875% (w/w). A significant increase in tensile strength was observed more than 19 times when CA/SHP 1% was treated at an activation temperature of 110 °C with a superior tensile st...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
Multilayer armour system (MAS) becomes the best choice in reinforcing protection for military off... more Multilayer armour system (MAS) becomes the best choice in reinforcing protection for military officers against projectile attack which has a high velocity of up to 7.62×51 mm NATO ball lead core (projectile level III NIJ standard) or AP 7.62×51 mm hard steel core (projectile level IV NIJ standard). This study aimed to analyze the damage formation of wolfram carbide (WC) ceramic and ramie fiber composites. The frontmost MAS uses WC ceramic and is enveloped by a back layer of ramie fiber composites with epoxy resin reinforcing material as the matrix. Ballistic testing was carried out in this study using a long-barreled rifle to determine the resistance of the MAS from projectile impact. The speed meter in ballistic testing uses a velocity sensor type light screen B 471 and clay witness is used to measure back face signature (BFS). The results show that 7.62 lead core and hard steel core projectiles were unable to penetrate the 3-layer ceramic MAS in the front. The results are marked b...
BackgroundPathogenic microbes still become obstacles that can reduce the quality of plant growth,... more BackgroundPathogenic microbes still become obstacles that can reduce the quality of plant growth, including ramie (Boehmeria nivea) plants. The study identified the microbiome and antagonistic interaction of the endophytic community from theB. niveais necessary to improve the production of the ramie plant, especially ramie stem organs for fiber materials. ResultsTwenty isolates of endophytic microorganisms were obtained from the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. They were identified using the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal (rDNA), and its morphotypes obtained 20 isolates, with a composition of 9 species of bacteria and 11 species of fungi. Besides that, the disease observations on ramie stems showed that four species of pathogenic fungi were identified asFusarium solaniisolate 3,248,941,Fusarium solaniisolates colpat-359,Fusarium oxysporumisolate N-61–2,Clonostachys roseastrain B3042. The endophytic microorganism of ramie ability was tested to determine their...
Asian countries have abundant resources of natural fibers, but unfortunately, they have not been ... more Asian countries have abundant resources of natural fibers, but unfortunately, they have not been optimally utilized. The facts showed that from 2014 to 2020, there was a shortfall in meeting national demand of over USD 2.75 million per year. Therefore, in order to develop the utilization and improve the economic potential as well as the sustainability of natural fibers, a comprehensive review is required. The study aimed to demonstrate the availability, technological processing, and socio-economical aspects of natural fibers. Although many studies have been conducted on this material, it is necessary to revisit their potential from those perspectives to maximize their use. The renewability and biodegradability of natural fiber are part of the fascinating properties that lead to their prospective use in automotive, aerospace industries, structural and building constructions, bio packaging, textiles, biomedical applications, and military vehicles. To increase the range of applications...
Generally raising duck in Indonesia aims to produce eggs, thus the quality of eggs becomes import... more Generally raising duck in Indonesia aims to produce eggs, thus the quality of eggs becomes important and determine the success marketing of business results. After increasing the production of eggs, people also tend to choose duck eggs that have a good quality. The Aspects that are usually to be the consumer consideration in choosing the good quality of duck eggs are the color of yolks are not pale, eggs have a large size and cleanliness of eggshell. It is well known that the diet has affects to the color of yolks, ie feed ingredients containing carotenoid pigments especially beta carotene and xanthophyll pigments. The Feed that contain a lots of beta carotene and xantophil pigments is in forage likes Spirulina (Spirulina Sp.). Spirulina (Spirulina Sp.) is a single cell protein (PST) microalga that can be a source of dye laying duck ration because of very high contains in fikocyanin, xanthophyll and beta-carotene. The study used a Completely Randomized Design with 5 doses treatment ...
