Abstrak: SMK BM Yapim Simpang Kawat mengedepankan menggunakan literasi internet berbasis web. Had... more Abstrak: SMK BM Yapim Simpang Kawat mengedepankan menggunakan literasi internet berbasis web. Hadirnya fasilitas internet dapat dimanfaatkan guru selaku pendidik sebagai sarana transfer informasi materi interaktif ke siswa sehingga memudahkan pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas. Melalui internet para pelajar bisa menambah wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan, mencari bahan pelajaran, literatur atau bahan-bahan tugas sekolah. Tujuan dari kegiatan PKM ini adalah untuk menggunakan internet secara bijak dan aman yang perlu diberikan kepada siswa, agar penggunaan internet memberikan manfaat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan informasi dalam meningkatkan kompetensi dan kreativitas siswa. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan kepada 1 mitra yaitu SMK BM Yapim Simpang Kawat, dengan penyajian materi, praktek, pendampingan dan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini meningkatkan kreatifitas dan kualitas siswa dimana peserta pelatihan sudah mampu ...
Abstrak: Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi (TI) yang pesat, kebutuhan akan media dan aplikasi pemb... more Abstrak: Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi (TI) yang pesat, kebutuhan akan media dan aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis TI harus diimplementasikan. Guru adalah salah satu faktor penentu keberhasilan seorang siswa. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kemampuan professional, pedagogik, sosial dan kepribadian. Beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi guru dan staf di SD Negeri 010240 Pematang Cengkering, Kecamatan Medang Deras adalah belum memanfaatkan teknologi perangkat lunak yang optimal yang ada dalam program komputer. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan guru dan stafnya dalam menggunakan Microsoft Office dengan baik dan lancar dalam kegiatannya. Metode pada pelatihan yang dilakukan dengan cara diskusi secara interaktif dalam menyampaikan pengetahuan kepada peserta pelatihan. Kegiatan ini menggunakan pengetahuan secara teori dan praktek di ruangan. Kegiatan pelatihan ini akan memberi keberhasilan dengan penilaian peserta melalui tes tertulis. Pelatihan ini ...
Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi terus berkembang namun di desa Limau Manis masih tertinggal dalam... more Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi terus berkembang namun di desa Limau Manis masih tertinggal dalam hal teknologi khususnya dalam penggunaan komputer. Selain itu tempat kawasan desa jauh dari perkotaan yang masih banyak kekurangan, terutama untuk kawasan yang ada di desa Limau Manis. Beberapa masalah yang dihadapi staf desa di desa limau manis adalah kurang memanfaatkan teknologi perangkat lunak yang ada dalam program komputer. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah meningkatkan kemampuan perangkat desa dalam menggunakan Microsoft Office dengan baik dan meningkatkan ketrampilan dalam melakukan pelayanan masyarakat menggunakan Microsoft Office. Metode pelatihan yang dilaksanakan dengan cara diskusi dan interaktif untuk menyampaikan pengetahuan kepada peserta pelatihan. Kegiatan ini menggunakan pengetahuan secara teori dan praktek di kelas. Keberhasilan kegiatan pelatihan ini diukur dengan hasil penilaian peserta melalui tes tertulis. Pelatihan ini berhasil memberikan pema...
Citra Bersama Tanjungbalai Printing is a business engaged in selling printing products and servic... more Citra Bersama Tanjungbalai Printing is a business engaged in selling printing products and services, established in 2006, located on Jalan Peninsula, Sirantau Village, Datuk Bandar District, Tanjungbalai City. The problem with Citra Bersama Printing is that it has not implemented an online sales system, it is difficult for customers to know about sales information in the printing press. There is no information system to carry out promotions, and the process of recording customer order data at the printing press is still doing it manually. Using the CRM method is a web-based printing product and service sales system that can help buyers find out various information and make it easier for buyers to place orders without coming directly to the printer. With the application of E-commerce using the CRM method, it can help Tanjungbalai Citra Bersama Printing carry out promotions and provide information related to the sale of products and services it markets to customers, and expand sales o...
