Papers by helena fidlerova

IGI Global eBooks, 2021
Industry 4.0 and its effect on processes and people becomes reality with all organizational and t... more Industry 4.0 and its effect on processes and people becomes reality with all organizational and technological complex implications for the future. States around the world including Slovakia face the challenge of defining strategy on how to convert the challenges of Industry 4.0 into competitive advantage. This chapter focuses on Work 4.0 competences development, analyzed in the level of enrichment of the human capital content as well as in the level of labor market polarization. The aim of this chapter is to present opportunities and threats in competence development regarding the concept of Intelligent Industry and discuss sustainable solutions in the context of National Action Plan of Intelligent Industry of Slovak Republic, looking for win-win strategy. The authors analyze differences in competences achieved via education system in Slovakia and expectations of industry. Special attention is given the situation in Slovakia, country-oriented on automotive and with strong cooperation with Germany as innovation leader in European countries, to find strategy within this no zero game.

Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2020
This paper examines the use of digital learning tools in a technological higher education institu... more This paper examines the use of digital learning tools in a technological higher education institution in Slovakia in the context of Industry 4.0 development. Based on a literature review and empirical findings from interviews with education professionals at higher education institutions, this article discusses the critical issues and challenges in the application of some of the Education 4.0 digital learning tools, namely Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology, augmented reality and digital game environment. In this paper, the use of digital learning tools and the collaboration of teachers and researchers are presented as a promising practice of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. This higher education institution reflects current innovative trends in the Education 4.0 concept, e.g. Building Information Modeling technology and augmented reality methods are used as part of a modular learning system, using sensors in manufacturing, preventive maintenance, simula...

Advances in human and social aspects of technology book series, 2020
Industry 4.0 and its effect on processes and people becomes reality with all organizational and t... more Industry 4.0 and its effect on processes and people becomes reality with all organizational and technological complex implications for the future. States around the world including Slovakia face the challenge of defining strategy on how to convert the challenges of Industry 4.0 into competitive advantage. This chapter focuses on Work 4.0 competences development, analyzed in the level of enrichment of the human capital content as well as in the level of labor market polarization. The aim of this chapter is to present opportunities and threats in competence development regarding the concept of Intelligent Industry and discuss sustainable solutions in the context of National Action Plan of Intelligent Industry of Slovak Republic, looking for win-win strategy. The authors analyze differences in competences achieved via education system in Slovakia and expectations of industry. Special attention is given the situation in Slovakia, country-oriented on automotive and with strong cooperation with Germany as innovation leader in European countries, to find strategy within this no zero game.
Przemysl Chemiczny, May 20, 2021
Przemysl Chemiczny, Dec 5, 2019

Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Operations research is now in the renaissance because organizations are optimizing their processe... more Operations research is now in the renaissance because organizations are optimizing their processes using analytical methods and different research approaches to improve the managing of processes/tasks/problems. Operations research, requiring analytical, systems thinking, the ability of abstract thinking, so it is considered by its complexity and the scope of required knowledge to be a subject that is a challenge to master for students of higher technical education. The objective of the paper is to analyze and compare the situation in the teaching of operations research, identify the prerequisites for the development of analytical thinking of future graduates, and predict the possibilities for improving the education of operations research during distance learning. Part of the paper deals with the description and comparison of areas and methods of operations research taught at technical higher education institutions (HEIs) and universities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, including the use of software support for calculating and learning the curriculum. The analysis considers results about teaching subjects related to the operations research, comparison of the form, methods, research areas, and software used for teaching at Slovak and Czech HEIs and universities, and semi-structured interviews/surveys among students about the quality of education process identified areas where there is potential for improvement. At the same time, the results of distance education were analyzed the degree of student satisfaction, awareness, comprehensiveness to conduct the new possibilities and threats of distance education. The statistical evaluation of data indicates strong relationship between the two variables: satisfaction of students and awareness of students about online education.

A systematic approach to nonconformity management and continuous improvements are the key element... more A systematic approach to nonconformity management and continuous improvements are the key elements of the quality management system. The objective of this paper is to present quality improvement for a manufacturing company producing forgings through the combination of several statistical methods and quality control techniques. First, Pareto analysis was applied, followed by the 8D (eight disciplines) methodology using a structured eight-step approach to problem solving following the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) method. The aim was to identify the problem and discover the critical causes of failures in the management system that allowed the problem to occur, by modifying and combining appropriate quality management methods and tools. The paper introduces a case study considering the forging process in the production of gearboxes, where customer complaints were identified in the last year, demanding the need to eliminate failures. Using the mentioned methods, the root cause of the problem...