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai aktivitas biosurfaktan dari jamur eksogenous terhadap penurun... more Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai aktivitas biosurfaktan dari jamur eksogenous terhadap penurunan Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) oily sludge asal Balongan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan jamur eksogenous untuk menghasilkan biosurfaktan dan menurunkan TPH oily sludge asal Balongan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan dua kali pengulangan yang terdiri dari tiga tahap. Tahap pertama adalah seleksi 9 isolat jamur penghasil biosurfaktan dengan Oil Spreading Assay, tahap kedua yaitu optimisasi pH untuk pertumbuhan jamur yang paling baik pada medium padat, dan tahap terakhir yaitu degradasi oily sludge dengan fermentasi padat atau Solid State Fermentation (SSF) selama 15 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 9 isolat jamur eksogenous, yang menghasilkan biosurfaktan terbaik adalah Cladosporium sp. dan Penicillium sp. Derajat keasaman yang optimum untuk pertumbuhan berbeda untuk tiap jamur, yaitu Cladosporium sp. optimum pada pH 5,5 sedangk...
Endophytic Fungi is one of the natural antibacterial sources that has not been studied. Jamblang ... more Endophytic Fungi is one of the natural antibacterial sources that has not been studied. Jamblang (Syzygium cumini L.) is a plant of the Myrtaceae family that has many benefits for health. Endophytic shoots located on the leaves and stems of Jamblang can be one of the natural sources of antibacterial. This study was conducted to obtain endophytic fungi isolates from Jamblang stems and leaves, that have antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus . The method used at the stage of endophytic shell isolation from Jamblang stem and leaves is Direct Dilution Plate method. At the antibacterial test stage of Bacillus cereus was used agar block diffusion method. Observations were made of the clear zone formed. Isolate Endophytic Fungi which has a clear zone that is D2 Yellow isolate, D4 White Ash, D4 gray Ash, Black B2, B2 White and B3 Yellow. The largest clear zone is shown by B2 Black isolate with a diameter of 14.75 mm.
Oily sludge is categorized as one of the hazardous wastes that needs to be remediated in order to... more Oily sludge is categorized as one of the hazardous wastes that needs to be remediated in order to convert it into a non-toxic compound. Bioremediation involves microorganisms, such as fungi. In the present study, the indigenous oily sludge fungi, Penicillium chermesinum was used to assess the bioremediation. The aim of this study was to obtain the growth profile of Penicillium chermesinum Biourge in reducing the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) compounds in oily sludge. A descriptive method was applied in this study that consists of the preparation stage and the biodegradation stage of oily sludge. Biodegradation process was performed by using the Solid State Fermentation methods during 15 days with the addition of 10% of fungi inoculum from the total of fermentation medium (100 g). The observed parameters are the TPH, PAH content, and fungi growth profile that were measured using the Gravimetric, GC/MS and TPC analysis. Our results showed...
ABSTRACT In this work, the intermetallic matrix composite coatings of the TiC-Ti2Ni-Ti3Al system ... more ABSTRACT In this work, the intermetallic matrix composite coatings of the TiC-Ti2Ni-Ti3Al system were investigated. Induction heating was used to initiate the self-propagation high-temperature synthesis (SHS) reaction of the multilayer systems of Ti/C-Ni/Al-Ti on the steel substrate. The role of Ni/Al reaction on the SHS process of Ti/C-Ni/Al-Ti was compared to that of Ni/Al-Ti. The results showed that the TiC composite system was composed of TiC dispersed in the intermetallic Ti-Al and Ti-Al systems. This indicates that high exothermic reaction of the SHS process of Ni/Al initiated the subsequent reactions in the Ti-Al, Ti-Ni, and Ti-C systems. The Ti3Al-Ti2Ni multiphase system was formed due to the interaction between the liquid product of NiAl and Ti. Surprisingly, NiAl was disappeared in the Ti/C-Ni/Al-Ti system. This work improves the understanding of the formation mechanism of the NiAl reaction as the agent for the formation of TiC-Ti2Ni-Ti3Al intermetallic matrix composite. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT
Kuntana YP, Yurmiati H, Wulandari AP, Syafitri F, Partasasmita R. 2017. The appearance of rabbit ... more Kuntana YP, Yurmiati H, Wulandari AP, Syafitri F, Partasasmita R. 2017. The appearance of rabbit skin tissue (Oryctolagus cuniculus) after supplementation of Aloe vera and Spirulina fusiformis. Nusantara Bioscience 9: 268-274. The research is about the appearance of rabbit skin tissue (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) after supplementation of Aloe vera L. and Spirulina fusiformis Vor. has been done. This study was carried out to find the most effective formulation ofsupplement of A. vera and S. fusiformis as a natural supplement that can generate the best appearance of rabbit skin tissue. The method in this research was a single Complete Random Design (CRD) on 28 male New Zealand White strains rabbits with the age of 16 weeks. The treatments were divided into seven groups with four replications, namely, P0 (negative control ), P1(positive control, vitamin C19 mg/kg BW), P2 (A. vera 74 mg/kg BW), P3 (S. fusiformis 296 mg/kg BW), P4 (A. vera: S. fusiformis, 74: 148 mg/kg BW), P5 (A. vera: S....