This study aims to determine the efficiency of inventory management of medical equipment and drug... more This study aims to determine the efficiency of inventory management of medical equipment and drugs in the pharmacy installation of RSUD HAMS Kisaran Hospital using the EOQ method. This study uses a qualitative approach, data obtained by conducting interviews and observations to the pharmacy installation of RSUD HAMS Kisaran Hospital. The data collected is then processed using the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method. Pharmacy installation is part of the hospital in charge of organizing, coordinating, regulating, and supervising all pharmaceutical service activities as well as carrying out pharmacy technical guidance in hospitals. At present the pharmacy installation of RSUD HAMS Kisaran Hospital has not efficiently controlled the supply of goods as its function. Procurement of goods is done by recapitulating the data of whatever items are needed, then made a purchase of the goods. Inventories of goods are calculated manually on average use of goods per month without any details regarding storage costs and inventory ordering costs for one item of goods. EOQ is a method used to determine the number of purchases of materials at each order with the lowest cost. The results of the research that has been done, using the Economic Order Quantity method can help the pharmaceutical installation of HAMS Public Hospital. The range is to find out the inventory data, the number of items to be ordered, when to order the goods, and how much it costs to meet these needs so that the process inventory management can be carried out more effectively and efficiently.
The Batch Training method is one of the methods of Artificial Neural Networks that can be used to... more The Batch Training method is one of the methods of Artificial Neural Networks that can be used to make predictions, especially in times series data. This method is able to make predictions by learning from data that has never happened before by forming the right network architecture model. Therefore, this research will discuss the best network architecture model that is appropriate for making predictions using the Batch Training method. The data used in this study is the data of Natural Disasters in Indonesia, sourced from the National Disaster Management Agency. There are 12 variables used, namely Time of disaster, Number of disasters, Death and missing victims, injured victims, victims suffering and displaced, seriously damaged houses, lightly damaged homes, submerged houses, damage to health facilities, damage to worship facilities, and damage to facilities education. Based on this data will be formed and determined the network architecture model used, including 4-5-1, 4-10-1 and...
Abstrak: Para guru di Sekolah Taman Kanak Kanak RA Al-Fariq, Sei Silau Timur, Kecamatan Buntu Pa... more Abstrak: Para guru di Sekolah Taman Kanak Kanak RA Al-Fariq, Sei Silau Timur, Kecamatan Buntu Pane, Kabupaten Asahan merasakan keterbatasan informasi dalam aplikasi dan tidak tersedianya pula media pembelajaran dan kemampuan serta skill dalam membuat media pembelajaran. Akibatnya siswa merasa jenuh dan mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang diajarkan oleh guru dan tujuan pembelajaran tidak bisa tercapai sesuai dengan target pada kurikulum yang berlaku di sekolah tersebut. Dalam hal ini maka dilaksanakan pelatihan oleh tim kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh STMIK Royal Kisaran, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan skill dalam membuat media pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan prestasi belajar siswa sehingga kemampuan para guru dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran menjadi meningkat. Metode yang dilaksanakan dengan praktek dan pendampingan berupa pengoperasionalisasian program google classroom sesuai dengan materi ajarnya masing-masing. Tahapan pel...
The selection of employee leaders which is an important process for the company and is the most a... more The selection of employee leaders which is an important process for the company and is the most awaited thing by other employees to improve social status, salaries and many others, it is necessary to select employee leaders to become role models and examples and assist company leaders in managing and monitoring other employees for can work as expected by the leadership of the company, in the selection of company leaders it is necessary to choose a computerized process, namely making a decision support system to get the right and good results based on the system and not based on personal interests, in the decision-making process the ROC and Topsis methods are used as a step procedure that helps get a value with a high level of accuracy, the ROC method is used as a method of finding the weight value of each criterion and will continue the process of finding the highest value using the Topsis method as a ai the chosen alternative. The results obtained were 0.591835 as the highest score...
