Volume 5 issue 2 by Paula Dewanti

Agriculture is an activity of exploiting natural resources performed by humans to meet their need... more Agriculture is an activity of exploiting natural resources performed by humans to meet their needs, especially as staple food. Agricultural activities can produce foodstuffs, raw materials for industry, energy and also can balance the natural ecosystems. People may have forgotten the function of agriculture for several factors. Mentioning one, the population growth, with the result that land conversion is done to housing. Another, an economic concern that being a farmer does not guarantee the future, so that people have turned to other livelihoods that are considered promising, and other factors. Based on these facts that there has been a decline in agricultural land from 2011-2014 in Denpasar area, especially South Denpasar District, which can affect the amount of agricultural production as staple food. Total production of staple crops, especially rice plants, has decreased significantly in 2014.It became great concern to government and people in finding a solution. Due to lack of information on the impact of agricultural land conversion that affects the production, so that food needs are not met. Based on those problems, it is necessary to forecast the number of agricultural production using Quadratic Trend Method based on GIS (Geographic Information System) application using ArcView software. The results of this forecast that are implemented with a digital map can be used as a reference to the government in making decisions and create people awareness how important it is to preserve agriculture.
Papers by Paula Dewanti

This study is a continuation of previous research conducted by researchers on theimplementation o... more This study is a continuation of previous research conducted by researchers on theimplementation of Digital Learning in several countries as an Emergency Response to theexceptional circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, considering the most recent developmentsof virus variants, the increasing number of virus exposures, and the uncertainty of the pandemic'send date. In this study, researchers compared the use of Digital Learning in Indonesianuniversities. This follow-up study was conducted to identify best practices, such as StudentEngagement and Student Experience, that are expected to add more value to the current ELearningimplementation. This aspect should be explored in order to determine whether DigitalLearning through E-Learning is a strategic move that will result in better learning outcomes atIndonesian universities. In the research approach, a comparative study is used, in which data isobtained from reliable resources relevant to the subject of study, namely contact pers...

Pembelajaran Digital dapat diartikan sebagai pendekatan pembelajaran yang menggunakanteknologi un... more Pembelajaran Digital dapat diartikan sebagai pendekatan pembelajaran yang menggunakanteknologi untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran itu sendiri, serta untuk mencapai tujuannya.Sesuai protokol kesehatan yang disarankan oleh pemerintah, di masa pandemi Covid-19,Pembelajaran Digital dan penggunaan Teknologi Informasi menjadi solusi untuk meminimalisirkemungkinan terpapar Covid-19.Mengambil tempat di Panti Asuhan Dharma LaksanaMataram,kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Maysarakat (PkM) ini merupakan kegiatan lanjutan dari kegiatanPkM sebelumnya, untuk memastikan keberlanjutan hasil pelatihan. Berdasarkan tinjauan awal,penggunaan perangkat komputer tersebut belum optimal, baik bagi siswa maupun guru.Ketidakmampuan mengoptimalkan penggunaan perangkat komputer tampaknya berdampak padaefektifitas pendekatan pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi. PkM inidilakukan dengan menggunakan metodologi Service Learning dan dirancang untuk membantupengembangan sumber daya manusia terkait metode d...

Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi
The advancement of technology and communication has been impressively rapid. That are where emerg... more The advancement of technology and communication has been impressively rapid. That are where emerging cybercrime technologies were born. Cyberspace activities involve the use of Internet users. One of them is a frequent social media user, which allows for communication interactions to take place without the need for face-to-face meetings. The Internet and social media, in addition to having a positive impact on users, also have a negative impact. One of them is a type of crime that is currently prevalent, namely digital cybercrime, which is a crime committed by varied individuals in order to deceive the target using data/information from the victim's social media account. Furthermore, in the current era of the Covid-19 pandemic, many victims have received fraud, such as spam calls and SMS, from people who use various methods to persuade, usually using the victim's family as tactic and overdue in loan payments as trap, and the number of these victims is growing. This study use...
Prosiding Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengabdian 2021, Mar 3, 2021
SENDIMAS 2017, Sep 10, 2017
WIDYABHAKTI Jurnal Ilmiah Populer, Mar 20, 2019
Bersama untuk Berbagi Cinta Kasih", bertujuan menumbuhkan rasa kepedulian sosial antar sesama man... more Bersama untuk Berbagi Cinta Kasih", bertujuan menumbuhkan rasa kepedulian sosial antar sesama manusia pada generasi muda, khususnya bagi mahasiswa. Pada kegiatan ini dilakukan sosialisasi tentang internet sehat yang bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman anak-anak panti sebagai audiens. Dalam kegiatan tersebut juga diberikan pelatihan membuat Canang Sari bagi anak-anak panti perempuan yang dijelaskan oleh perwakilan dari Teruni Jegeg. Sementara anak laki-laki diberi pelatihan membuat Klakat yang di jelaskan oleh perwakilan dari Teruna Bagus didampingi oleh beberapa peserta dari anggota UKM KMHD STIKOM

