Papers by Billy Kristanto

International Journal of Cedar, 2024
Developing a theology of awakening is a challenging task. In terms of biblical theology, awakenin... more Developing a theology of awakening is a challenging task. In terms of biblical theology, awakening is strictly not a biblical term. Thus, we must look at biblical passages closely related to this topic. As for systematic theology, awakening is considered a dogmatic topic only in a few representations of recent Protestant dogmatics. Church history is the discipline of Christian theology that usually discusses awakening or revival movements. This paper tries to engage with a theology of awakening from all three perspectives of biblical, historical, and systematic theology. While the biblical perspective will include primarily the four Gospels, Acts, and Pauline writings, the historical perspective will be limited to the Reformed theological tradition. Finally, a systematic-theology perspective that draws on Wacker, Barth, and Welker will round off the paper.

Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 23, no. 1, 2024
This article presents a proposal for evangelical anthropology amidst the diversity of existing th... more This article presents a proposal for evangelical anthropology amidst the diversity of existing theological anthropological views. Proposing central tenets in evangelical theology to be developed anthropologically is subject to lengthy debate. This article limits itself to a few tenets drawn from Evangelical soteriology and Reformed Christology. First, the author discusses a brief history that presents various anthropological alternatives, especially in relation to the concept of the image of God, one of the central topics in Christian anthropology. The second part presents the anthropology of Michael Welker as one of the representatives of contemporary theological anthropology. The last section presents a proposal for evangelical anthropology which can be further developed and applied in various aspects.
The author then provides exemplary applications in only two aspects, namely in education and ecological responsibility. Methodologically, this article attempts to present various historical anthropological views in dialogue with evangelical theology, before completing with an evangelical proposal that essentially argues that human being is in one’s becoming like Christ.
Evangelische Theologie
Death and dying are very common topics in Bach's sacred cantatas. This article analyzes b... more Death and dying are very common topics in Bach's sacred cantatas. This article analyzes both theologically and musically which elements of ars moriendi were realized in Bach's works. The selected cantatas are No. 4, 83, 105, 106, 125, 127, 156 and 161. As a faithful Lutheran, Bach's ars moriendi represented the central principles of Lutheran theology. Bach's libretto, however, also bears remarkable similarities to the late medieval tradition of ars moriendi, a pre-Reformation ars moriendi that deals with evangelical ideas about death.

On Reformation Day-October 31, 1999-official representatives of the Roman Catholic Church and the... more On Reformation Day-October 31, 1999-official representatives of the Roman Catholic Church and the Worldwide Lutheran Federation culminated a two-decade dialogue 1 by signing a "Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" (hereafter JDDJ). The document set forth areas of new-found accord regarding the nature of justification as well as areas where disagreements still exist between the Roman Catholic and Lutheran traditions. In addition, both sides officially lifted anathemas pronounced upon one another over four hundred years ago. News headlines regarding the signing of JDDJ ran the gamut from celebratory to cautious to critical. For example: "Faiths Heal Ancient Rift over Faith; Catholics, Lutherans End Doctrinal Dispute." 2 "On Earth, Peace?" 3 "Taming the Reformation." 4 In the United States, Roman Catholics and mainline Protestant leaders generally praised the declaration, as did some high-profile evangelical Protestants, though not without qualification. Not surprisingly, there was negative feedback as well. The Rev. Paul T. McCain of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (which is not affiliated with the Lutheran World Federation) used the words "ambiguous and equivocating" as well as "fundamentally dishonest" to describe JDDJ. 5 Reformed theologian Michael Horton of Westminster Theological Seminary concluded that "calling bad news [i.e.
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Momentum, 2008
Buku ini berisi refleksi penulis yang mendalam namun praktis berkenaan dengan berbagai aspek kehi... more Buku ini berisi refleksi penulis yang mendalam namun praktis berkenaan dengan berbagai aspek kehidupan dan pelayanan Kristen berdasarkan Surat 1 Korintus. Surat 1 Korintus memberikan banyak butir pengajaran yang begitu berharga tentang bagaimana seharusnya iman Kristen diterapkan dalam setiap aspek kehidupan dan pelayanan, bagaimana supaya kita tidak tinggal tetap dalam kondisi rohani yang bermasalah, melainkan supaya kita bertumbuh dalam kedewasaan rohani seperti yang dikehendaki Tuhan bagi kita.

Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind die Vertonungen des 51. Psalms in Deutschland ca. 1600-1750 betr... more Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind die Vertonungen des 51. Psalms in Deutschland ca. 1600-1750 betrachtet in den Perspektiven der reformatorischen Musikanschauung. Als Ziel dieser Arbeit soll die Untersuchung der Vertonungen des 51. Psalms zu einer Darstellung der geschichtlichen Entwicklung, in dem sie die Beziehung von der theologisch-asthetischen- und kompositorischen Wandeln in der Psalmvertonungen zeigt. Der musikasthetische Wandel in Deutschland wird offensichtlich in der Entwicklung von konkreten Vertonungen des in dieser Arbeit gewahlten Psalms 51 in Deutschland reflektiert. Mit Praetorius Vertonung beginnend, das eine klare Betonung der Prioritat der Textverstandlichkeit ist, endet diese Arbeit mit einer Parodie von Bach, der im Wesentlichen die Dominanz von Musik uber den Text zeigt. Dazwischen sind verschiedene Komponisten, die in ihren Zeiten auf die Vielfalt von musikaesthetisen Strome geantwortet haben. Ihr in ihren Vertonungen des 51. Psalms bestatigten kompositionelles...

Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan, 2020
Dalam artikel ini akan disajikan potensi pemikiran Yohanes Calvin bagi ibadah Kristen masa kini m... more Dalam artikel ini akan disajikan potensi pemikiran Yohanes Calvin bagi ibadah Kristen masa kini maupun masa yang akan datang. Ibadah menurut Calvin sepertinya tidak menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan dalam konteks masa kini karena kesempitan wawasannya. Artikel ini berusaha untuk menyajikan perspektif sebaliknya. Artikel ini hendak membagikan kontribusi pemikiran Calvin yang dapat menjadi tuntunan dan koreksi bagi ibadah masa kini. Untuk itu, penulis akan menjabarkan prinsip-prinsip teologi reformatoris Calvin yang diaplikasikan dalam aspek ibadah, pandangan Calvin tentang dosa-dosa liturgis, dan gambaran-gambaran atau metafora-metafora yang digunakan Calvin untuk menjelaskan ibadah. Secara metodologis, artikel ini berusaha untuk menimba pemikiran Calvin tentang ibadah dan menerapkannya secara kontekstual, namun tidak memberikan pembahasan yang komprehensif dan historis dalam arti yang ketat. Pemikiran Calvin tentang ibadah bukan saja melampaui pokok bahasan seputar penggunaan alat musi...

European Journal of Theology, 2020
Summary This article examines nine sacred cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach which address the sub... more Summary This article examines nine sacred cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach which address the subject of exile and religious identity. The biblical or general theological background of the text of each selected cantata, as well as the way in which Bach set the text to music, is discussed. We can learn from Bach that, first, there should be a legitimate space to express fear and insecurity about the arrival of foreigners. Second, believers who are in exile can associate their Christian identity with the life of Jesus while inviting unbelievers to find their identity in Jesus. Third, both suffering and hospitality are true features of Christian discipleship. Fourth, Bach’s interpretation of exile as a divine punishment is not the final message. The motif of exile as punishment is transformed by a Christological interpretation. Finally, the end of exile can be celebrated. In exile, believers dare to hope and to believe; at the end of the exile, believers celebrate without forgetting th...

Unio Cum Christo, 2017
Unio cum Christo celebrates and encourages the visible union believers possess in Christ when the... more Unio cum Christo celebrates and encourages the visible union believers possess in Christ when they confess the faith of the one holy catholic and apostolic church, the body of Christ. Thus, its mission is (1) to be an international scholarly and practical journal for the global Reformed community-churches, seminaries, theologians, and pastors; (2) to encourage deeper fellowship, understanding, and growth in faith, hope, and love in the Reformed community at large; and (3) to support small and isolated Reformed witnesses in minority missional situations. It will seek to do so by the publication and dissemination of scholarly contributions of a biblical, theological, and practical nature by Reformed leaders worldwide including leading theologians, developing scholars, practicing missionaries, pastors, and evangelists. Articles, interviews, and book reviews will consistently be in line with biblically based Reformed confessional orthodoxy and orthopraxis. Submitted or solicited contributions for its biannual issues will focus on specific themes of importance to the Reformed tradition and present debate.

