? ?
17 February 2010 @ 02:43 pm
Some of them only have subtle differences. lol @ me being indecisive.


26 in totalCollapse )
10 January 2010 @ 09:25 pm
Still working on the requests, bbs! I'm just posting these first. :)

17 Michael Jackson
6 John Legend
12 Ne Yo
7 Akon

rest behind cutCollapse )
drop it: Michael Jackson - Earth Song | Powered by
27 December 2009 @ 08:08 am
I'm taking requests. Just post your picture(s) and I shall make make icons! :)
feel it: goodgood
drop it: Rihanna - Breakin' Dishes | Powered by
25 December 2009 @ 01:25 am
Some older Michael Jackson icons!

shamone in!Collapse )
drop it: Kanye West - We Don't Care | Powered by
10 August 2009 @ 05:10 am
I couldn't sleep all night so I decided to make icons! Here you go, lovely people.

18 michael jackson icons

lay back in mah tendahnessCollapse )
drop it: Neyo & Usher - Then Theres You | Powered by
04 January 2009 @ 03:57 am
1 Angelina Jolie
16 Katy Perry
5 Heath Ledger

under the cutCollapse )
drop it: Modest Mouse - Satin in a Coffin | Powered by
22 November 2008 @ 06:57 pm
So, I finally have PS7 again! Post some nice, high quality pictures you want made into an icon and I shall make them into icons! Right now I'm just making icons like these, though:

Clean and simple, y'know? Post away!
drop it: The Killers - The World We Live In | Powered by
16 March 2008 @ 01:22 am
Okay, not really. Here are 128 MCR bases! I made them all for myself but I figured I'm not going to use most of them anyway, so why not share them all? TOO MANY TO BOTHER NUMBERING, SORRY. There are also 3 Frank Iero banners.

[128] mcr bases
[3] frank iero banners

WOAHCollapse )
feel it: exhaustedexhausted
20 February 2008 @ 07:06 pm
6 fob
9 mcr
6 i am legend
2 fresh prince of bel-air

the party never endsCollapse )
drop it: the dresden dolls - my alcoholic friends