Jurnal Anadara Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Dec 30, 2020
Tim kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat STMIK Royal Kisaran memberikan kegiatan pelatihan pembu... more Tim kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat STMIK Royal Kisaran memberikan kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan media pembelajaran pengenalan angka dan huruf bagi guru guru sekolah RA Al-Fariq Sei Silau Timur, Kecamatan Buntu Pane, Kabupaten Asahan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan menambah wawasan bagi guru guru di sekolah. Hal ini dilakukan karena masih memiliki banyak kekurangan dalam menyampaikan pembelajaran ke siswa, antara lain dalam proses belajar siswa yang hanya banyak menghafal kosakata atau angka sehingga banyak siswa yang tidak fokus untuk belajar di karenakan cara belajarnya kurang menarik dan menimbulkan rasa bosan dan jenuh terhadap siswa. Kegiatan ini tidak hanya memberikan teori akan tetapi juga menggunakan aplikasi dengan cara praktek langsung pada komputer dengan menghadirkan 3 orang dosen yang memiliki bidang ilmu komputer di bidang sistem informasi. Hasil kegiatan ini dapat meningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan para guru tentang pembuatan media pembelajaran interaktif dengan pendekatan powerpoint.
Momy's Cake and Bread is one of the businesses engaged in the bakery and cake food industry that ... more Momy's Cake and Bread is one of the businesses engaged in the bakery and cake food industry that produces various types of bread, and cakes, ranging from Korean garlic bread, toasted brownise and others. All products have the same raw materials such as wheat flour, sugar, eggs, bananas, butter and others. There are times when there is excess raw material, but sometimes it is also lacking, a shortage of raw material supplies that a little will have an impact on the production process stopping which results in losing customers because they cannot meet their needs. Forecasting is a technique that aims to predict what will happen next based on pre-existing data. With this forecasting technique, it can provide predictions so that users can take effective steps that can be taken next. The ingredients to be predicted are wheat flour, sugar, eggs, bananas, coconut, white butter, cocoa, almonds, cocoa powder, vanilla. So that getting the forecast value in July 2021, the results Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) = 9,5874, Mean Square Error (MSE) = 18225,39162 and Mean Absolute Perentage Error (MAPE) = 30%, will be designed and built using the language PHP and MySQL programming so that it can be accessed using the internet and the system is based on a website.
is a company whose products are engaged in trade that sells electronics and furniture in cash or ... more is a company whose products are engaged in trade that sells electronics and furniture in cash or credit. Granting crdit can provide relief to consumers, giving rise to the level of consumer interest in buying, which means the company's sales turnover is higher and the company's cash receipts will increase. Determining which consumers deserve credit is not easy. Companies need a Decision Support System (DSS) that can help determine the creditwhorthiness of potential customers. The decision making calculation method used in this study is a simple additive weighting method with 5 criteria, namely discipline, down payment, monthly income, credit guarantee, and residence of status. The system was built using the PHP MySQL language and Sublime Text as the programming code. And the object-oriented system modeling language used is UML (Unifed Modelling Language). By using this SAW Method, it is hoped that the final result will be obtained as a tool to determine the credit extension to potential consumers who are eligible to be given.
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi), 2019
Abstrack:To produce a 3D animated film requires a long process flow so that the processing time o... more Abstrack:To produce a 3D animated film requires a long process flow so that the processing time of manufacture is also prolonged. This is a constraint in the development of the local animation film in Indonesia for a long time will lead to high production costs making it difficult to compete commercially with animated films from abroad who have abundant funds and the support of various parties in the country. Therefore, efforts to improve the competitiveness of local animated film and one of these efforts is by analyzing the stages of the manufacturing process and apply it to the process of making the actual 3D animated film.In general there are three stages of the filmmaking process, namely the 3D animation pre-production, production and post-production. Although this time the animation industry in Indonesia has not been detailed separates each of these stages, but still be important for designing detail the activities of these stages, in order to see the strengths and weaknesses o...
Toko cencen merupakan usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan berbagai macam produk fashion. S... more Toko cencen merupakan usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan berbagai macam produk fashion. Saat ini promosi penjualan produk dan pengolahan data penjualan yang dilakukan oleh Toko Cencen masih secara manual, belum menggunakan sistem penjualan secara online. Dimana pelanggan harus datang untuk melihat produk dan melakukan pembelian. Data penjualan dicatat pada nota penjualan dan direkap untuk pembuatan laporan penjualan. Sistem penjualan yang terjadi pada Toko Cencen Fashion perlu diperbaiki, supaya dapat bersaing dengan kompetitor lainnya yang sejenis dan dapat memberikan pelayanan yang baik serta memuaskan bagi setiap pelanggannya. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang mendukung proses pemasaran dan penjualan suatu produk kepada pelanggan menggunakan metode Customer Relationship Management (CRM), berbasis web. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat membantu Toko Cencen Fashion dalam mempromosikan produk, menjaga hubungan baik dengan pelanggan, mendapat pelanggan baru, mening...
