Papers by Tegoeh Soetanto

The purpose of this study was to develop a cost estimation model for software development project... more The purpose of this study was to develop a cost estimation model for software development projects of small and medium scale. The model was derived from the Use Case Points, which is usually used to estimate software development effort. The development of our cost estimation model was based on the need for a reference to the estimated costs for software development projects, particularly software development projects of small–medium scale. The cost estimation was used to estimate the allocation of resources spent on covering personnel resources, money, and time to complete the project. The result of this study was a cost estimation model for software development projects of small–medium scale that had been tested with four software projects that had been completed. Testing of the model was performed using data from four projects got level deviations between the estimated cost and the actual cost amounted to 6.89%.

Jurnal Sistem Informasi Dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Sep 20, 2013
PT. Merpati Wahana Taksi is a company that is under the auspices of the Bosowa Group, is engaged ... more PT. Merpati Wahana Taksi is a company that is under the auspices of the Bosowa Group, is engaged in transportation services (taxis), operating around the city of Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Gresik. The taxi driver is a major support for the movement of human resources activities for the company because they are the majority of the company's revenue can be obtained. Then to improve the quality of the taxi drivers do a performance assessment so we can know exactly how much performance and the performance achieved by each driver. A taxi driver performance appraisal system that objective needs to be developed in PT. Merpati Wahana Taksi to answer the problems that occurred in the performance appraisal process for this. This final project aims to implement an information system that can help in an employee performance appraisal process. Information systems performance assessment taxi driver who applied using the scoring system method aims to help companies in the process of the taxi driver performance appraisal. Based on extensive research and trials against the taxi driver performance appraisal data, show that the system can help the driver management in conducting employee performance appraisal process quickly and effectively. The system can also be used as a reference driver management in granting promotion / relegation and incentives.

Jurnal Sistem Informasi Dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Mar 19, 2014
PLN area of West Surabaya (SBB) has a method called Operational Performance Improvement (OPI). OP... more PLN area of West Surabaya (SBB) has a method called Operational Performance Improvement (OPI). OPI SBB currently run manually using paper and Microsoft Excel. In carrying out this activity, PLN SBB having some problems such as : the use of manual and EMI Survey still at risk for the resulting value of the indicator, the status of workplan activities are presented in Microsoft Excel is static and can not provide actual information, and the lack of information needed by managers to monitor the development of the initiative. To overcome some of these constraints, an application named OPTIMUS + is built. OPTIMUS+ has some functions : module EMI Surveys Online, Diagnose, Design, and Deliver all activities OPI. In addition to overcoming some of these problems, OPTIMUS + built in order to obtain the required output, such as recapitulation EMI Survey, EMI Survey graphs, workplan activity status information, and summary of workplan activities via the website and Short Message Service (SMS). OPTIMUS + can assist the implementation of the OPI to be maximal activity by discouraging risk of existing constraints and provide the advantage of ease in obtaining the required output.
Didalam penelitian ini dibuat suatu perangkat lunak yang menginformasikan dalam bentuk prediksi p... more Didalam penelitian ini dibuat suatu perangkat lunak yang menginformasikan dalam bentuk prediksi produksi Air Minum Di PDAM Surabaya menggunakan sistem neuro-fuzzy dengan struktur Modified Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (Mod_ANFIS). Proses belajar Mod_ANFIS menggunakan algoritma belajar hibrida yang dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap, yaitu tahap maju menjalankan mekanisme inferensi fuzzy berdasarkan arsitektur jaringan dan metode Least-squares Estimator (LSE) dan tahap mundur menggunakan algoritma error backpropagation (EBP) yang telah dimodifikasi. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sistem neuro-fuzzy struktur Mod_ANFIS dapat menghasilkan kesalahan belajar sebesar 1,98 persen. Kesalahan rata-rata hasil prediksi sebesar 2,245 persen.

Penyimpanan susu segar membutuhkan pengaturan dan pemantauan suhu yang optimal agar kualitas susu... more Penyimpanan susu segar membutuhkan pengaturan dan pemantauan suhu yang optimal agar kualitas susu segar dapat dipertahankan. Kondisi saat ini cold storage hanya bisa menampilkan temperature susu saat ini, tetapi data histori temperature dan keasaman susu tidak terekam dengan baik. Informasi distribusi susu segar dari petani susu ke KUD penyimpanan susu kemudian ke Industri Pengolah Susu (IPS) butuh yang lama. Penelitian ini mengusulkan Perangkat IoT Master dan Slave yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan penyimpanan, pemantauan dan pengendalian persedian susu segar. IoT Node terdiri dari sensor suhu ruang, suhu susu, Ph meter, dan ultrasonic. Data dari sensor akan diproseses oleh IoT Node untuk kemudian dikirim ke IoT Master Controller. IoT Master Controller akan mengirimkan data ke server cloud. Berdasarkan data tersebut maka kondisi susu dalam cold storage dapat dipantau kualitas dan ketersediaannya.

Jurnal Sistem Informasi Dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Oct 1, 2014
Abstract: Public service is a place to meet specific needs, where common services include restaur... more Abstract: Public service is a place to meet specific needs, where common services include restaurants, hotels, public refueling stations (gas stations), and automatic teller machine (ATM). At this time the search location of public services supported by the device commonly called a location search navigation system or guiding direction. Knowledge navigation system directions or compass and map, and how to use it must be owned and understood. Problems encountered were not all users can read a map, both in physical form and application service providers map. They have difficulty in the process of introducing a new area they visit with the map provided, therefore the knowledge of the directions or compass and map, and how to use it must be owned and understood. Based on the description above, the proposed application of GPS and GIS to find the location and distance of public services with Maps and Augmented Reality Camera-View on Android-Based Mobile Devices. These applications can facilitate the search for the location of public services needed by simply selecting the menu location of public services eg gas stations, restaurants and hotels, without having to type the name of the location is necessary, so as to expedite the search for the location of public services.

