Papers by Dian Aries Mujiburohman
Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia, Dec 23, 2021

Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi, Aug 26, 2022
Land tenure is a key aspect of land ownership. Undoubtedly, everyone wants to fight for the right... more Land tenure is a key aspect of land ownership. Undoubtedly, everyone wants to fight for the right to land on the land they own. No exception is the fishermen who live in the platform house area in several regions of the Riau Islands Province. Because the house they live in is built on water, there is an ambiguity about the status of control that they have. Because the proof of ownership owned by the fishermen is only based on the title deed issued by the local Village Office. The purpose of writing this article is to determine how the treatment is given to the settlement area of the platform that stands above the water surface by using qualitative methods to then be analyzed inductively. The conclusion of this article is to know the results obtained by fishermen and also some indigenous people living in the settlement area can have the right to land issued by the land office in the Anambas Archipelago Regency, Province of Riau Islands, this is done in order to create legal certainty. valid and valid.

Abdimasku, May 26, 2023
Pemerintahan desa saat ini sudah sangat berkembang, bahkan desa diberikan otonomi langsung oleh p... more Pemerintahan desa saat ini sudah sangat berkembang, bahkan desa diberikan otonomi langsung oleh pemerintah pusat melalui ditetapkannya Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa. Untuk menciptakan kemakmuran masyarakat, maka pemerintah desa mengupayakannya dengan berbagai cara, salah satunya dengan mengizinkan masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan tanah kas desa. Perekonomian memanglah hal yang menjadi persoalan dasar dalam masyarakat, maka dari itu pemerintah diharuskan peka dan peduli terhadap kondisi masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana masyarakat memanfaatkan tanah kas desa untuk meningkatkan taraf ekonomi mereka. Penelitian ini juga melihat bagaimana peran pemerintah desa dalam mengupayakan kemakmuran masyarakat dengan sumber daya yang ada. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh untuk penelitian ini didapat dari hasil wawancara dengan warga desa dan pemerintah desa. Hasil yang diperoleh dikembangkan dengan metode analisis yang kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk artikel. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa usaha dan bentuk kegiatan yang dilakukan masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi mereka yang bersumber dari tanah kas desa. Masyarakat memanfaatkan tanah kas desa dan fasilitas yang ada dengan pemikiran kreatif mereka, sekaligus dalam hal ini terlihat peran pemerintah desa yang memberi perhatian terhadap ekonomi masyarakat. Kata kunci: Ekonomi masyarakat, tanah kas desa, pemerintah desa

Widya Bhumi, Mar 30, 2022
The availability of land is the main instrument for national development in Indonesia. However, t... more The availability of land is the main instrument for national development in Indonesia. However, the massive development activities undertaken by the government and the public often lead to friction over land management, development, security, and control issues. The presence of a land bank agency is expected to be able to guarantee the availability of land under development for public, social, and economic equity. This research aims to analyze the urgency of establishing a land bank agency, the mechanism of land acquisition as a support for national development, its opportunities, and challenges. A qualitative method with descriptive analysis is applied in this research. The primary and secondary data that have been obtained are analyzed descriptively through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions related to the existence of land bank entities in Indonesia. Take a look at the results of this research, it indicates that the land bank agency is an agency that is capable to answer problems related to land acquisition for development in Indonesia. The implementation mechanism starts from the process of procurement, management, utilization, and distribution of land. The availability of land by the land bank is not only capable to facilitate the investment climate, but also to avoid the swelling of financing in land acquisition, abandonment of land and land disputes. However, this study suggests that a more specific study is needed regarding the process of transferring land rights and coordination between relevant stakeholders in order to fulfill the object.

Environment Conservation Journal, Mar 9, 2023
Rawa Pening Lake has been in critical condition, caused by high sedimentation levels, declining w... more Rawa Pening Lake has been in critical condition, caused by high sedimentation levels, declining water quality, damage to the watershed, and excessive riparian occupation. Therefore, this study aims to identify the main problems of the revitalization of Rawa Pening lake. Data and information collection were carried out through direct observation and interviews. The results showed that the main problems of the lake were the removal of the water weeds/water hyacinths, tidal rice fields, and buildings on the lake and riparian areas. The solution to the three main problems is lake revitalization. The revitalization concept that can be proposed regarding the control of water hyacinth is by mechanical means (using water hyacinth lifting equipment, boats, and cutting water hyacinth) and by biological methods, namely the cultivation of koan fish that will eat water hyacinth. At the tidal rice fields, it is necessary to determine the water level limit wisely. The areas with elevation of 462.30 m3-463.25 m3 (covering an area of 812 Ha) can be planted twice a year. The areas with a height of 462.05 m3-462.30 m3 (covering an area of 200 Ha) can be planted once in the rainy season. The areas with elevation of 462.05 m3 cannot be planted because it is in a state of flooding. Incommensurate areas and lakes, there is a lot of land and buildings consisting of settlements, tourism destinations, places of worship, and restaurants. Then the proposed alternative solution is the land acquisition compensation of land and buildings in commensurate areas.

