Papers by Setiawan Assegaff

Jurnal manajemen sistem informasi, Sep 24, 2019
The road is an infrastructure that plays an important role in people's daily lives. Therefore, it... more The road is an infrastructure that plays an important role in people's daily lives. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain and repair road conditions regularly. The existence of budget constraints causes not all damaged road sections can be handled. So that in handling road repairs it is necessary to determine priorities. In determining the priority of road improvement there are criteria that are taken into consideration in decision making. One method of analysis that can be used to overcome complexity due to various criteria is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The AHP method is used to obtain the weight of 4 criteria that are taken into consideration in determining the priority of road improvement, namely road conditions, traffic volume, costs, and road classification. Calculation of scores for each road improvement proposal is obtained by multiplying the priority weight of the criteria by the criteria value of each proposal. The results show that the Decision Support System that is designed can produce a ranking of alternatives in the form of road improvement proposals based on predetermined criteria, so that it can be used as a basis for decision making to determine road improvement priorities.
Development of conceptual model in understanding the role of organizational factor in KMS acceptance
2016 3rd International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering (ICITACEE), 2016
The aim of this study is to develop a conceptual model that could use to understanding the role o... more The aim of this study is to develop a conceptual model that could use to understanding the role of organizational factors in KMS acceptance. Theory Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) along with organizational factors are using in develop the conceptual model for this study. Study was conducted by collected and analysis relevant article in this area. Variable and indictors in the conceptual model was develop and modify to fit the need of this study. The Results of this study is the propose model to understand the role of organizational factors in KMS acceptance.

Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Sekolah DI Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat
Research on the Education Office of Tanjung Jabung Barat District was motivated because schools i... more Research on the Education Office of Tanjung Jabung Barat District was motivated because schools inTanjung Jabung Barat District currently number 321 in 13 districts, with more and more existing schoolbuildings there are problems about how to find the position of the school, as well as problems in gettinginformation about facilities to support teaching and learning activities in the school and for the educationdepartment in determining the distribution of schools in an area (dense population but few schools. Thesystem development method used is Prototypr using modeling tools Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams,and Class Diagrams. Software used by Google Maps, as well as the hardware used by Global PositioningSystem (GPS) .This research was conducted so that it is expected that users can easily find out the location ofthe nearest school in Tanjung Jabung Barat District.

Perancangan Sistem Informasi Layanan Persidangan Pada Pengadilan Negeri Sengeti
Pengadilan Negeri merupakan sebuah lembaga peradilan di lingkungan Peradilan Umum yang berkeduduk... more Pengadilan Negeri merupakan sebuah lembaga peradilan di lingkungan Peradilan Umum yang berkedudukan di ibu kota kabupaten atau kota. Dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan yang baik kepada masyarakat, Pengadilan Negeri Sengeti berupaya semaksimal mungkin untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik, diantaranya dengan memberikan informasi penjadwalan sidang yang optimal. Pada Pengadilan Negeri Sengeti, informasi layanan persidangan masih secara manual membuat proses mendapatkan informasi jadwal persidangan berlangsung lama. Dengan menerapkan sistem informasi layanan persidangan pada Pengadilan Negeri Sengeti, pengunjung tidak perlu lagi bertanya tanya untuk mengetahui jadwal persidangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode Prototyping yaitu metode pengembangan yang cepat dan pengujian terhadap prototipe dari aplikasi baru melalui proses interaksi dan berulang ulang. Dengan penelitian ini, diharapkan dengan adanya sistem informasi layanan persidangan pada Penga...

Analisis Dan Implementasi Load Balancing Dengan Metode NTH Pada Jaringan Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jambi
Utilization of computer network technology as data communications media to date has increased. Th... more Utilization of computer network technology as data communications media to date has increased. This increase occurred internet network (interconnection networking) This can be proved by the research conducted by e-Marketer institution that internet users in Indonesia increased to 102.8 million people in 2016. The need for the internet today becomes a good necessity either to seek Information, data communications and personal communications make many companies and agencies that have integrated internet network into business processes or work processes, but limited by the high cost of hiring bandwidth is a lack of bandwidth that can be used.One of the technological contributions to improve it is to use two ISPs and make it as a load balancing. The mechanism that is mikrotik router will mark the packets that want to access the internet, then choose which ISP path that will pass and equalize the load on both ISPs. The failover technique will also apply to this network, ie if one of the ...