Jurnal Sistem Informasi Dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Mar 19, 2014
PLN area of West Surabaya (SBB) has a method called Operational Performance Improvement (OPI). OP... more PLN area of West Surabaya (SBB) has a method called Operational Performance Improvement (OPI). OPI SBB currently run manually using paper and Microsoft Excel. In carrying out this activity, PLN SBB having some problems such as : the use of manual and EMI Survey still at risk for the resulting value of the indicator, the status of workplan activities are presented in Microsoft Excel is static and can not provide actual information, and the lack of information needed by managers to monitor the development of the initiative. To overcome some of these constraints, an application named OPTIMUS + is built. OPTIMUS+ has some functions : module EMI Surveys Online, Diagnose, Design, and Deliver all activities OPI. In addition to overcoming some of these problems, OPTIMUS + built in order to obtain the required output, such as recapitulation EMI Survey, EMI Survey graphs, workplan activity status information, and summary of workplan activities via the website and Short Message Service (SMS). OPTIMUS + can assist the implementation of the OPI to be maximal activity by discouraging risk of existing constraints and provide the advantage of ease in obtaining the required output.

The purpose of this study was to develop a cost estimation model for software development project... more The purpose of this study was to develop a cost estimation model for software development projects of small and medium scale. The model was derived from the Use Case Points, which is usually used to estimate software development effort. The development of our cost estimation model was based on the need for a reference to the estimated costs for software development projects, particularly software development projects of small–medium scale. The cost estimation was used to estimate the allocation of resources spent on covering personnel resources, money, and time to complete the project. The result of this study was a cost estimation model for software development projects of small–medium scale that had been tested with four software projects that had been completed. Testing of the model was performed using data from four projects got level deviations between the estimated cost and the actual cost amounted to 6.89%.
Sistem pengembalian buku mandiri menggunakan kamera digital sebagai alat pendeteksi barcode buku ... more Sistem pengembalian buku mandiri menggunakan kamera digital sebagai alat pendeteksi barcode buku memiliki banyak
kendala jika dibanding dengan mesin pembaca barcode. Dipilihnya kamera digital dengan alasan pengambilan cover
sekaligus elemen pada cover sebagai alat identifikasi buku pada proses pengembalian buku mandiri. Salah satu
permasalahan adalah kwalitas citra yang mempengaruhi proses pembacaan barcode. Penggunaan metode Contrast Limited
Adaftive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) dan Hue Only color model masih belum maksimal dalam menghasilkan citra
barcode yang jelas. Metode yang diusulkan dengan melakukan modifikasi Hue color model dan CLAHE dengan beberapa
perubahan parameter dihasilkan peningkatan kwalitas citra terjadi peningkatan 12% dari Hue Color Model dan 8% dari

The purpose of this research is to gain Effort Rate (ER) on the Use Case Point method (UCP) for e... more The purpose of this research is to gain Effort Rate (ER) on the Use Case Point method (UCP) for estimating effort of the website development. The Effort estimation is an activity that is carried out to predict how amount of effort required to complete a software development project. Effort estimation is very important be know before the project is executed to determine how resources should be spent to complete the project. In this context, resources include the work hours and expenses. Commonly UCP was one of method used to estimate software development effort. The studies that have been conducted by several researchers carried out to estimate the regular software development. Until now, it is not found research using UCP to estimate effort for the website development project. The UCP that is used to estimate the effort of website development projects requires different ER from the ER for regular software project. Effort is obtained by multiplying the value of UCP and ER. The ER value proposed by some researchers varies between 18 to 36 staff-hours per UCP, while ER proposed by Karner was 20 staff-hours per UCP. The final results of this study obtain ER value of 4.41. This value is smaller than the value proposed earlier researchers. Decline of the ER values can decrease value of effort estimation, furthermore decline of value effort estimation will decrease resources that it will be required for software development. This may be due to the website development project which can use Content Management System (CMS) as component or framework that facilitate the development of a website project easier.
Papers by Tegoeh Soetanto
kendala jika dibanding dengan mesin pembaca barcode. Dipilihnya kamera digital dengan alasan pengambilan cover
sekaligus elemen pada cover sebagai alat identifikasi buku pada proses pengembalian buku mandiri. Salah satu
permasalahan adalah kwalitas citra yang mempengaruhi proses pembacaan barcode. Penggunaan metode Contrast Limited
Adaftive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) dan Hue Only color model masih belum maksimal dalam menghasilkan citra
barcode yang jelas. Metode yang diusulkan dengan melakukan modifikasi Hue color model dan CLAHE dengan beberapa
perubahan parameter dihasilkan peningkatan kwalitas citra terjadi peningkatan 12% dari Hue Color Model dan 8% dari
kendala jika dibanding dengan mesin pembaca barcode. Dipilihnya kamera digital dengan alasan pengambilan cover
sekaligus elemen pada cover sebagai alat identifikasi buku pada proses pengembalian buku mandiri. Salah satu
permasalahan adalah kwalitas citra yang mempengaruhi proses pembacaan barcode. Penggunaan metode Contrast Limited
Adaftive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) dan Hue Only color model masih belum maksimal dalam menghasilkan citra
barcode yang jelas. Metode yang diusulkan dengan melakukan modifikasi Hue color model dan CLAHE dengan beberapa
perubahan parameter dihasilkan peningkatan kwalitas citra terjadi peningkatan 12% dari Hue Color Model dan 8% dari