Indonesian Journal of Medical Sciences and Public Health, Nov 23, 2021
Introduction: One strategy for molecular cancer therapy is to know the key mechanism of cytotoxic... more Introduction: One strategy for molecular cancer therapy is to know the key mechanism of cytotoxic compounds that can kill cancer cells. Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud.) leaves contain active compounds that have important effects on cancer chemoprevention. Objective: To obtain the active fraction of a Ramie leaf extract in inhibiting the proliferation of MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines and to determine the mechanism of apoptosis induction using MCF-7 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains 1140, 1353, and 1138. Method: Fractions were prepared using n-hexane, dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), ethyl acetate, and n-butanol as solvents. All fractions were tested qualitatively through phytochemical. The MTT-based cytotoxicity assay used MCF-7 (in vitro) to obtain the IC50 value, whereas the model system that targets the enzymatic (topoisomerase) used a yeast-based bioassay to obtain the IC12 value. Apoptotic induction of the active fraction in MCF-7 was performed using flow cytometry and qPCR (2-ΔΔCt method). Results: The phytochemical analysis indicated that the extract fraction consisted of alkaloids and steroids. The smallest IC50 value was obtained from the CH2Cl2 fraction as 3.79 g/mL, potentially act as an anticancer. A higher percentage of apoptosis than that of necrotizing cells and live cells was observed through flow cytometry. The CH2Cl2 fraction with an IC12 value < 8000 in strains 1140, 1353, and 1138 consistently showed the mechanism of apoptosis induction as topoisomerase I and II inhibitors. Also, another mechanism could be through the intrinsic pathway, indicated by the highest expression level in p53. Conclusions: The CH2Cl2 fraction of Ramie leaves can inhibits the proliferation of MCF-7 cells in the active and strong categories. The CH2Cl2 fraction induces apoptosis by increasing p53 gene expression and inhibiting topoisomerase I and II. Thus, it showed potential as an anticancer drug candidate.
AbstrakSaat ini, perbanyakan rami menggunakan rizoma sebagai bahan tanamnya, tetapi dalam produks... more AbstrakSaat ini, perbanyakan rami menggunakan rizoma sebagai bahan tanamnya, tetapi dalam produksinya membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan sebagai bahan tanam umur simpannya singkat. Kultur jaringan merupakan salah satu teknologi untuk mendapatkan bahan tanam yang seragam dan sehat dalam waktu yang singkat. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi BAP terhadap pertumbuhan tunas aksilar pada rami klon lokal Wonosobo dan konsentrasi mana yang memberikan pengaruh terbaik. Percobaan dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Teknologi Benih, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran. Nodus batang dari rami klon lokal Wonosobo diklturkan pada media MS dengan penambahan berbagai konsentrasi BAP selama 8 minggu dan diamati pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan yang diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Adapun perlakuannya adalah kontrol (tanpa penambahan BAP), BAP 0,5 mg/L, BAP 1,0 ...
In this study, technical lignin from black liquor was used as a pre-polymer for the preparation o... more In this study, technical lignin from black liquor was used as a pre-polymer for the preparation of bio-polyurethane (Bio-PU) resins. Briefly, the isolated lignin was fractionated using ethyl acetate (EtAc) and methanol (MeOH). The liquid fractions of lignin, such as lignin-EtAc (L-EtAc) and lignin-methanol (L-MeOH), were mixed with 10% of polymeric isocyanate (based on the weight of liquid fractions) to obtain Bio-PU resins. The isolated lignin, fractionated lignin, and lignin-derived Bio-PU resins were characterized using several techniques. The obtained Bio-PU resins were then used to modify ramie fibers using vacuum impregnation method. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) revealed that the isolated lignin had quite similar characteristics to the lignin standard. Fractionation of lignin with EtAc and MeOH altered its characteristics. FTIR, DSC, and TGA showed that solid fractions of lignin ha...
Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M.Sm. has been welldocumented to have antioxidant and antidiabetic pro... more Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M.Sm. has been welldocumented to have antioxidant and antidiabetic properties. Among all medical conditions worldwide, diabetes mellitus is one of the leading causes of death. Therefore, research on the discovery of antidiabetic medicines inhibitory to α-glucosidase (an enzyme for degrading complex dietary carbohydrates into sugar in the digestive process) is urgently needed. This study aims to isolate and evaluate the potential of the fermentation culture of endophytic fungi associated with E. elatior to inhibit the activity of α-glucosidase. The endophytic fungi were isolated from various parts of E. elatior. A total of 29 isolates were successfully isolated from the plant's roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. The endophytic fungi were tested for their ability to inhibit α-glucosidase activity in bioassays. Among those isolates, 8 were inhibitory to such an enzyme, and 2 showed the highest inhibitory activities. Morphotype and molecular identification of those isolates, using their Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) regions of ribosomal DNA (rDNA), identified them as Daldinia eschscholtzii isolate CFL 7 and Hypoxylon trugodes voucher YMJ 57, with IC50 values of 738 µg/mL and 825 µg/mL, respectively. That indicates that they are potentially used in preventing or treating diabetic mellitus.
Endophytes are a potent source of bioactive compounds that mimic plant-based metabolites. Fungi F... more Endophytes are a potent source of bioactive compounds that mimic plant-based metabolites. Fungi Fusarium spp. and Clonostachys rosea have been identified as pathogenic microorganisms in ramie (Boehmeria nivea). The antifungal test was carried out using the diffusion method and the MIC50 and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration (MFC) values using the tested microbial pathogens were Fusarium solani isolate 3248941, F. solani isolate Colpat-359, F. oxysporum isolate N-61-2, dan Clonostachys rosea strain B3042. Identification of secondary metabolites of the extract was carried out using GC-MS. The chromatogram of GC-MS analysis of this ethyl acetate extract (EA) showed seven dominant chemical compounds with various biological activities. Ethyl asetate extract of P. citrinum showed inhibition zone ranged from 19.10-22.07 mm with strong-very strong category at 200 mg ml-1 concentration against the tested microbial pathogens. Results revealed that the significant MIC values were observed against F. solani isolate 3248941 and Clonostachys rosea strain B3042 by less than 6.3 mg ml-1 and against F. solani isolate Colpat-359 and F. oxysporum isolate N-61-2 with 12.5 mg ml-1 and 25 mg ml-1 respectively. Minimum Fungicidal concentrations (MFC) for EA of P. citrinum were also reported against F. solani isolate 3248941 and C. rosea strain B3042, by 12.5 mg ml-1 , whilst Fusarium solani isolate Colpat-359 by 25 mg ml-1 and Fusarium oxysporum isolate N-61-2 ,by 50 mg ml-1 respectively. Results of this study showed that P. citrinum, endophytic fungi of ramie, could be a promising source of compounds for antifungal agents.
Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) is believed to be one of the strongest natural fibers, but it still remai... more Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) is believed to be one of the strongest natural fibers, but it still remains behind synthetic materials in terms of tensile strength. In this study, ramie materials were prepared to evaluate the modification crosslinking effect of natural fiber. The aim is to optimize various concentrations of citric acid (CA) crosslinking by adding Sodium hypophosphite (NaPO2H2), which is activated at different temperatures, to obtain the highest tensile mechanical strength. This crosslinking effect has been confirmed by FTIR to show the esterification process in the molecular structure of cellulose. The changes in the character of the fiber surface were analyzed by SEM. The tensile strength increased from 62.33 MPa for 0% CA to 124–172.86 MPa for decorticated fiber with a CA concentration of 0.75–1.875% (w/w). A significant increase in tensile strength was observed more than 19 times when CA/SHP 1% was treated at an activation temperature of 110 °C with a superior tensile st...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
Multilayer armour system (MAS) becomes the best choice in reinforcing protection for military off... more Multilayer armour system (MAS) becomes the best choice in reinforcing protection for military officers against projectile attack which has a high velocity of up to 7.62×51 mm NATO ball lead core (projectile level III NIJ standard) or AP 7.62×51 mm hard steel core (projectile level IV NIJ standard). This study aimed to analyze the damage formation of wolfram carbide (WC) ceramic and ramie fiber composites. The frontmost MAS uses WC ceramic and is enveloped by a back layer of ramie fiber composites with epoxy resin reinforcing material as the matrix. Ballistic testing was carried out in this study using a long-barreled rifle to determine the resistance of the MAS from projectile impact. The speed meter in ballistic testing uses a velocity sensor type light screen B 471 and clay witness is used to measure back face signature (BFS). The results show that 7.62 lead core and hard steel core projectiles were unable to penetrate the 3-layer ceramic MAS in the front. The results are marked b...