Teknomatika, Mar 30, 2019
Transformasi generasi berjalan beriringan dengan evolusi dan revolusi teknologi yang sekaligus me... more Transformasi generasi berjalan beriringan dengan evolusi dan revolusi teknologi yang sekaligus membawa andil pada perubahan di berbagai bidang. Generasi digital, dengan karakteristik yang selalu terhubung dalam 24 jam per hari, merasa nyaman dengan teknologi dan lebih suka berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan layanan teknologi, daripada melalui cara-cara yang lebih konvensional, sejatinya dapat dengan mudah melakukan penyesuaian di Era Industri 4.0 dimana ketersediaan informasi secara cepat dan tepat dengan dukungan Teknologi Informasi. Berlokasi di salah satu universitas yang sudah mapan di Bali yang terletak di pusat tujuan pariwisata di Jimbaran Bali, studi ini diterapkan pada calon mahasiswa baru yang telah terdaftar. Secara praktis, universitas itu sendiri memiliki sistem E-Learning yang telah terbukti. Mendapatkan kesempatan untuk memperluas kemampuan Bahasa Inggris para mahasiswa baru, sebelum secara resmi terdaftar pada sistem kampus, calon mahasiswa baru ini, tidak memiliki media untuk terlibat dengan dosen atau sesama mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam kelas martikulasi ini. Oleh karena itu, ada kebutuhan untuk teknologi pendidikan yang menawarkan platform komunikasi, kolaborasi, dan pelatihan. Menerapkan metode analisis deskriptif, studi ini dilakukan dengan skema pra, semasa dan pasca evaluasi pada proses pembelajaran Blended Learning yang merupakan penggabungan pembelajaran kelas konvensional, E-Learning, termasuk pengadaan survei di akhir semester, untuk mendapatkan umpan balik dari peserta didik. Hasilnya mencerminkan bahwa pembelajaran Blended Learning lebih efektif dan dapat diterima oleh peserta didik pada jenjang pendidikan tinggi, di kelas yang diuji cobakan, dimana sebagian besar merupakan Digital Native. Kata kunci-Blended learning, digital learning, digital native, industry 4.0, kharakteristik generasi.

SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan
ABSTRAKBanyak perubahan telah terjadi dalam banyak aspek kehidupan kita dalam beberapa bulan tera... more ABSTRAKBanyak perubahan telah terjadi dalam banyak aspek kehidupan kita dalam beberapa bulan terakhir. COVID-19 memaksa kita untuk beradaptasi dengan ketidakpastian yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Pembelajaran digital dan penggunaan teknologi informasi menjadi solusi untuk mengurangi risiko paparan COVID-19. Paradigma pendidikan berkembang dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi sebagai wahana pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di SMA Kristen Harapan, yang berlokasi kurang lebih 3,1 km dari lokasi kampus pengusul dan berlangsung antara bulan November 2021 sampai dengan April 2022. Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metodologi Service Learning yang merupakan metodologi yang didasarkan pada kebutuhan, masalah, atau tantangan nyata yang dapat ditemukan baik dalam konteks lokal maupun global. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian adalah memberikan pengenalan Sistem Informasi Geografis yang diharapkan menjadi nilai tambah ...

The world has been affected by the global recession so they have developed crisis strategies and ... more The world has been affected by the global recession so they have developed crisis strategies and are looking for new tactics for this global challenge. As businesses seek new tactics, reaching and understanding many consumers and the possible changes in their attitudes and behavior due to the crisis has become important for companies during and after this economic downturn. Recently, one of the most striking tools that companies use to achieve their goals is Social Media, by all means. Social media is one of the products of the emergence of new media. In social media, individuals and groups interact with each other online through the internet network. Since its emergence, the media is not only used by individuals but also by organizations or companies large and small to communicate with the public. Social media is used by utilizing technology in communicating. The technology referred to here is the Internet. It is open and anyone can access it. (Khairifa, F. et al. 2019) What was initially only as a means of entertainment, turned into the latest marketing phenomenon because of its extraordinary advantages in the business field. Social Media is used because it has the advantages of time, audience, relationships, and costs. Costs can be reduced through Social Media because the necessary distribution part in mass media is eliminated. Most of the Social Media outlets are accessed for free. In addition, target group

