University of St. Thomas, Minnesota
The Rehabilitation Professional is published quarterly by the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP). The Rehabilitation Professional is published to promote the profession, to inform the public about activities... more
Little research attention has focused on the job-search behavior of minimally educated workers. The primary objective of the studies reported was to examine the relationship of self-reported assertive jobhunting behavior to acquisition of... more
Cities are increasingly making decisions related to sustainability, and information from the field of urban ecology may be useful in informing these decisions. However, the potential utility of this information may not translate into it... more
In this paper, we propose an algorithm which is based on many things: the notions well-known of the simplex network method, Ford Fulkerson's algorithm and our new idea, which is << the gain cycles >>, applied on a bi-objective minimum... more
Does the language people use to refer to the self during introspection influence how they think, feel, and behave under social stress? If so, do these effects extend to socially anxious people who are particularly vulnerable to such... more
Is 50 considered "old"? When do we stop being considered "young"? If individuals could choose to be any age, what would it be? In a sample of 502,548 internet respondents ranging in age from 10 to 89, we examined age differences in aging... more
The rates of specific therapist and client verbal behaviors were examined within the context of behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, and attention-contrOl interventions with children exhibiting classroom behavior problems. The 27... more