The community service team of STMIK Royal conducted training with the Margarajagukguk Group throu... more The community service team of STMIK Royal conducted training with the Margarajagukguk Group throughout the Asahan District in carrying out community service activities at the institution using online. This community service activity team provides training to participants on E-Commerce training to increase income through Kokedama (Online Training) for the Rajagukguk Clan Group in Kisaran, Asahan Regency. Training in the use of IT, especially e-commerce in expanding market share, is needed for the Rajagukguk Kisaran clan group in particular, who are able to compete in today's global business. By utilizing e-commerce promotions and sales can be carried out throughout the world without time constraints and at a very low cost than conventional promotions
The community service team of STMIK Royal conducted training with the Margarajagukguk Group throu... more The community service team of STMIK Royal conducted training with the Margarajagukguk Group throughout the Asahan District in carrying out community service activities at the institution using online. This community service activity team provides training to participants on E-Commerce training to increase income through Kokedama (Online Training) for the Rajagukguk Clan Group in Kisaran, Asahan Regency. Training in the use of IT, especially e-commerce in expanding market share, is needed for the Rajagukguk Kisaran clan group in particular, who are able to compete in today's global business. By utilizing e-commerce promotions and sales can be carried out throughout the world without time constraints and at a very low cost than conventional promotions
Abstrak: Salah satu kompetensi utama lulusan STMIK Royal Kisaran adalah mampu mendesain web denga... more Abstrak: Salah satu kompetensi utama lulusan STMIK Royal Kisaran adalah mampu mendesain web dengan baik. Kursus Desain Web bertujuan untuk melatih siswa agar bisa mentransformasikan konsep perencanaan web ke dalam gambar. Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi dalam perkuliahan adalah konsep dan gambar yang dibuat oleh siswa seringkali tidak sesuai dengan tema web. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek sehingga hasil desain siswa lebih sesuai dengan tema web yang akan dibuat. Kegiatan penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan penelitian tindakan kelas melalui tahapan sebagai berikut: (1) Pre test, (2) e Perencanaan pembelajaran, (3) Implementasi pembelajaran model pembelajaran berbasis proyek, (4) Monitoring dan evaluasi, untuk melihat (uji) pemodelan, (5) Refleksi dan revisi, (6) Implementasi pembelajaran pada siklus berikutnya, dan (7) Evaluasi hasil belajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama empat bulan pada tahun 2017 dengan mengambil lokasi di STMIK...
This study aims to describe the technology based entrepreneurial activity, to elaborate the effor... more This study aims to describe the technology based entrepreneurial activity, to elaborate the efforts to improve students’ and graduates interest to be the doers of technopreneurship, and to compile a document which will be the direction of development to lead technopreneurship in at STMIK Royal in particular and Asahan District as a whole. This study used qualitative approach, the data collected by observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation, that located in 2 districts in the Province of Asahan. This study concludes that, low competitiveness of the product by small and medium business in Kabupaten Asahan is caused by limited technology mastery among entrepreneurs. If there are any technological innovations, it’s temporally only for exhibition purpose in regional and national scale, not to enhance the quality of products, diversification and efficiency in short-term, as well as sustainable increased of production, their income increased, and or business extension profit i...
Abstrak: Kunci ruangan kantor prodi SK dan SI di kampus STMIK Royal kisaran, selama ini menggunak... more Abstrak: Kunci ruangan kantor prodi SK dan SI di kampus STMIK Royal kisaran, selama ini menggunakan kunci manual, sehingga untuk akses keluar masuk bisa dilakukan oleh siapapun. Penggunaan kunci dengan sistem RFID pada Bed Nama bisa menambah sistem pengamanan di kantor prodi, sehingga akses masuk kantor Prodi SK dan SI tidak bisa diakses oleh sembarangan orang, serta sistem pengamanan lebih terjamin. Penggunaan sistem RFID juga dirasakan lebih efisien, dikarenakan harga kartu RFID jauh lebih murah dibandingkan dengan harga kunci atau penduplicatan kunci. Kata kunci: kunci dengan RFID, Sistem Pengaman Ruangan, Mikrokontroller.