BackgroundPathogenic microbes still become obstacles that can reduce the quality of plant growth,... more BackgroundPathogenic microbes still become obstacles that can reduce the quality of plant growth, including ramie (Boehmeria nivea) plants. The study identified the microbiome and antagonistic interaction of the endophytic community from theB. niveais necessary to improve the production of the ramie plant, especially ramie stem organs for fiber materials. ResultsTwenty isolates of endophytic microorganisms were obtained from the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. They were identified using the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal (rDNA), and its morphotypes obtained 20 isolates, with a composition of 9 species of bacteria and 11 species of fungi. Besides that, the disease observations on ramie stems showed that four species of pathogenic fungi were identified asFusarium solaniisolate 3,248,941,Fusarium solaniisolates colpat-359,Fusarium oxysporumisolate N-61–2,Clonostachys roseastrain B3042. The endophytic microorganism of ramie ability was tested to determine their...
Asian countries have abundant resources of natural fibers, but unfortunately, they have not been ... more Asian countries have abundant resources of natural fibers, but unfortunately, they have not been optimally utilized. The facts showed that from 2014 to 2020, there was a shortfall in meeting national demand of over USD 2.75 million per year. Therefore, in order to develop the utilization and improve the economic potential as well as the sustainability of natural fibers, a comprehensive review is required. The study aimed to demonstrate the availability, technological processing, and socio-economical aspects of natural fibers. Although many studies have been conducted on this material, it is necessary to revisit their potential from those perspectives to maximize their use. The renewability and biodegradability of natural fiber are part of the fascinating properties that lead to their prospective use in automotive, aerospace industries, structural and building constructions, bio packaging, textiles, biomedical applications, and military vehicles. To increase the range of applications...
Generally raising duck in Indonesia aims to produce eggs, thus the quality of eggs becomes import... more Generally raising duck in Indonesia aims to produce eggs, thus the quality of eggs becomes important and determine the success marketing of business results. After increasing the production of eggs, people also tend to choose duck eggs that have a good quality. The Aspects that are usually to be the consumer consideration in choosing the good quality of duck eggs are the color of yolks are not pale, eggs have a large size and cleanliness of eggshell. It is well known that the diet has affects to the color of yolks, ie feed ingredients containing carotenoid pigments especially beta carotene and xanthophyll pigments. The Feed that contain a lots of beta carotene and xantophil pigments is in forage likes Spirulina (Spirulina Sp.). Spirulina (Spirulina Sp.) is a single cell protein (PST) microalga that can be a source of dye laying duck ration because of very high contains in fikocyanin, xanthophyll and beta-carotene. The study used a Completely Randomized Design with 5 doses treatment ...
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai aktivitas biosurfaktan dari jamur eksogenous terhadap penurun... more Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai aktivitas biosurfaktan dari jamur eksogenous terhadap penurunan Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) oily sludge asal Balongan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan jamur eksogenous untuk menghasilkan biosurfaktan dan menurunkan TPH oily sludge asal Balongan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan dua kali pengulangan yang terdiri dari tiga tahap. Tahap pertama adalah seleksi 9 isolat jamur penghasil biosurfaktan dengan Oil Spreading Assay, tahap kedua yaitu optimisasi pH untuk pertumbuhan jamur yang paling baik pada medium padat, dan tahap terakhir yaitu degradasi oily sludge dengan fermentasi padat atau Solid State Fermentation (SSF) selama 15 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 9 isolat jamur eksogenous, yang menghasilkan biosurfaktan terbaik adalah Cladosporium sp. dan Penicillium sp. Derajat keasaman yang optimum untuk pertumbuhan berbeda untuk tiap jamur, yaitu Cladosporium sp. optimum pada pH 5,5 sedangk...