Pengembangan E-Learning Dalam Pembelajaran Pada Iain STS Jambi
ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi dalam pembelajaran dewasa ini melalui aplikasi sistem e-learning ... more ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi dalam pembelajaran dewasa ini melalui aplikasi sistem e-learning ini membawa pengaruh terjadinya proses transformasi pendidikan konvensional ke dalam bentuk digital, baik secara isi (contents) dan sistemnya. Saat ini konsep e-learning sudah banyak diterima oleh masyarakat dunia, terbukti dengan maraknya implementasi e-learning khususnya di lembaga pendidikan (sekolah, training dan universitas).Sistem elearning berbasis aplikasi Moodle yang dikembangkan di IAIN STS Jambi sudah sejalan dengan standar Learning Technology System Architecture (LTSA) , yaitu sebuah standar internasional untuk penunjang sistem pembelajaran yang didukung oleh teknologi informasi. Hasil analisis sistem eleraning yang sedang diimplementasikan IAIN STS Jambi menunujukkan dari fitur-fitur yang tersedia dalam menujang proses pembelajaran terdapat fitur quiz yang merupakan bagian penting untuk fitur pelaksanaan Evaluasi Pembelajaran belum digunakan secara efektif dikarenakan untuk ...

Perancangan Aplikasi Ensiklopedia Penyakit Dengan Terapi Herbal Berbasis Android
Perkembangan kecanggihan teknologi berkembang semakin pesat, namun tidak diiringi dengan kondisi ... more Perkembangan kecanggihan teknologi berkembang semakin pesat, namun tidak diiringi dengan kondisi kesehatan manusia yang semakin rentan terhadap penyakit, keadaan ini sangat tidak baik bagi manusia, penyakit dating silih berganti dikarenakan kondisi cuaca , kegiatan manusia yang semakin kompleks, dan berbagai hal lainnya, Penyakit merupakan kondisi kelainan atau gangguan yang menyerang pada tubuh manusia, banyak sekali penyakit yang setiap tahun kian bertambah banyak, berbagai macam metode pengobatan pun selalu berkembang, salah satunya metode pengobatan herbal. Metode pengobatan herbal ini sendiri merupakan warisan turun temurun yang sudah sejak lama ada disekitar kita, namun pada kenyataannya banyak masyarakat yang tidak mengetahui bahwa metode pengobatan herbal yang menggunakan ramuan-ramuan tanaman obat yang ada disekitar memiliki khasiat yang lebih baik daripada obat-obatan yang berbahan dasar kimia yang sudah banyak beredar di masyarakat. Saat ini media informasi mengenai pengo...

Perkembangan teknologi informasi telah mengubah cara orang belajar dan bekerja. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran bukan lagi merupakan tuntutan melainkan sebuah kebutuhan. Namun demikian tidak semua orang atau institusi tanggap atas kebutuhan. Berbagai kendala dijadik
The use of e-Learning Tools in STIKOMDB is expected to improve the efficiency and effectiveness o... more The use of e-Learning Tools in STIKOMDB is expected to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. This study aims to analyze the acceptance e-learning tools on learning using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology ( UTAUT ). The respondents were students from STIKOMDB who use e-Learning Tools in Learning. Data collected by using survey methods. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Model (SEM). A result shows that expectancy performance, price value and habit has a significant influence on behavioral intention. While effort expectancy, facilitating condition, social influence and hedonic motivation does not affect the behavioral intention. The research model has R2 Amounting to 0.639 which means that the model is quite substantial for predicting acceptance e-Learning Tools in learning Keyword— aacceptances, e-Learning-Tools, UTAUT, SEM Intisari— Penggunan perangkat e-learning di STIKOMDB diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi pembel...

Perancangan Dan Penerapan Arsitektur Cloud Storage Pada Iain STS Jambi
Cloud storage memiliki keunggulan dalam hal skalabilitas atau penggunan storage dapat disesuaikan... more Cloud storage memiliki keunggulan dalam hal skalabilitas atau penggunan storage dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dari sisi pengguna itu sendiri, selain itu dari sisi administasi IT dikarenakan semua aktivitas terpusat pada server, penambahan kapasitas penyimpanan dapat secara cepat, perbaikan sistem dapat dilakukan dengan mudah serta biaya yang jauh lebih kecil dibadingkan dengan mengganti resources hardware pada banyak tempat. sebuah layanan yang mampu menangi kebutuhan akan cloud storage di IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi secara efektif dan efesien. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan tipe cloud storage relational database system untuk merancangan arsitektur cloud storage pada IAIN STS Jambi. Perancangan yang dilakukan didapatkan bahwa arsitektur cloud storage menggunakan WSDL dalam membuat relational database system memberikan hasil yang baik dan sesuai untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut Kata kunci : cloud storage, relational database system, arsitektur cloud storage.
Improving the User Generated Content (UGC) for Product Review Videos In Social Commerce
2021 7th International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS)