Abstrak: SMK BM Yapim Simpang Kawat mengedepankan menggunakan literasi internet berbasis web. Had... more Abstrak: SMK BM Yapim Simpang Kawat mengedepankan menggunakan literasi internet berbasis web. Hadirnya fasilitas internet dapat dimanfaatkan guru selaku pendidik sebagai sarana transfer informasi materi interaktif ke siswa sehingga memudahkan pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas. Melalui internet para pelajar bisa menambah wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan, mencari bahan pelajaran, literatur atau bahan-bahan tugas sekolah. Tujuan dari kegiatan PKM ini adalah untuk menggunakan internet secara bijak dan aman yang perlu diberikan kepada siswa, agar penggunaan internet memberikan manfaat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan informasi dalam meningkatkan kompetensi dan kreativitas siswa. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan kepada 1 mitra yaitu SMK BM Yapim Simpang Kawat, dengan penyajian materi, praktek, pendampingan dan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini meningkatkan kreatifitas dan kualitas siswa dimana peserta pelatihan sudah mampu ...
Abstrak: Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi (TI) yang pesat, kebutuhan akan media dan aplikasi pemb... more Abstrak: Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi (TI) yang pesat, kebutuhan akan media dan aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis TI harus diimplementasikan. Guru adalah salah satu faktor penentu keberhasilan seorang siswa. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kemampuan professional, pedagogik, sosial dan kepribadian. Beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi guru dan staf di SD Negeri 010240 Pematang Cengkering, Kecamatan Medang Deras adalah belum memanfaatkan teknologi perangkat lunak yang optimal yang ada dalam program komputer. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan guru dan stafnya dalam menggunakan Microsoft Office dengan baik dan lancar dalam kegiatannya. Metode pada pelatihan yang dilakukan dengan cara diskusi secara interaktif dalam menyampaikan pengetahuan kepada peserta pelatihan. Kegiatan ini menggunakan pengetahuan secara teori dan praktek di ruangan. Kegiatan pelatihan ini akan memberi keberhasilan dengan penilaian peserta melalui tes tertulis. Pelatihan ini ...
Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi terus berkembang namun di desa Limau Manis masih tertinggal dalam... more Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi terus berkembang namun di desa Limau Manis masih tertinggal dalam hal teknologi khususnya dalam penggunaan komputer. Selain itu tempat kawasan desa jauh dari perkotaan yang masih banyak kekurangan, terutama untuk kawasan yang ada di desa Limau Manis. Beberapa masalah yang dihadapi staf desa di desa limau manis adalah kurang memanfaatkan teknologi perangkat lunak yang ada dalam program komputer. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah meningkatkan kemampuan perangkat desa dalam menggunakan Microsoft Office dengan baik dan meningkatkan ketrampilan dalam melakukan pelayanan masyarakat menggunakan Microsoft Office. Metode pelatihan yang dilaksanakan dengan cara diskusi dan interaktif untuk menyampaikan pengetahuan kepada peserta pelatihan. Kegiatan ini menggunakan pengetahuan secara teori dan praktek di kelas. Keberhasilan kegiatan pelatihan ini diukur dengan hasil penilaian peserta melalui tes tertulis. Pelatihan ini berhasil memberikan pema...
Citra Bersama Tanjungbalai Printing is a business engaged in selling printing products and servic... more Citra Bersama Tanjungbalai Printing is a business engaged in selling printing products and services, established in 2006, located on Jalan Peninsula, Sirantau Village, Datuk Bandar District, Tanjungbalai City. The problem with Citra Bersama Printing is that it has not implemented an online sales system, it is difficult for customers to know about sales information in the printing press. There is no information system to carry out promotions, and the process of recording customer order data at the printing press is still doing it manually. Using the CRM method is a web-based printing product and service sales system that can help buyers find out various information and make it easier for buyers to place orders without coming directly to the printer. With the application of E-commerce using the CRM method, it can help Tanjungbalai Citra Bersama Printing carry out promotions and provide information related to the sale of products and services it markets to customers, and expand sales o...
