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Many varieties of French have changed over the years from expressing predicate negation (Geurts 1998) with ne alone, to the embracing construction ne … pas, and then to postverbal pas alone (Jespersen 1917). When the increase in the... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsFrench StudiesLanguage Variation and Change
Negation has long been a favorite topic of study for linguists, and French negation especially so, because of its distinctiveness among the more widely studied languages. In this study I will apply the principles of grammaticization... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeFrequency Effects in Language Change
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      LanguagesFrench StudiesLanguage Variation and ChangeCognitive Semantics
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      Natural Language GenerationMachine TranslationAmerican Sign Language
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      Speech SynthesisAmerican Sign LanguageAutomatic Speech SynthesisSign Language Linguistics
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    • French language
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      Historical LinguisticsFrench languageNegation (pragmatics)
The changes that I will be discussing are a small part of the larger history of the French language, and in later chapters we will see how strongly they were affected by this history. We have over a thousand years of records to draw on,... more
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      Historical LinguisticsFrench language
Over the years, a number of models have been proposed to account for widespread observations of S-shaped curves in language change. In all instances there are at least two competing variants for expressing the same meaning or function,... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Language Variation and ChangeFrench language
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      Language Variation and ChangeFrench languageUsage-based Grammar
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      French StudiesMulticultural EducationTeaching of Foreign LanguagesFrench Language Teaching
NLP definitions of Terminology are usually application-dependent. IR terms are noun sequences that characterize topics. Terms can also be arguments for relations like abbreviation, definition or IS-A. In contrast, this paper explores... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingLinguistic Annotation
Relations (ABBREVIATE, EXEMPLIFY, ORIGINATE, REL WORK, OPINION) between entities (citations, jargon, people, organizations)
are annotated for PubMed scientific articles. We discuss our specifications, pre-processing and evaluation.
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      Natural Language ProcessingTechnical DocumentationCorpus Annotation
L’évolution de la négation en français est un des changements les plus étudiés dans la syntaxe (Schweighäuser 1852, Jespersen 1917, Yvon 1962, Martineau et Mougeon 2003 entre autres). C’est un des exemples les plus connus de... more
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      Historical SyntaxFrench languageFrench linguisticsSyntactic Change
A corpus of texts needs to be based on a representative sample to justify generalizing any findings beyond the individual text, but there are numerous challenges to this (Biber 1993). For historical corpora we can add the challenges of... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesHistorical LinguisticsFrench language
We need more representative corpora in order to have confidence when generalizing our results, but there are numerous challenges (Biber 1993), and for historical corpora we can add the challenges of working with archival texts. One way... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsFrench Theatre
The Termolator is an open-source high-performing terminology extraction system, available on Github. The Termolator combines several different approaches to get superior coverage and precision. The in-line term component identifies... more
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The Termolator is an open-source high-performing terminology extraction system, available on Github. The Termolator combines several different approaches to get superior coverage and precision. The in-line term component identifies... more
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This paper deals with there + be constructions in English and the yes construction in Hebrew. The purpose of this study is to identify the stages and strategies being used within child second language acquisition (L2) by examining the... more
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    • History