The aim of the paper is to determine the relationship between the level of employees' competences... more The aim of the paper is to determine the relationship between the level of employees' competences in the field of ability to use interfaces, adaptability and flexibility, creativity / initiative, critical thinking, laying out logical structures, quick response to change in the process, spatial imagination / orientation in space and their level of acceptance of work in an automated environment interpreted on the basis of the degree of their interest in work and cooperation with technology. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research model and research constructs were developed on the basis of the survey results. Employees completing the questionnaire made a self-assessment in terms of the level of their competence and interest in technology. To test the research model and proposed hypothesis, this study applies Partial Least Squares Path Modelling (PLS), a variance-based structural equation modelling technique (SEM) that aims to maximise the explained variance of the dependent latent constructs. SmartPLS version 3 was used to analyze the data in this study following a two-step analysis approach. Findings: The level of acceptance of work in an automated environment depends on the level of competence, the ability to use interfaces and Quick of response to change in the process. People with a higher level of these competencies also show a higher interest in technology and its use both in private and professional life. These people are also characterized by a higher level of acceptance of work in an automated environment. Practical implications: The conducted research made it possible to identify the relationship between employees' competencies and the degree of their acceptance of work in an automated environment. Thanks to the results, it is possible to identify whether the employee will feel comfortable working in an automated environment or not. Originality/Value: Thanks to the identification of the relationship between competencies, there is no need to test all, but only selected ones, which will greatly facilitate the diagnosis.

Considerable attention is given to the adaptation and use of Internet in Industry recently. In th... more Considerable attention is given to the adaptation and use of Internet in Industry recently. In this paper we emphasize the definition of Industry 4.0 in the human capital optics focused on the sustainable development of Industry 4.0, formation of specific Work 4.0 competencies and supporting the implementation of human capital in practice. This paper presents the empirical findings of the importance of Work 4.0 competencies on a sample of experts within automotive sector in Slovakia. The main findings of our work confirm the difference in the assessment of the importance of Work 4.0 in managers and IT experts, the similarity of the assessment of the importance of 4.0 job competencies in the highest and middle levels of the National Qualifications Framework (differences not at a statistically significant level in white and blue collars), as well as the importance of specific Work 4.0 competencies relevant for the lowest qualification groups. Kľúčové slová Industry 4.0, National Qualifications Framework of the Slovak Republic, Work 4.0, Innovations 4.0, human capital, work competencies. I. Úvod Procesy spojené s akceptovaním a používaním prvkov Industry 4.0 predstavujú podľa časti autorov významnú inovačnú zmenu, resp. pokračovanie doteraz prebiehajúcich inovačných procesov. S ohľadom na vývoj v oblasti automatizácie a jeho dôsledky v oblasti zamestnanosti, ako aj reformné zámery v globálnych ekonomických podmienkach, je potrebné v oboch perspektívach analyzovať procesy akceptovania a využívania inovácií 4.0. Koncept Industry 4.0 otvára priestor pre analýzu technických prvkov, myšlienok, poznatkov a spôsobov práce, keďže komplexnosť procesu Industry 4.0 je možné vnímať vo všetkých základných oblastiach inovačného procesu, kam patrí a) inovácia produktov, b) technologická, procesná inovácia a c) inovácia znalostí, metód. 5

Acta logistica
Predictive maintenance is a maintenance strategy that applies advanced statistical methods and ar... more Predictive maintenance is a maintenance strategy that applies advanced statistical methods and artificial intelligence to determine the appropriate maintenance time. The article focuses on future recommendations for industry and logistics to achieve a higher level of predictive maintenance maturity, which requires real-time monitoring of the state of the company's machinery and equipment. The article's main objective is to propose recommendations to increase effectiveness by improving the predictive maintenance maturity matrix from the current level to a higher level in the industrial enterprise. The current state of maturity has been indicated using the modified model of predictive maintenance and following recommendations from the document Manual for companies for the introduction of artificial intelligence. Simultaneously within the analysis, a predictive maintenance simulation was performed on a selected production line, including essential machines and equipment. The st...

Sustainable technologies, including clean energy in manufacturing and green and reverse logistics... more Sustainable technologies, including clean energy in manufacturing and green and reverse logistics, generate conditions for industry development and future growth with the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies and innovations in the context of sustainable development goals (SDGs). The objective of the article is to identify and analyse the potential of sustainable technologies in synergy with Industry 4.0 innovations and renewable energy initiatives in manufacturing and logistics in the context of SDGs. Qualitative analysis was performed on 105 enterprises of various business sizes, in several regions of Slovakia, within various industry sectors, and within geographical coverage. Based on the summarised results, we can state that more than 82% of surveyed enterprises implement the SDGs. Currently, more than 70% of enterprises prefer environmental aspects in business management. Based on the results, we find a significant relationship between the environmental management of the ...