This study aims to determine the efficiency of inventory management of medical equipment and drug... more This study aims to determine the efficiency of inventory management of medical equipment and drugs in the pharmacy installation of RSUD HAMS Kisaran Hospital using the EOQ method. This study uses a qualitative approach, data obtained by conducting interviews and observations to the pharmacy installation of RSUD HAMS Kisaran Hospital. The data collected is then processed using the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method. Pharmacy installation is part of the hospital in charge of organizing, coordinating, regulating, and supervising all pharmaceutical service activities as well as carrying out pharmacy technical guidance in hospitals. At present the pharmacy installation of RSUD HAMS Kisaran Hospital has not efficiently controlled the supply of goods as its function. Procurement of goods is done by recapitulating the data of whatever items are needed, then made a purchase of the goods. Inventories of goods are calculated manually on average use of goods per month without any details regarding storage costs and inventory ordering costs for one item of goods. EOQ is a method used to determine the number of purchases of materials at each order with the lowest cost. The results of the research that has been done, using the Economic Order Quantity method can help the pharmaceutical installation of HAMS Public Hospital. The range is to find out the inventory data, the number of items to be ordered, when to order the goods, and how much it costs to meet these needs so that the process inventory management can be carried out more effectively and efficiently.
The Batch Training method is one of the methods of Artificial Neural Networks that can be used to... more The Batch Training method is one of the methods of Artificial Neural Networks that can be used to make predictions, especially in times series data. This method is able to make predictions by learning from data that has never happened before by forming the right network architecture model. Therefore, this research will discuss the best network architecture model that is appropriate for making predictions using the Batch Training method. The data used in this study is the data of Natural Disasters in Indonesia, sourced from the National Disaster Management Agency. There are 12 variables used, namely Time of disaster, Number of disasters, Death and missing victims, injured victims, victims suffering and displaced, seriously damaged houses, lightly damaged homes, submerged houses, damage to health facilities, damage to worship facilities, and damage to facilities education. Based on this data will be formed and determined the network architecture model used, including 4-5-1, 4-10-1 and...
Abstrak: Para guru di Sekolah Taman Kanak Kanak RA Al-Fariq, Sei Silau Timur, Kecamatan Buntu Pa... more Abstrak: Para guru di Sekolah Taman Kanak Kanak RA Al-Fariq, Sei Silau Timur, Kecamatan Buntu Pane, Kabupaten Asahan merasakan keterbatasan informasi dalam aplikasi dan tidak tersedianya pula media pembelajaran dan kemampuan serta skill dalam membuat media pembelajaran. Akibatnya siswa merasa jenuh dan mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang diajarkan oleh guru dan tujuan pembelajaran tidak bisa tercapai sesuai dengan target pada kurikulum yang berlaku di sekolah tersebut. Dalam hal ini maka dilaksanakan pelatihan oleh tim kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh STMIK Royal Kisaran, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan skill dalam membuat media pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan prestasi belajar siswa sehingga kemampuan para guru dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran menjadi meningkat. Metode yang dilaksanakan dengan praktek dan pendampingan berupa pengoperasionalisasian program google classroom sesuai dengan materi ajarnya masing-masing. Tahapan pel...
The selection of employee leaders which is an important process for the company and is the most a... more The selection of employee leaders which is an important process for the company and is the most awaited thing by other employees to improve social status, salaries and many others, it is necessary to select employee leaders to become role models and examples and assist company leaders in managing and monitoring other employees for can work as expected by the leadership of the company, in the selection of company leaders it is necessary to choose a computerized process, namely making a decision support system to get the right and good results based on the system and not based on personal interests, in the decision-making process the ROC and Topsis methods are used as a step procedure that helps get a value with a high level of accuracy, the ROC method is used as a method of finding the weight value of each criterion and will continue the process of finding the highest value using the Topsis method as a ai the chosen alternative. The results obtained were 0.591835 as the highest score...
Jurnal Anadara Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Dec 30, 2020
Tim kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat STMIK Royal Kisaran memberikan kegiatan pelatihan pembu... more Tim kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat STMIK Royal Kisaran memberikan kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan media pembelajaran pengenalan angka dan huruf bagi guru guru sekolah RA Al-Fariq Sei Silau Timur, Kecamatan Buntu Pane, Kabupaten Asahan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan menambah wawasan bagi guru guru di sekolah. Hal ini dilakukan karena masih memiliki banyak kekurangan dalam menyampaikan pembelajaran ke siswa, antara lain dalam proses belajar siswa yang hanya banyak menghafal kosakata atau angka sehingga banyak siswa yang tidak fokus untuk belajar di karenakan cara belajarnya kurang menarik dan menimbulkan rasa bosan dan jenuh terhadap siswa. Kegiatan ini tidak hanya memberikan teori akan tetapi juga menggunakan aplikasi dengan cara praktek langsung pada komputer dengan menghadirkan 3 orang dosen yang memiliki bidang ilmu komputer di bidang sistem informasi. Hasil kegiatan ini dapat meningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan para guru tentang pembuatan media pembelajaran interaktif dengan pendekatan powerpoint.