Endophytic Fungi is one of the natural antibacterial sources that has not been studied. Jamblang ... more Endophytic Fungi is one of the natural antibacterial sources that has not been studied. Jamblang (Syzygium cumini L.) is a plant of the Myrtaceae family that has many benefits for health. Endophytic shoots located on the leaves and stems of Jamblang can be one of the natural sources of antibacterial. This study was conducted to obtain endophytic fungi isolates from Jamblang stems and leaves, that have antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus . The method used at the stage of endophytic shell isolation from Jamblang stem and leaves is Direct Dilution Plate method. At the antibacterial test stage of Bacillus cereus was used agar block diffusion method. Observations were made of the clear zone formed. Isolate Endophytic Fungi which has a clear zone that is D2 Yellow isolate, D4 White Ash, D4 gray Ash, Black B2, B2 White and B3 Yellow. The largest clear zone is shown by B2 Black isolate with a diameter of 14.75 mm.
Oily sludge is categorized as one of the hazardous wastes that needs to be remediated in order to... more Oily sludge is categorized as one of the hazardous wastes that needs to be remediated in order to convert it into a non-toxic compound. Bioremediation involves microorganisms, such as fungi. In the present study, the indigenous oily sludge fungi, Penicillium chermesinum was used to assess the bioremediation. The aim of this study was to obtain the growth profile of Penicillium chermesinum Biourge in reducing the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) compounds in oily sludge. A descriptive method was applied in this study that consists of the preparation stage and the biodegradation stage of oily sludge. Biodegradation process was performed by using the Solid State Fermentation methods during 15 days with the addition of 10% of fungi inoculum from the total of fermentation medium (100 g). The observed parameters are the TPH, PAH content, and fungi growth profile that were measured using the Gravimetric, GC/MS and TPC analysis. Our results showed...
ABSTRACT In this work, the intermetallic matrix composite coatings of the TiC-Ti2Ni-Ti3Al system ... more ABSTRACT In this work, the intermetallic matrix composite coatings of the TiC-Ti2Ni-Ti3Al system were investigated. Induction heating was used to initiate the self-propagation high-temperature synthesis (SHS) reaction of the multilayer systems of Ti/C-Ni/Al-Ti on the steel substrate. The role of Ni/Al reaction on the SHS process of Ti/C-Ni/Al-Ti was compared to that of Ni/Al-Ti. The results showed that the TiC composite system was composed of TiC dispersed in the intermetallic Ti-Al and Ti-Al systems. This indicates that high exothermic reaction of the SHS process of Ni/Al initiated the subsequent reactions in the Ti-Al, Ti-Ni, and Ti-C systems. The Ti3Al-Ti2Ni multiphase system was formed due to the interaction between the liquid product of NiAl and Ti. Surprisingly, NiAl was disappeared in the Ti/C-Ni/Al-Ti system. This work improves the understanding of the formation mechanism of the NiAl reaction as the agent for the formation of TiC-Ti2Ni-Ti3Al intermetallic matrix composite. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT
Kuntana YP, Yurmiati H, Wulandari AP, Syafitri F, Partasasmita R. 2017. The appearance of rabbit ... more Kuntana YP, Yurmiati H, Wulandari AP, Syafitri F, Partasasmita R. 2017. The appearance of rabbit skin tissue (Oryctolagus cuniculus) after supplementation of Aloe vera and Spirulina fusiformis. Nusantara Bioscience 9: 268-274. The research is about the appearance of rabbit skin tissue (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) after supplementation of Aloe vera L. and Spirulina fusiformis Vor. has been done. This study was carried out to find the most effective formulation ofsupplement of A. vera and S. fusiformis as a natural supplement that can generate the best appearance of rabbit skin tissue. The method in this research was a single Complete Random Design (CRD) on 28 male New Zealand White strains rabbits with the age of 16 weeks. The treatments were divided into seven groups with four replications, namely, P0 (negative control ), P1(positive control, vitamin C19 mg/kg BW), P2 (A. vera 74 mg/kg BW), P3 (S. fusiformis 296 mg/kg BW), P4 (A. vera: S. fusiformis, 74: 148 mg/kg BW), P5 (A. vera: S....