? ?
Journal created:
on 14 October 2003 (#1390190)
on 22 February 2011
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Welcome to the stream. This community was built in the tradition of randomquestions, randomthought, and many more. Here you can ramble to your hearts content. Bring your word associations, mind junk, and brain burps here. Document the words of that song you just can't get out of your head, or vent about your neighbors. Go with the flow of your thoughts. Float in the stream.

Be respectful of your fellow lj-ers.
Do not post memes or quiz results here (they will be deleted).
animals, anthropology, anything random, archaeology, art, astrology, astronomy, autobiographies, autumn, baby food, baking, bands, beat poetry, beauty, big noses, books, buddhism, buffy, buffy the vampire slayer, burger king, butterflies, candid photography, candles, cats, cds, chatting, children's books, chocolate, christianity, cigarettes, clothes, clove cigarettes, coffee, comic books, concerts, converse all-stars, crosswords, daydreaming, diet coke, dogs, doodling, dreaming, dreams, duality, fantasy, film, film festivals, fires, flautas, flowers, folk music, food, friends, garlic, gilmore girls, god, goddess, grammar, guilty pleasures, guitar, hair, hello kitty, herbalism, ice cream, ikea, independent film, intelligence, internet, ireland, irish music, japanese, jazz, journals, judaism, kabbalah, king of the hill, laughter, learning, libraries, love, mexican art, mountains, movies, mp3s, music, mysticism, nature, nonsense, npr, old diaries, pagan, people, pet peeves, philosophy, photographs, photography, piano, pictures, piercings, poetry, politics, post-it notes, psychology, questions, radio, rain, random, randomness, randomquestion, randomthought, rap, reading, religion, religions, rituals, road trips, rock, shel silverstein, sleep, slurpees, soft cookies, spirituality, star wars, storms, stream of conscious, stream of consciousness, sun, sunsets, swimming, symbolism, talking, target, tarot, tarot cards, technology, thinking, thoughts, thunderstorms, trading spaces, traveling, trucks, tv, venting, what you ate today, wicca, word associations, words, writing