Momy's Cake and Bread is one of the businesses engaged in the bakery and cake food industry that ... more Momy's Cake and Bread is one of the businesses engaged in the bakery and cake food industry that produces various types of bread, and cakes, ranging from Korean garlic bread, toasted brownise and others. All products have the same raw materials such as wheat flour, sugar, eggs, bananas, butter and others. There are times when there is excess raw material, but sometimes it is also lacking, a shortage of raw material supplies that a little will have an impact on the production process stopping which results in losing customers because they cannot meet their needs. Forecasting is a technique that aims to predict what will happen next based on pre-existing data. With this forecasting technique, it can provide predictions so that users can take effective steps that can be taken next. The ingredients to be predicted are wheat flour, sugar, eggs, bananas, coconut, white butter, cocoa, almonds, cocoa powder, vanilla. So that getting the forecast value in July 2021, the results Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) = 9,5874, Mean Square Error (MSE) = 18225,39162 and Mean Absolute Perentage Error (MAPE) = 30%, will be designed and built using the language PHP and MySQL programming so that it can be accessed using the internet and the system is based on a website.
is a company whose products are engaged in trade that sells electronics and furniture in cash or ... more is a company whose products are engaged in trade that sells electronics and furniture in cash or credit. Granting crdit can provide relief to consumers, giving rise to the level of consumer interest in buying, which means the company's sales turnover is higher and the company's cash receipts will increase. Determining which consumers deserve credit is not easy. Companies need a Decision Support System (DSS) that can help determine the creditwhorthiness of potential customers. The decision making calculation method used in this study is a simple additive weighting method with 5 criteria, namely discipline, down payment, monthly income, credit guarantee, and residence of status. The system was built using the PHP MySQL language and Sublime Text as the programming code. And the object-oriented system modeling language used is UML (Unifed Modelling Language). By using this SAW Method, it is hoped that the final result will be obtained as a tool to determine the credit extension to potential consumers who are eligible to be given.
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi), 2019
Abstrack:To produce a 3D animated film requires a long process flow so that the processing time o... more Abstrack:To produce a 3D animated film requires a long process flow so that the processing time of manufacture is also prolonged. This is a constraint in the development of the local animation film in Indonesia for a long time will lead to high production costs making it difficult to compete commercially with animated films from abroad who have abundant funds and the support of various parties in the country. Therefore, efforts to improve the competitiveness of local animated film and one of these efforts is by analyzing the stages of the manufacturing process and apply it to the process of making the actual 3D animated film.In general there are three stages of the filmmaking process, namely the 3D animation pre-production, production and post-production. Although this time the animation industry in Indonesia has not been detailed separates each of these stages, but still be important for designing detail the activities of these stages, in order to see the strengths and weaknesses o...
Toko cencen merupakan usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan berbagai macam produk fashion. S... more Toko cencen merupakan usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan berbagai macam produk fashion. Saat ini promosi penjualan produk dan pengolahan data penjualan yang dilakukan oleh Toko Cencen masih secara manual, belum menggunakan sistem penjualan secara online. Dimana pelanggan harus datang untuk melihat produk dan melakukan pembelian. Data penjualan dicatat pada nota penjualan dan direkap untuk pembuatan laporan penjualan. Sistem penjualan yang terjadi pada Toko Cencen Fashion perlu diperbaiki, supaya dapat bersaing dengan kompetitor lainnya yang sejenis dan dapat memberikan pelayanan yang baik serta memuaskan bagi setiap pelanggannya. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang mendukung proses pemasaran dan penjualan suatu produk kepada pelanggan menggunakan metode Customer Relationship Management (CRM), berbasis web. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat membantu Toko Cencen Fashion dalam mempromosikan produk, menjaga hubungan baik dengan pelanggan, mendapat pelanggan baru, mening...