Perencanaan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi Pada Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Jambi Menggunakan Togaf Adm
The application of information technology in the organization or company is not easy to do. Requi... more The application of information technology in the organization or company is not easy to do. Requires good planning, co-operation between the elements are compact, strong desire to change and in accordance with the vision and mission of the organization to be applied. Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Jambi is an institution of service for the community. At the Port Health Office use the computer information technology as tools still work, and use multiple systems are not integrated among units that can not share data or use data together between the units part of the existing work in the Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Jambi .Therefore we need a plan that can describe an enterprise architecture . To do enterpise architectur e design required a complete methodology and easy to use, TOGAF ADM as one of the methods that can be used to perform the design of enterprise architecture. Each stage of the TOGAF ADM can be carried out correctly if the existing business processes within the organization r...

PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama Jambi dalam kegiatan opersionalnya sudah mengimplementasikan sistem i... more PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama Jambi dalam kegiatan opersionalnya sudah mengimplementasikan sistem informasi untuk melakukan proses pengolahan data dengan cukup baik, tetapi masih belum adanya integrasi dan koordinasi yang baik dari masing-masing departemen. PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama perlu melakukan sebuah evaluasi atas sistem informasi yang ada guna mengetahui seberapa efektif dan efisien dampak yang diberikan oleh sistem informasi terkait. Evaluasi yang dilakukan pada PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama jambi menggunakan framework COBIT 5 dengan domain DSS (Deliver, Service, and Support). Dilakukan 3 tahapan analisis dalam penelitian yaitu menentukan tingkat kapabilitas saat ini dan yang diharapkan, melakukan analisis gap, dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan. Proses pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan alat bantu berupa kuesioner. Hasil penelitian berupa tingkat kapabilitas saat ini dengan nilai 2.02 yang berarti pada level 2 managed process artinya proses-proses TI pa...

Pengaruh Perceived Ease Of Use, Perceive Usefulness, Service Quality, Perceived Value Terhadap Customer Saticfaction Pada Pengguna Grab (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa STIKOM DB Jambi)
Pertumbuhan di sektor jasa telah menyulitkan perusahaan untuk secara konsisten membuat, berbagi, ... more Pertumbuhan di sektor jasa telah menyulitkan perusahaan untuk secara konsisten membuat, berbagi, dan mempertahankan pengalaman layanan pelanggan yang mengesankan. Pandangan ini mengakui peran signifikan umpan balik pelanggan untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan yang ditawarkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, service quality, dan perceived value terhadap customer satisfaction pengguna Grab mahasiswa Stikom Db Jambi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuesioner terhadap 100 responden pengguna Grab di kota Jambi yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik Non-probability sampling dengan pendekatan accidential sampling dan populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang pernah menggunakan Grab. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif yaitu analsisis regresi berganda menggunakan software SPSS Statistic 25. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa variabel service quality, dan perceived value berpen...

Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Teller Terbaik Dengan Menggunakan Metode Profile Matching Pada Pt. Bank Central Asia, TBK
In an effort to develop tellers, PT. Bank Central Asia chooses the best teller every year as a fo... more In an effort to develop tellers, PT. Bank Central Asia chooses the best teller every year as a form toprovide work motivation to tellers. The best teller selection system at PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk theJambi has been carried out manually by direct observation from the section head and knowledge testwhich requires a long time and is not objective, and has not been well documented so that it requires aninformation system that can help in the selection process of the teller in the selection process anddocumentation process. In this case, the appropriate information system is a decision support systemusing the Profile Matching method. Profile Matching method is very appropriate to use because thismethod measures the ability of the teller according to the target profile that has been. The systemmodeling tool used is UML (Unified Modeling Language). This study produced a prototype decisionsupport system for selecting the best tellers that can be implemented in accordance with existing n...

Analisis Dan Perancangan Clustering Siswa Baru Menggunakan Metode K-Means Pada SMK Negeri 1 Kota Jambi
Every year there will be students who continue education to the next stage, including at SMK Nege... more Every year there will be students who continue education to the next stage, including at SMK Negeri 1Kota Jambi, Event admission of new students is done every 1 year, in the selection process and receptionrequires the application of more efficient is to use the application, change the system Manual into thesystem computerized and perform a new grouping students by majors at SMK Negeri 1 Kota Jambinamely Computer Engineering and Networks, Accounting, Office Administration and Marketing.Therefore Final report with the title " Analysis and design of Clustering New Students Using the K-MeansMethod at SMK Negeri 1 Kota Jambi ". The purpose of writing this thesis report is to determine the newadmissions system and a new grouping students by majors at SMK Negeri 1 Kota Jambi. In writing thisreport require student data, the data value of national examination results, majors available, and studentadmission quotas. The results obtained by the registrant data reports, reports on the ...

