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Your gift to StrongHearts Native Helpline strengthens our mission to restore power to Native Americans impacted by domestic and sexual violence by weaving together a braid of safety, sovereignty and support. We envision a return to our traditional lifeways where our relatives are safe, violence is eradicated and sacredness is restored.

StrongHearts Native Helpline’s headquarters are located in the greater Minneapolis/St. Paul area on the ancestral lands of the Sioux Santee (Eastern Dakota) Wahpekute (Waȟpékhute) peoples.


Make a donation via PayPal by clicking the donate button below.


Make check payable to StrongHearts Native Helpline, Inc.

StrongHearts Native Helpline
PO Box 191
Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783

Volunteer Opportunities: How You Can Help

Although StrongHearts Native Helpline does not have an established volunteer program at this time, we recommend the following:

If you know someone who is in an abusive relationship:

  • Help them become aware of services and programs that are available to help them:
    • StrongHearts Native Helpline: 1-844-762-8483 or chat now at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You are also welcome to call (or chat) and discuss ways you can support your loved one.
  • Visit our webpage Help a Friend or Family Member to learn more. And read our articles:
  • Help raise awareness about domestic and sexual violence. Follow us on social media, share our posts and tag us. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube by searching @StrongHeartsDV.
  • Invite StrongHearts Native Helpline staff to attend your event or invite us to speak to your group. Send an email request to [email protected]
  • Donate to StrongHearts Native Helpline. Donate personally or if your employer has a program to donate to non-profit organizations, recommend StrongHearts Native Helpline. Your donation will help us continue our mission to restore power to Native Americans impacted by domestic and sexual violence by weaving together a braid of safety, sovereignty and support.
  • Volunteer at a local domestic violence shelter.


2021 Year End
Summary Year
Resource Disparity Summary

2023 State Reports

2022 State Reports

2021 State Reports

Download Materials

General Brochure
Palm Card
Awarness Poster

Request Shipment of Materials

StrongHearts is currently offering free shipments of our general brochures, palm cards and posters. Please request these items through our online request form and allow up to 10 business days for us to process your order.

background image of red rock

Other Resources

Using this link provides the user with a Safety Guide that includes definitions of abuse types and recommended courses of action.

Violence Against Native Women Is Not Traditional lays out historical and present day domestic, dating and sexual violence issues facing Native women.

NIWRC's informational booklet seeks to break the silence of Native youth experiencing domestic violence and encourages opening lines of communication.

The webinar addresses the topic of why women stay but emphasizes the need to ask, “Why do men abuse women?”

See NIWRC's monthly online newsletter "Advocate! Beyond the Shelter Doors," covers topics from grassroots advocacy to policy updates.

Navigating domestic violence can be hard, connect with the National Domestic Violence Hotline (the Hotline) online to explore resources.

Identify ways to keep children safe when violence occurs, visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline to learn about and teach children about safety.

Easy to read for young Native girls, this resource handbook is written in a simple terms covering a complicated subject, "what to do when raped."

Domestic violence laws differ by state, visit to research state by state legal information, statutes and laws.

Visit and follow Turtle Talk online, to explore legal issues in Indian Country as told by contributers across the country

Read stories about surviving domestic and sexual violence on Voices4Change, a website with relevant blog topics, resources and online training.

Services rooted in Alaska Native Culture, visit, to explore resources dedicated to helping victims of domestic, dating and sexual violence.

Follow We Are Native online for Native youth, by Native youth and explore weekly health tips, contests and life advice.

Use this website to learn more about Indian Health Services and locate a provider near you.

National Mental Health Hotline Free & Confidential 24/7 Assistance


The StrongHearts site has links to other agencies and materials. Users are subject to that site’s privacy policy when leaving StrongHearts' site. Additionally, StrongHearts is not responsible for the resources and information provided through any “off-site” web page referenced on this site. Some of the information may be outdated at the time you are accessing it. We do not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of materials on such websites, so users are advised to access these websites and links solely at their own risk.