The community service team of STMIK Royal conducted training with the Margarajagukguk Group throu... more The community service team of STMIK Royal conducted training with the Margarajagukguk Group throughout the Asahan District in carrying out community service activities at the institution using online. This community service activity team provides training to participants on E-Commerce training to increase income through Kokedama (Online Training) for the Rajagukguk Clan Group in Kisaran, Asahan Regency. Training in the use of IT, especially e-commerce in expanding market share, is needed for the Rajagukguk Kisaran clan group in particular, who are able to compete in today's global business. By utilizing e-commerce promotions and sales can be carried out throughout the world without time constraints and at a very low cost than conventional promotions
The community service team of STMIK Royal conducted training with the Margarajagukguk Group throu... more The community service team of STMIK Royal conducted training with the Margarajagukguk Group throughout the Asahan District in carrying out community service activities at the institution using online. This community service activity team provides training to participants on E-Commerce training to increase income through Kokedama (Online Training) for the Rajagukguk Clan Group in Kisaran, Asahan Regency. Training in the use of IT, especially e-commerce in expanding market share, is needed for the Rajagukguk Kisaran clan group in particular, who are able to compete in today's global business. By utilizing e-commerce promotions and sales can be carried out throughout the world without time constraints and at a very low cost than conventional promotions
Abstrak: Salah satu kompetensi utama lulusan STMIK Royal Kisaran adalah mampu mendesain web denga... more Abstrak: Salah satu kompetensi utama lulusan STMIK Royal Kisaran adalah mampu mendesain web dengan baik. Kursus Desain Web bertujuan untuk melatih siswa agar bisa mentransformasikan konsep perencanaan web ke dalam gambar. Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi dalam perkuliahan adalah konsep dan gambar yang dibuat oleh siswa seringkali tidak sesuai dengan tema web. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek sehingga hasil desain siswa lebih sesuai dengan tema web yang akan dibuat. Kegiatan penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan penelitian tindakan kelas melalui tahapan sebagai berikut: (1) Pre test, (2) e Perencanaan pembelajaran, (3) Implementasi pembelajaran model pembelajaran berbasis proyek, (4) Monitoring dan evaluasi, untuk melihat (uji) pemodelan, (5) Refleksi dan revisi, (6) Implementasi pembelajaran pada siklus berikutnya, dan (7) Evaluasi hasil belajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama empat bulan pada tahun 2017 dengan mengambil lokasi di STMIK...
This study aims to describe the technology based entrepreneurial activity, to elaborate the effor... more This study aims to describe the technology based entrepreneurial activity, to elaborate the efforts to improve students’ and graduates interest to be the doers of technopreneurship, and to compile a document which will be the direction of development to lead technopreneurship in at STMIK Royal in particular and Asahan District as a whole. This study used qualitative approach, the data collected by observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation, that located in 2 districts in the Province of Asahan. This study concludes that, low competitiveness of the product by small and medium business in Kabupaten Asahan is caused by limited technology mastery among entrepreneurs. If there are any technological innovations, it’s temporally only for exhibition purpose in regional and national scale, not to enhance the quality of products, diversification and efficiency in short-term, as well as sustainable increased of production, their income increased, and or business extension profit i...
Abstrak: Kunci ruangan kantor prodi SK dan SI di kampus STMIK Royal kisaran, selama ini menggunak... more Abstrak: Kunci ruangan kantor prodi SK dan SI di kampus STMIK Royal kisaran, selama ini menggunakan kunci manual, sehingga untuk akses keluar masuk bisa dilakukan oleh siapapun. Penggunaan kunci dengan sistem RFID pada Bed Nama bisa menambah sistem pengamanan di kantor prodi, sehingga akses masuk kantor Prodi SK dan SI tidak bisa diakses oleh sembarangan orang, serta sistem pengamanan lebih terjamin. Penggunaan sistem RFID juga dirasakan lebih efisien, dikarenakan harga kartu RFID jauh lebih murah dibandingkan dengan harga kunci atau penduplicatan kunci. Kata kunci: kunci dengan RFID, Sistem Pengaman Ruangan, Mikrokontroller.
Papers by Neni Mulyani