Al-Adl, Jan 31, 2023
Modernization of electronic-based land services is a means of increasing indicators of ease of pu... more Modernization of electronic-based land services is a means of increasing indicators of ease of public service to the community. This is implemented by optimizing the use of information and communication technology. This article discusses the legal pitfalls of regulating electronic certificates and the prerequisites for implementing electronic certificates. From this legal blemish, there is formal legal disregard for the fundamental agrarian Law (UUPA) because it is not a source of reference in regulating electronic certificates and electronic land registration, and there are regulatory inconsistencies in the UUPA in substance. On the other hand, the regulation regarding analog land registration (PP No. 24 of 1997) and electronic land registration (PP No. 18 of 2021) raises the interpretation that there are two land registration systems, namely analog and electronic. PP No. 24 of 1997 was revised by issuing new arrangements that included other materials such as management rights, land rights and flats, as in PP no. 18 of 2021. Then, to carry out electronic land registration, at least three conditions must be met, namely validation of land data, electronic documents, and security of land data.
Tunas Agraria, May 14, 2019

Riau Law Journal
This study aims to analyze the preparations for the implementation of land registration in the po... more This study aims to analyze the preparations for the implementation of land registration in the positive publication system in Indonesia, which has been using negative publications with a positive tendency. Positive publications will guarantee the legal certainty of land rights that is stronger than negative publications, on the other hand it can reduce land disputes, conflicts and cases. The findings of this study are that land title certificates are considered correct as long as there is no means of proof proving otherwise, while the application of positive publications can only be applied if the coverage of land base maps and certified land parcels meets the prerequisites close to one hundred percent and the application can be carried out partially in each province or district / city or simultaneously through the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program. According to the PTSL target, the positive publication system can be implemented in 2025.
Tunas Agraria, 2018
Puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas terbitnya Jurnal Tunas Agraria (JTA) Vol 1, No. 1 (Ed... more Puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas terbitnya Jurnal Tunas Agraria (JTA) Vol 1, No. 1 (Edisi Perdana, September 2018), yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Diploma IV Pertanahan Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional (STPN) Yogyakarta.JTA merupakan sebuah wadah diseminasi hasil-hasil penelitian Mahasiswa dibidang Agraria-Pertanahan dan Tata Ruang seperti Penataan Agraria, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Politik dan Kebijakan Agraria, Tata Ruang, Perubahan dan Penataan Agraria, Pengukuran dan Pemetaan, Manajemen Pertanahan, dan AdministrasiPertanahan. JTA dipublikasikan berkala 3 kali setahun, yang secara khusus memfasilitasi publikasi karya Mahasiswa dan Dosen STPN.
KACANEGARA Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, May 2, 2023
Riau Law Journal, May 29, 2021
STPN Press dan PPPM eBooks, Dec 1, 2016
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, Jan 30, 2023
JIP published by SCAD Independent. All articles published in this journal are protected by copyri... more JIP published by SCAD Independent. All articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, licensed under a CC-BY-SA or an equivalent license as the optimal license for the publication, distribution, use, and reuse of scholarly works. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and not of the Editorial Board of JIP or SCAD Independent. JIP or SCAD Independent cannot be held responsible for views, opinions and written statements of authors or researchers published in this journal. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of the research material. Authors alone are responsible for the contents of their articles.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora (JISH), Aug 1, 2022

Perspektif: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial, Apr 18, 2022
Salah satu penyebab permasalahan pertanahan adalah belum adanya data yang lengkap dan akurat tent... more Salah satu penyebab permasalahan pertanahan adalah belum adanya data yang lengkap dan akurat tentang kepemilikan tanah terdaftar. Hal ini terjadi karena belum selesainya proses digitasi baik warkah, buku tanah maupun surat ukur dan peta-peta Maka tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kualitas data pertanahan dapat mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan sengketa tanah. metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan hasil menunjukkan bahwa salah satu kegiatan Peningkatan Kualitas Data Pertanahan Mandiri (PKDPM) menghasilkan peta sengketa yang memuat nama para pihak yang bermasalah serta lokasi tanah yang terindikasi bermasalah. Berdasarkan peta sengketa dapat mengidentifikasi 58 (lima puluh delapan) sengketa tanah yang diklasifikasikan ke dalam 4 (empat) yaitu tumpang tindih, sengketa batas, sengketa waris dan sengketa kepemilikan tanah. Namun dari 58 sengketa hanya 5 kasus yang dapat diselesaikan melalaui mediasi di Kantor Pertanahan Manggarai Barat. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan PKDPM hanya mampu mengidentifikasi sengketa, namun tidak mampu menyelesaikan sengketa yang ada.