Encyclopedia of Christianity Online
On Reformation Day-October 31, 1999-official representatives of the Roman Catholic Church and the... more On Reformation Day-October 31, 1999-official representatives of the Roman Catholic Church and the Worldwide Lutheran Federation culminated a two-decade dialogue 1 by signing a "Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" (hereafter JDDJ). The document set forth areas of new-found accord regarding the nature of justification as well as areas where disagreements still exist between the Roman Catholic and Lutheran traditions. In addition, both sides officially lifted anathemas pronounced upon one another over four hundred years ago. News headlines regarding the signing of JDDJ ran the gamut from celebratory to cautious to critical. For example: "Faiths Heal Ancient Rift over Faith; Catholics, Lutherans End Doctrinal Dispute." 2 "On Earth, Peace?" 3 "Taming the Reformation." 4 In the United States, Roman Catholics and mainline Protestant leaders generally praised the declaration, as did some high-profile evangelical Protestants, though not without qualification. Not surprisingly, there was negative feedback as well. The Rev. Paul T. McCain of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (which is not affiliated with the Lutheran World Federation) used the words "ambiguous and equivocating" as well as "fundamentally dishonest" to describe JDDJ. 5 Reformed theologian Michael Horton of Westminster Theological Seminary concluded that "calling bad news [i.e.
Evangelische Theologie Vol. 83 Issue 6, 2023
Death and dying are very common topics in Bach's sacred cantatas. This article analyzes both theo... more Death and dying are very common topics in Bach's sacred cantatas. This article analyzes both theologically and musically which elements of ars moriendi were realized in Bach's works. The selected cantatas are No. 4, 83, 105, 106, 125, 127, 156 and 161. As a faithful Lutheran, Bach's ars moriendi represented the central principles of Lutheran theology. Bach's libretto, however, also bears remarkable similarities to the late medieval tradition of ars moriendi, a pre-Reformation ars moriendi that deals with evangelical ideas about death.
Unio cum Christo, 2023
There have been many discussions about the nature of the church-what makes a church a church. Dra... more There have been many discussions about the nature of the church-what makes a church a church. Drawing from Reformational insights, this article engages with this question from a soteriological perspective. The Reformed soteriological story begins with creation. Creation was, however, disturbed by the fall. God o ers the story of redemption for the whole creation. Finally, God's work of redemption culminates in the beatific vision of his glory, which can already be beheld and tasted here and now. I will follow this framework (creation, fall, redemption, glorification) to present a proposal for a Reformed ecclesiology developed from Reformed soteriology. Though written from an Indonesian perspective, this article tries to bring together voices from both global hemispheres in an irenic dialogue.
Evangelische Theologie, 2022
Der Mord an Samuel Paty im Oktober 2020 hatte die Welt schockiert. Obwhol die Tat von fast allen ... more Der Mord an Samuel Paty im Oktober 2020 hatte die Welt schockiert. Obwhol die Tat von fast allen verurteilt wurde, scheiden sich die Geister über die Meinungsfreiheit, die den Mord verursacht hat. Dieser Artikel möchte die Konzepte der Meinungsfreiheit nachzeichnen, wie sie in Frankreich rezipiert wurden. Basierend auf Luthers Schrift »Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen « argumentiert der Artikel dann für die Relevanz von Luthers Freiheitskonzept, um die Suche nach wahrer Freiheit fruchtbar zu beantworten. Er entfaltet die Potenziale von Luthers Freiheitskonzept und zeigt, wie Luthers Denken eine sinnvollere Alternative bieten kann als der säkulare Freiheitsbegriff, wie er von der französischen Aufklärung rezipiert wurde.