Journal of Science and Education (JSE)
Through the use of technology, various sectors have shifted as a result of the covid-19 pandemic,... more Through the use of technology, various sectors have shifted as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, including the education system. The educational paradigm evolves by leveraging information technology as a vehicle for scientific growth, and online learning has become a part of our life. Face-to-face sessions in traditional classrooms are transformed into live face-to-face sessions in virtual classrooms. The purpose of this study was to examine the implementation carried out by universities in selected research subject countries using the correspondence method of data collection. Correspondence was performed with contacts at several universities and the Ministry of Education (MOE) in each of the countries that became the focus of this research, including Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, and Canada, in addition to Indonesia. It was then developed as a best practice based on the use of digital learning as an emergency response to the new corona virus pandemic. The findings indicate that...

E-Proceedings KNS&I STIKOM Bali, Aug 31, 2017
Lontar merupakan salah satu warisan budaya Indonesia yang digunakan untuk mendokumentasikan hal-h... more Lontar merupakan salah satu warisan budaya Indonesia yang digunakan untuk mendokumentasikan hal-hal yang penting. Seiring berjalannya waktu kondisi lontar mengalami penurunan yang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya dimakan serangga, pelapukan dan jamuran. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan untuk melestarikan keberadaan lontar yaitu dengan melakukan digitalisasi. Pada proses digitalisasi seringkali citra Lontar terdapat noise yang disebabkan oleh kondisi Lontar yang kurang baik. Peningkatan kualitas citra merupakan solusi untuk megatasi citra yang mengalami noise. Dalam melakukan peningkatan kualitas citra digunakan algoritma homomorphic filtering. Hasil uji coba pada penelitian ini menghasilkan citra terbaik dengan gH = 0.3 dan gL = 0.1 yang terbukti menghilangkan noise paling banyak dibandingkan beberapa uji coba yang telah dilakukan.

Acitya: Journal of Teaching and Education, 2022
The aim of this study was to explore the use of distance learning in Indonesian universities duri... more The aim of this study was to explore the use of distance learning in Indonesian universities during the pandemic. This was a continuation of previous research on the implementation of Digital Learning in several countries as an Emergency Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Given the uncertainty surrounding the end of the pandemic, as well as government regulations expanding the use of distance learning, researchers believe it is crucial to examine student attitudes toward implementation. In this study, the comparative study method was used to compare the similarities and differences between two or more properties and facts of the object under study based on a particular frame of mind. The findings indicate that there are similarities in the implementation of distance learning, which involves transforming face-to-face sessions in a classroom setting into live face-to-face sessions in virtual classrooms. The initiatives of each university are in line with government recommendations. Th...

2019 1st International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System (ICORIS)
E-Learning is described as distance learning that utilizes information technology so that it can ... more E-Learning is described as distance learning that utilizes information technology so that it can facilitate interaction between lecturers and students effectively. This study examined the effect of e-Learning towards student learning, which uses quantitative methods by conducting sample surveys of the institution’s student population. Sampling techniques are generally carried out randomly for all students as they took the same strata. This random sample used the Issac and Michael formulas with degrees of freedom (dk = 1) and a level of error of 10%. Data collection using research instruments, data analysis is quantitative in order to test the hypothesis set. The results of this study are the effect of eLearning on student activity, e-Learning has a positive impact on learning, e-Learning effectiveness in accessing student assignments and the relationship between the appearance and ease of using e-Learning.

Lontar digunakan untuk mendokumentasikan berbagai hal yang dianggap penting di masa lalu. Kondisi... more Lontar digunakan untuk mendokumentasikan berbagai hal yang dianggap penting di masa lalu. Kondisi sebagian besar lontar saat ini mengalami kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh serangga, pelapukan dan jamuran sehingga lontar sulit untuk dibaca dan terancam punah. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk melestarikan keberadaan lontar adalah scanning atau memanfaatkan pencitraan foto digital. Pada beberapa kasus digitalisasi pada Lontar menghasilkan penurunan kualitas citra yang disebabkan oleh adanya noise. Untuk mengatasi noise yang terdapat pada citra maka diperlukan proses perbaikan kualitas citra. Berdasarkan uraian diatas maka penulis melakukan penelitian dengan membandingkan kinerja dari algoritma Adaptive Median Filtering dengan Homomorphic Filtering. Hasilpercobaan penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa algoritma Homomorphic Filtering memiliki unjuk kerja yang lebih baik dari algoritma Adaptive Median Filtering dalam peningkatan kualitas citra Lontar dengan jenis noise salt and peppe...

