Papers by Aan Dwi Widianto
Organizationnis currently experiencing growth and remarkable development. An increasinglyydiverse... more Organizationnis currently experiencing growth and remarkable development. An increasinglyydiverse public characters, both interal and external, require special handling in communicating to them. Communication activities of the organization is a strategic communications activities that need to be run by the organization. This communicationnactivities involving management as important decision makers in the organization. Through public relations activities of the organization’s strategic communication can run well. Public relations must have the full support of management to be able to carry out the task.
Translation from Indonesian language as an approach in English) There was a time when I could not... more Translation from Indonesian language as an approach in English) There was a time when I could not be called yet (time before birth) or originally I didn't exist = 0 then born aka live = 1 Of course the birth as explained in biology class, starting from the ability of cells to divide/cloning from one cell becomes = 2 cells, then divides again into 4 cells, then becomes 8 cells and again becomes 16 cells, 32 cells, 64 cells and so on as much as twice the original amount until it becomes infinite in number because there are more and mooore ... These cells work together and are organized very complexly and neatly until to form like me... You could say this is a simple photo of me when I was still a cell (cute isn't it):
bocoran guru yang ingin naik pangkat/golongan/sertifikasi
Ket: ? = belum diketahui massanya (…) = nilai massa masih berupa perkiraan karena atom bersifat r... more Ket: ? = belum diketahui massanya (…) = nilai massa masih berupa perkiraan karena atom bersifat radioaktif / mengalami peluruhan massa / massanya berubah menurut waktu peluruhannya
Gerakan spiral / melingkar juga dapat diamati pada setiap bagian dari alam ini seperti gerakan pe... more Gerakan spiral / melingkar juga dapat diamati pada setiap bagian dari alam ini seperti gerakan persebaran rambut di kepala kita, ombak dilaut, angin badai taufan, rumah siput, batang pohon, perputaran elektron/atom, rotasi matahari, rotasi bulan, bintang, bahkan manusia pun melakukannya yaitu ketika haji/thowaf di ka'bah. Gerakan menuju pusat/inti baik spiral ataupun melingkar menunjukkan adanya satu gaya/kekuatan yang sama perlakuan pada semua sistem. Manusia mengelilingi ka'bah disertai keyakinan bahwa tidak ada tuhan kecuali hanya Alloh saja seraya bertasbih, tahmid, takbir, dan lain-lain yang mengagungkan nama-Nya.
Ket: ? = belum diketahui massanya (…) = nilai massa masih berupa perkiraan karena atom bersifat r... more Ket: ? = belum diketahui massanya (…) = nilai massa masih berupa perkiraan karena atom bersifat radioaktif / mengalami peluruhan massa / massanya berubah menurut waktu peluruhannya
Gerakan spiral / melingkar juga dapat diamati pada setiap bagian dari alam ini seperti gerakan pe... more Gerakan spiral / melingkar juga dapat diamati pada setiap bagian dari alam ini seperti gerakan persebaran rambut di kepala kita, ombak dilaut, angin badai taufan, rumah siput, batang pohon, perputaran elektron/atom, rotasi matahari, rotasi bulan, bintang, bahkan manusia pun melakukannya yaitu ketika haji/thowaf di ka'bah. Gerakan menuju pusat/inti baik spiral ataupun melingkar menunjukkan adanya satu gaya/kekuatan yang sama perlakuan pada semua sistem. Manusia mengelilingi ka'bah disertai keyakinan bahwa tidak ada tuhan kecuali hanya Alloh saja seraya bertasbih, tahmid, takbir, dan lain-lain yang mengagungkan nama-Nya.
Teaching Documents by Aan Dwi Widianto
Atomic Interlocking System, 2011
1. The document describes a system of cellular division that begins with a single cell and progre... more 1. The document describes a system of cellular division that begins with a single cell and progresses through doubling to form more cells. This process is represented visually as a tree diagram with exponentially increasing cells. 2. It notes several natural phenomena that follow exponential patterns of division, such as atomic decay, the bouncing of balls, and cellular reproduction. These systems use a base-2 numbering pattern rather than the standard 0-9 numbering. 3. The document suggests that the Quran may point to an optimal base-19 numbering system for calculations and proposes using this system to model natural exponential processes.
Atomic Interlocking System, 2011
1. The document describes a system of cellular division that begins with a single cell and progre... more 1. The document describes a system of cellular division that begins with a single cell and progresses through doubling to form more cells. This process is represented visually as a tree diagram with exponentially increasing cells. 2. It notes several natural phenomena that follow exponential patterns of division, such as atomic decay, the bouncing of balls, and cellular reproduction. These systems use a base-2 numbering pattern rather than the standard 0-9 numbering. 3. The document suggests that the Quran may point to an optimal base-19 numbering system for calculations and proposes using this system to model natural exponential processes.
Atomic Interlocking System, 2011
1. The document describes a system of cellular division that begins with a single cell and progre... more 1. The document describes a system of cellular division that begins with a single cell and progresses through doubling to form more cells. This process is represented visually as a tree diagram with exponentially increasing cells. 2. It notes several natural phenomena that follow exponential patterns of division, such as atomic decay, the bouncing of balls, and cellular reproduction. These systems use a base-2 numbering pattern rather than the standard 0-9 numbering. 3. The document suggests that the Quran may point to an optimal base-19 numbering system for calculations and proposes using this system to model natural exponential processes.
Atomic Interlocking System, 2011
1. The document describes a system of cellular division that begins with a single cell and progre... more 1. The document describes a system of cellular division that begins with a single cell and progresses through doubling to form more cells. This process is represented visually as a tree diagram with exponentially increasing cells. 2. It notes several natural phenomena that follow exponential patterns of division, such as atomic decay, the bouncing of balls, and cellular reproduction. These systems use a base-2 numbering pattern rather than the standard 0-9 numbering. 3. The document suggests that the Quran may point to an optimal base-19 numbering system for calculations and proposes using this system to model natural exponential processes.
Atomic Interlocking System, 2011
1. The document describes a system of cellular division that begins with a single cell and progre... more 1. The document describes a system of cellular division that begins with a single cell and progresses through doubling to form more cells. This process is represented visually as a tree diagram with exponentially increasing cells. 2. It notes several natural phenomena that follow exponential patterns of division, such as atomic decay, the bouncing of balls, and cellular reproduction. These systems use a base-2 numbering pattern rather than the standard 0-9 numbering. 3. The document suggests that the Quran may point to an optimal base-19 numbering system for calculations and proposes using this system to model natural exponential processes.
Atomic Interlocking System, 2011
1. The document describes a system of cellular division that begins with a single cell and progre... more 1. The document describes a system of cellular division that begins with a single cell and progresses through doubling to form more cells. This process is represented visually as a tree diagram with exponentially increasing cells. 2. It notes several natural phenomena that follow exponential patterns of division, such as atomic decay, the bouncing of balls, and cellular reproduction. These systems use a base-2 numbering pattern rather than the standard 0-9 numbering. 3. The document suggests that the Quran may point to an optimal base-19 numbering system for calculations and proposes using this system to model natural exponential processes.
Papers by Aan Dwi Widianto
Teaching Documents by Aan Dwi Widianto