Kesinambungan di dalam pemahaman ortodoks mengenai dua kehendak Kristus, berdasarkan dua natur-Ny... more Kesinambungan di dalam pemahaman ortodoks mengenai dua kehendak Kristus, berdasarkan dua natur-Nya (Dyothelitisme) merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk mengerti mengenai Pribadi Kristus dan bagaimana pekerjaan penebusan dilaksanakan dengan sempurna oleh Pribadi-Nya, di dalam inkarnasi Sang Logos yang mengambil natur manusia. Dyothelitisme yang diwakili oleh pemikiran Maximus the Confessor merupakan acuan di dalam memahami Kristologi dua natur – satu pribadi dari Chalcedon, yang diterima sebagai ortodoksi Gereja di dalam melawan ajaran Monothelitisme dan Monoenergisme. Kesinambungan antara pemikiran Dyothelitisme Maximus the Confessor tersebut dengan pemikiran serta karya Yohanes Calvin di dalam Kristologinya, adalah sangat penting bagi pemahanan mengenai pelaksanaan dan penggenapan sempurna karya penebusan Kristus di dalam pandangan teologia Reformed sebagaimana diwakili oleh Calvin. Kata kunci: Dyothelitisme; Monothelitisme; hypostasis; pribadi; ousia; essence; natur; ke-ilahian...
Gerrit Cornelis Berkouwer was a significant Dutch Reformed theologian. This article will observe ... more Gerrit Cornelis Berkouwer was a significant Dutch Reformed theologian. This article will observe Berkouwer’s concept of imago Dei based on systematic-biblical method. In other words, biblical concept will only support the systematic-theological based discussion. It will be demonstrated through this article that, in comparison to previous approaches of explaining the concept of the image, Berkouwer had made a significant contribution. That contribution is found in his emphasis on the functional aspect of being the image. In doing this, on one hand, he followed the path of Reformatory tradition, but on the other hand, he also diverted from the Reformatory tradition on some issues about the concept of the image. KEYWORDS: Berkouwer; imago Dei; human nature; human dignity; Postmodernism; analogia entis; analogia relationis; analogia amoris

Artikel ini mencoba untuk menggambarkan teologi Calvin tentang Perjamuan Kudus sebagai jawaban ek... more Artikel ini mencoba untuk menggambarkan teologi Calvin tentang Perjamuan Kudus sebagai jawaban ekumenis untuk menjembatani polemik antara Luther dan Zwingli dalam komunitas Protestan dengan meninjau pandangan awal dan akhir tulisan Calvin. Saya berargumentasi bahwa pembacaan ekumenis Calvin terhadap kedua reformator telah membantu mentransformasi polemik yang ada menjadi alternatif kreatif. Saya akan membandingkan pemahaman Luther dan Zwingli tentang Perjamuan Kudus. Kemudian, tulisan awal Calvin tentang Perjamuan Kudus akan digambarkan sebagai jalan tengah antara Luther dan Zwingli. Bagian ketiga membahas tulisan Calvin belakangan tentang Perjamuan Kudus, yang akan diikuti oleh tinjauan historis dari beberapa teolog dan juga Konsili Kalsedon. Natur relasi antara tanda dan yang ditunjuk oleh tanda merupakan hal yang kompleks dan multidimensi. Tinjauan historis juga meneguhkan jiwa ekumenis Calvin. Akhirnya disimpulkan bahwa meskipun masih ada perbedaan pandangan, ada kemiripan yang ...

Billy Kristanto, 2020
This article examines nine sacred cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach which address the subject of ... more This article examines nine sacred cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach which address the subject of exile and religious identity. The biblical or general theological background of the text of each selected cantata, as well as the way in which Bach set the text to music, is discussed. We can learn from Bach that, first, there should be a legitimate space to express fear and insecurity about the arrival of foreigners. Second, believers who are in exile can associate their Christian identity with the life of Jesus while inviting unbelievers to find their identity in Jesus. Third, both suffering and hospitality are true features of Christian discipleship. Fourth, Bach’s interpretation of exile as a divine punishment is not the final message. The motif of exile as punishment is transformed by a Christological interpretation. Finally, the end of exile can be celebrated. In exile, believers dare to hope and to believe; at the end of the exile, believers celebrate without forgetting their past suffering. Both testify to a sound religious identity.
Papers by Billy Kristanto
The author then provides exemplary applications in only two aspects, namely in education and ecological responsibility. Methodologically, this article attempts to present various historical anthropological views in dialogue with evangelical theology, before completing with an evangelical proposal that essentially argues that human being is in one’s becoming like Christ.
The author then provides exemplary applications in only two aspects, namely in education and ecological responsibility. Methodologically, this article attempts to present various historical anthropological views in dialogue with evangelical theology, before completing with an evangelical proposal that essentially argues that human being is in one’s becoming like Christ.