Pengembangan perangkat lunak di Indonesia berkembang sangat pesat, terutama perangkat lunak berba... more Pengembangan perangkat lunak di Indonesia berkembang sangat pesat, terutama perangkat lunak berbasis mobile. Banyak aplikasi dikembangkan pada berbagai platform, seperti Android, iOS dan Windows Phone. Mengembangkan aplikasi cross platform, untuk membentuk aplikasi pada berbagai macam platform khusus, selain tidak efisien, juga sangat merepotkan dikarenakakomplikasi penggunaan Java, Objective-C atau Swift. Bagaimana sebuah software dapat dijalankan di mobile operating system yang berbeda, merupakan salah satu fokus pengembangan saat ini. Ionic Framework merupakan salah satu solusi yang dapat dipergunakan. Penggunaan Ionic Framework memungkinkan pengembang membuat aplikasi untuk beberapa platform dengan hanya menggunakan bahasa pengembangan web untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi mobile. Framework Ionic 2 berbasis mobile merupakan kerangka kerja dari sebuah software yang dapat dijalankan di mobile operating system yang berbeda seperti Android, iOS dan Windows Phone. Konsep Ionic 2 ini adal...

Distinctive schools have been built intended for students with special needs. However, not all te... more Distinctive schools have been built intended for students with special needs. However, not all teachers be given a particular education/training to accommodate the requirement. Taken place in SLB Pembina Mataram, this study focused on Hindu Religious Education and how its design of learning material can be applied for students with special needs. It is also cover the issues and constraints faced and how to overcome the obstacles occur. Approach used in this study is descriptive qualitative, structured participant observation, an open-ended interview, including documentation. Data are collected and analysed by data reduction methods, data presentation, and data interpretation that are analysed by Ausubel’s Theory.Despite all shortcomings, application of Hindu Religious learning material design continues to be developed. Through an effort which combined with individual approaches and be synergizing with parents in learning, made children be able to understand their religion and grow a...

Temporary Resident data processing is the main activity carried out by the village administration... more Temporary Resident data processing is the main activity carried out by the village administration on an ongoing basis. The current system still often finds difficulties when conducting data collection, searching population data, and making Temporary Resident reports. Manual registration process also causes damage and loss of data due to storage media only in the form of physical documents. This conventional system caused the activities of Temporary Resident data collection in the village to be less effective and efficient. This research aims to produce a faster, more effective and efficient, Temporary Resident data’s information system in the village. The method used in developing this system is a System Development Life Cycle with the Waterfall process model, while observation and interviews were used for the data collection. The Temporary Resident Information System is expected to help facilitate Residents in registering so that village administrators will produce a faster, more e...

International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
Agriculture is an activity of exploiting natural resources performed by humans to meet their need... more Agriculture is an activity of exploiting natural resources performed by humans to meet their needs, especially as staple food. Agricultural activities can produce foodstuffs, raw materials for industry, energy and also can balance the natural ecosystems. People may have forgotten the function of agriculture for several factors. Mentioning one, the population growth, with the result that land conversion is done to housing. Another, an economic concern that being a farmer does not guarantee the future, so that people have turned to other livelihoods that are considered promising, and other factors. Based on these facts that there has been a decline in agricultural land from 2011-2014 in Denpasar area, especially South Denpasar District, which can affect the amount of agricultural production as staple food. Total production of staple crops, especially rice plants, has decreased significantly in 2014.It became great concern to government and people in finding a solution. Due to lack of ...
ABDIKAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi
These community service activities were intended to ease the burdens on people impacted by the Co... more These community service activities were intended to ease the burdens on people impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, especially from a financial standpoint. The implementation process was carried out offline and online, utilizing the technology. The event begins with a technology dissemination talk, an education on how to grow crops through the hydroponic method, then continued with a technology education in the form of Design classes, Webinars with the topic of learning and business in the new normal era, and closed with ceremonial, photos sessions, along with the delivery of donations.
Volume 5 issue 2 by Paula Dewanti
Papers by Paula Dewanti