Papers by Shellee Barcelona

This article aims to explain the language phenomena in sociolinguistics, namely, language mainten... more This article aims to explain the language phenomena in sociolinguistics, namely, language maintenance and solidarity. Language maintenance is the phenomena where the speakers of the language maintain to use the language without affected by other languages nearby. This language maintenance may be influenced by solidarity inside the language community. The analysis derived from my previous research of “English spoken in Oakland and Atlanta in movie Romeo Must Die and Beauty Shop”. The phenomena were drawn from the context of the movies where the speakers used African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) in their daily communication. African American is a minority language community in America compared to native speakers of American English. With a good solidarity among the black, they were not really influenced by English used by the White American although there is still a language contact among them. They tend to make a gap between their community and the outsider. Besides, their culture also influences the language maintenance among them. Rap and Hiphop culture is everywhere in this world. It is also one of the reasons why AAVE is not only used by African American as the minority but also used by many people as the fan of these music genres. It creates more solidarity inside the community. This is also the reason African-American still use their AAVE in everyday communication in every situation with other different language speakers, too.
Keywords: Language Maintenance, Solidarity, African-American Vernacular English

The objective of this study was to find out and determine the correlation between parents’ involv... more The objective of this study was to find out and determine the correlation between parents’ involvement and students’ English achievement. The data were collected through questionnaire, interview, and the numerical calculation. There were 36 students and parents of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2014/2015 chosen randomly as the sample. The result indicated that there was a positive correlation between parents’ involvement and the eighth grade students’ English achievement. The development of the variable X or Parents’ involvement was followed by the development on the variable Y or Students’ English achievement. The parents’ involvement can be described as a support from the parents as a facilitator. They gave a good contribution to their children English achievement but not in solving the problems about the material in English when they study at home.
Keyword: Correlation, Parents’ Involvement, English Achievement, Foreign Language Speakers

This thesis entitled "Black English as Spoken in Atlanta and Oakland: A Case Study in Romeo Must ... more This thesis entitled "Black English as Spoken in Atlanta and Oakland: A Case Study in Romeo Must Die and Beauty Shop". This study aims to describe the distinction of structure between Black English and Standard English, the special characteristics of Black English used in Oakland and Atlanta and its usage.
The data sources were taken from two movies, namely Romeo Must Die and Beauty Shop set in Oakland and Atlanta. The data were collected through the movies scripts. The scripts, then, were analyzed based on the language features in phonology, grammar, lexicon and the language use. The description of the features was classified based on the area of Atlanta and Oakland which assumed might have the different features.
The findings show the distinction of special features between Black English and Standard English, namely the distinction of phonological feature, grammatical feature and lexical feature which differ Black English from Standard English and differ Black English which are used in Oakland and Atlanta and also the use of BE as a dominant code in both cities. The special feature of phonology, namely, the distinction of vowel and consonant pronunciation and some sound changes such as consonant deletion of initial, central and final position; simplification of consonant cluster; the change of voiced sound to voiceless sound; monophthongization; diphthongization; metathesis and reduction. The special feature of grammar, namely, the use of tense; the use of double negation and ain’t; the use of zero copula and variation of be; wh- question form, the use of objective case as subjective case, and the special features of grammar due to pronunciation (the use of auxiliary ‘gotta’; the use of intensifier and modifier ‘kinda’, the use of indefinite article a). The special feature of lexicon, namely, the distinction of word form between Black English and Standard English and between the word forms and idiomatic expression used in Oakland and Atlanta.
Papers by Shellee Barcelona
Keywords: Language Maintenance, Solidarity, African-American Vernacular English
Keyword: Correlation, Parents’ Involvement, English Achievement, Foreign Language Speakers
The data sources were taken from two movies, namely Romeo Must Die and Beauty Shop set in Oakland and Atlanta. The data were collected through the movies scripts. The scripts, then, were analyzed based on the language features in phonology, grammar, lexicon and the language use. The description of the features was classified based on the area of Atlanta and Oakland which assumed might have the different features.
The findings show the distinction of special features between Black English and Standard English, namely the distinction of phonological feature, grammatical feature and lexical feature which differ Black English from Standard English and differ Black English which are used in Oakland and Atlanta and also the use of BE as a dominant code in both cities. The special feature of phonology, namely, the distinction of vowel and consonant pronunciation and some sound changes such as consonant deletion of initial, central and final position; simplification of consonant cluster; the change of voiced sound to voiceless sound; monophthongization; diphthongization; metathesis and reduction. The special feature of grammar, namely, the use of tense; the use of double negation and ain’t; the use of zero copula and variation of be; wh- question form, the use of objective case as subjective case, and the special features of grammar due to pronunciation (the use of auxiliary ‘gotta’; the use of intensifier and modifier ‘kinda’, the use of indefinite article a). The special feature of lexicon, namely, the distinction of word form between Black English and Standard English and between the word forms and idiomatic expression used in Oakland and Atlanta.
Keywords: Language Maintenance, Solidarity, African-American Vernacular English
Keyword: Correlation, Parents’ Involvement, English Achievement, Foreign Language Speakers
The data sources were taken from two movies, namely Romeo Must Die and Beauty Shop set in Oakland and Atlanta. The data were collected through the movies scripts. The scripts, then, were analyzed based on the language features in phonology, grammar, lexicon and the language use. The description of the features was classified based on the area of Atlanta and Oakland which assumed might have the different features.
The findings show the distinction of special features between Black English and Standard English, namely the distinction of phonological feature, grammatical feature and lexical feature which differ Black English from Standard English and differ Black English which are used in Oakland and Atlanta and also the use of BE as a dominant code in both cities. The special feature of phonology, namely, the distinction of vowel and consonant pronunciation and some sound changes such as consonant deletion of initial, central and final position; simplification of consonant cluster; the change of voiced sound to voiceless sound; monophthongization; diphthongization; metathesis and reduction. The special feature of grammar, namely, the use of tense; the use of double negation and ain’t; the use of zero copula and variation of be; wh- question form, the use of objective case as subjective case, and the special features of grammar due to pronunciation (the use of auxiliary ‘gotta’; the use of intensifier and modifier ‘kinda’, the use of indefinite article a). The special feature of lexicon, namely, the distinction of word form between Black English and Standard English and between the word forms and idiomatic expression used in Oakland and Atlanta.