Papers by Haryoto Prasetyo Nugroho

2021 5th International Conference on Electrical, Telecommunication and Computer Engineering (ELTICOM)
Power outages in the grid can result from the electrical equipment's dielectric material'... more Power outages in the grid can result from the electrical equipment's dielectric material's failure. To maintain continuity of electricity supply, electrical equipment that is considered critical, such as transformers, needs to be tested for isolation. Before the transformer is operated, insulation tests such as dielectric dissipation and insulation resistance are used to assess the electric dielectric. The dielectric dissipation factor is one of the parameters that can indicate the quality of the insulation. Isolation testing ensures the transformer meets the standards set before the transformer is operated to optimize the distribution of electricity. In this paper, the dielectric dissipation factor test refers to the IEEE std 62–1995 and the insulation resistance test refers to the IEEE std 43–2013. In this paper, the dielectric dissipation factor's test results in all circuits are less than 0.5%, and the insulation resistance test results are greater than $100\ \mathrm{M}\Omega$ with a polarization index value above two, meaning that the insulation is in good condition.

In an electric power system, a power transformer is one of the most critical equipment and cannot... more In an electric power system, a power transformer is one of the most critical equipment and cannot be separated from possible abnormal conditions due to fault. Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) is a reliable technique for detecting the presence of a fault condition that just occurred in oil immersed transformer. Basically DGA is a process to calculate the levels or values of hydrocarbon gases that are formed due to abnormalities. The gas inside the transformer can function as a marker for various types of faults. In this paper, for DGA testing and evaluation of the type of fault in the power transformer using the interpretation of IEEE std C57.104 and IEC 60599. The method used for DGA testing according to the IEEE interpretation is total dissolved combustible gas (TDCG), key gas, doernenburg ratio, and roger ratio. While the method used for DGA testing at IEC 60599 is the duval triangle, the basic gas ratio and CO2/CO ratio. From the results of DGA tests that have been carried out, all o...
Transformator adalah suatu alat listrik yang digunakan untuk mentransformasikan daya atau energi ... more Transformator adalah suatu alat listrik yang digunakan untuk mentransformasikan daya atau energi listrik dari tegangan tinggi ke tegangan rendah atau sebaliknya, melalui suatu gandengan magnet dan berdasarkan prinsip induksi-elektromagnet.
Papers by Haryoto Prasetyo Nugroho