Acta logistica, 2021
The aim of the article is to present streamlining reverse logistics challenging the trends of inc... more The aim of the article is to present streamlining reverse logistics challenging the trends of increased amount costs of packaging and a need to meet sustainable development goals. Analysis of the packaging process has identified increased costs for the purchase of packaging, increased volume of imported and produced packaging material, increased volume of packaging waste and thus high recycling fees (related to producer responsibility). A proposed solution for streamlining reverse logistics processes have been introduced, including workflow of the packaging process, a new packaging registration system and measures for standardisation of the packaging process. The solution's main benefits are economical and ecological: first, cost reduction for purchasing new packaging materials and cost reduction for recycling fees, the second elimination of negative influence on the environment by respecting the waste management hierarchy and principles of the circular economy. Other benefits e...

Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014
Material requirements planning (MRP) is a production planning and inventory management system use... more Material requirements planning (MRP) is a production planning and inventory management system used to manage logistics processes and designed to assist production managers in scheduling and placing orders for items of dependent demand. If it is implemented and used properly, it can be helpful for production managers to plan capacity needs and allocate production time. The article provides characteristics of the mentioned method; it describes the possible areas of application in manufacturing, purchasing and delivering activities. The paper considers the analysis of the production logistics in the chosen industrial company, focusing on information MRP system and the bottlenecks in the production. The work is a part of KEGA project No. 037STU-4/2012 Implementation of the subject Entrepreneurship Corporate Social Responsibility into the study program Industrial management in the second degree at the MTF STU Trnava.

Aim of the paper is to analyse specific factors of human-robot collaboration and adoption to Indu... more Aim of the paper is to analyse specific factors of human-robot collaboration and adoption to Industry 4.0 technologies in relation to working in mixed teams and in virtual work environment. Based on literature review and current findings in unified theory of technology acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model and its extensions, new endogenous factors might be included/considered, in a UTAUT model, namely emotional attitude (trust towards technology, perceived threat) and new moderators such as a location of organization and type of workplace-based training in organization. Team identification and self-extension process are intended as drivers for development of positive attitudes in human-robot collaboration and prerequisites of sustainable human-robot interaction. Regarding the findings in human-robot collaboration, the authors suggest including the type of personality and the attitudes towards Human-Robot collaboration among the extended factors of technology adoption withi...

Quality Production Improvement, 2018
Application of methods and tools of industrial engineering is from our experience often disconnec... more Application of methods and tools of industrial engineering is from our experience often disconnected from the strategy and core activity of the company and this influences the possibility to get synergic effect for entrepreneurship and for all stakeholders including environment and future. For capturing the synergies, it is imperative to implement system approach on the all levels of management and to create innovative environment. Objective of papers is twofold. Firstly, it gives a comprehensive overview of the most used methods and tools in industrial engineering to improve quality and effectiveness in context the sustainable development. Secondly, it gives a deep insight in application of before introduced methods in companies in Slovakia featuring discussions on cross-disciplinary cutting policy issues from the management perspective, such as economical, environmental and societal impact on the stakeholders and environment.
Research Papers Faculty of Materials Science and Technology Slovak University of Technology, 2016
Reverse logistics, the movement of materials back up the supply chain, is recognised by many orga... more Reverse logistics, the movement of materials back up the supply chain, is recognised by many organisations as an opportunity for adding value. The paper considers the theoretical framework and the conception of reverse logistics in literature and practice. The objective of the article is to propose tangible solutions which eliminate the imbalances in reverse logistics and improve the waste management in the company. The case study focuses on the improvement in the process of waste packaging in the context of sustainable development as a part of reverse logistics in the surveyed industrial company in Slovakia.
Research Papers Faculty of Materials Science and Technology Slovak University of Technology, 2012
The paper deals with a process approach as one of the main principles of the quality management. ... more The paper deals with a process approach as one of the main principles of the quality management. Quality management systems based on process approach currently represents one of a proofed ways how to manage an organization. The volume of sales, costs and profit levels are influenced by quality of processes and efficient process flow. As results of the research project showed, there are some weaknesses in applying of the process approach in the industrial routine and it has been often only a formal change of the functional management to process management in many organizations in Slovakia. For efficient process management it is essential that companies take attention to the way how to organize their processes and seek for their continuous improvement.
Papers by helena fidlerova