Tunas Agraria, Sep 29, 2021
In accordance with Article 1 paragraph (7) of the Regional Regulation of West Sumatra Province No... more In accordance with Article 1 paragraph (7) of the Regional Regulation of West Sumatra Province No. 16 of 2008 concerning ulayat land and its utilization, ulayat land is a piece of heirloom land along with the natural resources on it which obtained from generation to generation and is the right of the customary law community in the province of West Sumatera. The formulations that can be brought out are (1) What kind of conflict of customary land tenure occur in KAN (Nagari Customary Density) Niniak Mamak Nan Salapan Suku Padang City, West Sumatra Province. (2) How (KAN) Niniak Mamak Nan Salapan Tribe of Padang City, West Sumatra Province, resolves disputes over customary land rights. This study is an empirical legal research using socio-legal approach. Indigenous peoples' dissatisfaction with conflict settlement at the customary court level has caused their existence to become hazy. This article investigates a recognized type of legal pluralism in West Sumatra, as well as the significance of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency and KAN as Minangkabau customary courts, and the position of KAN's decision in the District Court. It is viewed from form and pattern analysis of land tenure conflict settlement in pusako district.

Jurnal Yudisial, Apr 30, 2021
Dengan adanya ketentuan konversi dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960, maka status tanah hak-ha... more Dengan adanya ketentuan konversi dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960, maka status tanah hak-hak barat hanya berlaku sampai tanggal 24 September 1980. Namun kenyataannya, banyak kasus sengketa tanah bekas hak barat yang belum dikonversi setelah lewat dua puluh tahun Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria berlaku. Salah satu kasus yang terjadi adalah sengketa tanah bekas barat Eigendom Verponding Nomor 775a di Kabupaten Pekalongan. Upaya penyelesaian telah dilakukan secara litigasi dan non-litigasi, namun belum juga dapat diselesaikan. Pokok permasalahan yang dikaji adalah bagaimana status hukum tanah bekas hak barat Eigendom Verponding Nomor 775a pasca putusan inkracht van gewijsde? Siapakah yang paling memiliki hak prioritas bekas hak barat tersebut? Permasalahan ini dikaji dengan metode normatif, dengan pendekatan kasus dan peraturan perundang-undangan. Kesimpulan kajian ini adalah tanah objek sengketa telah ditetapkan sebagai tanah yang dikuasai oleh negara tidak serta merta hapus hak atas tanahnya, karena hak keperdataan (kepemilikan) masih melekat pada pemegang hak. Cara menghapus hak keperdataan itu adalah dengan memberi ganti kerugian kepada pemegang hak. Kata kunci: hak eigendom; tanah negara; tanah bekas hak barat; konversi tanah.

Padjadjaran: jurnal ilmu hukum (Journal of law), 2020
This study analyzed Article 8 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia on the presid... more This study analyzed Article 8 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia on the presidential succession in Indonesia. The 1945 Constitution clearly regulates presidential and vice-presidential election period for once in five years. However, the practice of presidential succession can be unpredictable. This article aims to elaborate the management of presidential succession in Indonesia. The study in this article employed normative research method by applying a statute approach. The finding of the study proves that based on Article 8 of the 1945 Constitution; there are four circumstances of presidential substitutions. They are decease, resignation, dismissal, and inability to carry out duties. However, in the actual practices that have been happened several times, the presidential successions in Indonesia were not always caused by the four conditions. The examples are the successions of Soekarno, Soeharto, and Abdurrahman Wahid. The three Presidents were dismissed without transparent legal reasons. Their dismissals were based merely on political decisions, not legal reasons. In addition, political transitions, internal conflicts, and economic crises contributed to the presidential successions in Indonesia.

Jurnal Pemberdayaan Komunitas MH Thamrin, Sep 30, 2022
Desa Tepus memiliki potensi wilayah di bidang pertanian, peternakan, perikanan, industri kecil da... more Desa Tepus memiliki potensi wilayah di bidang pertanian, peternakan, perikanan, industri kecil dan menengah serta pariwisata. Berdasarkan hal tersebut studi ini mengkaji potensi dan strategi pengembangan wilayah di desa Tepus, kecamatan Tepus, kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Metode yang digunakan dengan cara mengidentifikasi terhadap potensi dan strategi pengembangan desa Tepus, identifikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi/survei dan data sekunder serta primer. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa desa Tepus memiliki beberapa potensi diantaranya; Pertama, secara geografis merupakan desa terluas di kecamatan Tepus, dan di klasifikasi sebagai desa swakarya. Kedua, secara sosial budaya terdapat beberapa perkumpulan seni tari, seni musik, seni teater, dan seni rupa, serta mata pencaharian didominasi oleh petani/perkebunan. Ketiga, aspek perhubungan dan komunikasi adanya layanan komunikasi telepon seluler meskipun kondisi sinyal masih lemah, untuk sarana transportasi menggunakan jalur darat dan kondisi jalan darat berupa aspal dan beton dan adanya trayek tetap kendaraan umum. Keempat, sarana dan prasarana ekonomi sudah baik dan potensi wisata pantai yaitu pantai Indrayanti. Pengembangan potensi desa Tepus dapat dilakukan dapat dilakukan dengan cara: pengelolaan dan pemberdayaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes), optimalisasi alokasi dana desa, pengembangan pariwisata pantai, legalisasi tanah dan pengembangan Usaha Kecil Menengah.
Papers by Dian Aries Mujiburohman