Knowledge management system as enabler in knowledge management practices in virtual communities
Knowledge Management System was recognized as one of the key enablers in a Knowledge Management i... more Knowledge Management System was recognized as one of the key enablers in a Knowledge Management initiative. This is because KMS have been prove bring value for Knowledge Management initiatives such as eliminate distance and time barriers. Furthermore KMS also made KM more effective for the organization. As general KMS have two main functions, first managing people interaction and managing information/knowledge. Because knowledge creates from the interaction of the people, than KMS has a vital function in knowledge creation with managing people interaction. In KM on an organization, they conduct interaction by developing some activities such as: Communities of Practices, Communities of Interest, Peer Assist and Share Learning as a method to create and leverage the knowledge. The activities could be conducted manually or virtually. In support that activities done in virtual, using IT could bring potential value. In this study we would like to propose the framework for organizations on...

Impact of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation on Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities of Practices
One of critical challenge in knowledge management success is to motivate people share their knowl... more One of critical challenge in knowledge management success is to motivate people share their knowledge to others. Prior’s research reveals that motivation as primary driver for people to perform knowledge sharing. Previous study also indicated people influenced by internal (intrinsic) and external (extrinsic) motivation when perform the knowledge sharing. The aim of this article is to investigate and explores how the elements of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation contribute to people intention in perform knowledge sharing in virtual communities. Moreover this study would confirm and understand how this knowledge sharing behavior occurs in Indonesia Context. Many literatures argue that different culture context would produce different of people belief and behavior. This study conducts a survey in a formal virtual community of practices members in one Indonesia Company. Two hundred and four respondents participated in this study. Data was analysis using SEM with Smart PLS Software. Thi...

Internet banking service has become an important part of the current banking products. It could b... more Internet banking service has become an important part of the current banking products. It could be said almost all bank, which is operating in Indonesia, have to equip their products by providing internet-banking services for its customers. Despite the fact that the investment to build the internet banking service has been carried out by almost all banks in Indonesia, but in fact the use of internet banking adoption is still not significant. Banking in Indonesia still filled with questions about Internet banking services such as what exactly is a yearning of each customer. Because it is highly important for banking in Indonesia to fully understand the quality of the services, which they had provided. A good understanding of the customer's perception when using internet banking services will certainly be a strong foundation for bank in Indonesia to be able in provide an appropriate internet services, effective and efficient for customers. If the customer hope has been fulfilled, that customers will be satisfied and will ultimately loyal to the internet banking service. This study examines the elements that will affect the quality of the internet banking service for customers. A survey conducted by inviting 115 respondents. Data were analyzed using SEM method utilizing Smart PLS software. This study found that the "Banking Services Product Quality", "Online Customer Services Quality" "Online Information Services Quality" and "Overall Internet Banking Services Quality", an effect on customer satisfaction in using internet banking services.

Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Media Sosial sebagai Sarana Knowledge Sharing
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, 2017
. The aim of this research is to evaluate the succsess of social media for knowledge sharing amon... more . The aim of this research is to evaluate the succsess of social media for knowledge sharing among academician in Indonesia in virtual group at Facebook. IS Success Model by Delone and McLean was apply as a basis theory along with individual characteristic factor. This study develops a research model with twelve hypotheses. Model and hypotheses then validated using data from online survey. Online Survey was conducted in a group of Indonesian academician. 160 questionnaires were collected from the survey and use for next analysis. Data was analysis by Partial Least Square (PLS) using Smart PLS V2. There are two type of examination conducted in this research evaluation of measurement model and structural model. This research indicates that social media have been success uses by Indonesian academia for knowledge sharing. This study found that “system use” and “user satisfaction” as main variable influences “individual Impact”. While, “Individual characteristic” influences “system and information quality” furthermore “information quality” influences “system use” and “system use” influences “user satisfaction”.

Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
The aim of this study is to investigates the how individual and organizational factors influence ... more The aim of this study is to investigates the how individual and organizational factors influence people behavior in using knowledge management. This research applied Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a basis theory; TAM was enriched with individual and organizational factors for this study. A survey approach was conducted for data collection. Three of institutions in Banking Sector at Indonesia were invited to join this study and 215 knowledge workers were participated for the survey. Data from survey were analyzed through Structural Equations Model (SEM) using PLS (Partial Least Square) V2. The conclusion specify that ‘‘individual elements’’ and ‘‘organizational elements’’ are the significantly affect people behavior in KMS acceptance factors that influence knowledge worker behavior in knowledge sharing. However this study not found relationship between individual and organization factors and “perceived ease of use” construct with people behavior in accept KMS.
Papers by Setiawan Assegaff