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Regarding to ASEAN Economic Community and also local wisdom, School of Health Sciences (STIKes) of Kepanjen, Malang has designed new mission that it will hold professional and competitive learning process to meet demands of health workers... more
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Regarding to ASEAN Economic Community and also local wisdom, School of Health Sciences (STIKes) of Kepanjen, Malang has designed new mission that it will hold professional and competitive learning process to meet demands of health workers... more
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      English for Nursing and Medical PurposesESP, Needs analysis
This research aims to investigate the composing process and writing strategiesofthe beginning writers' free writing product dealing with the writing problem and theory of the writing process. It is seen from their grammar (minor... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language WritingResearch WritingFree Writing
The objective of this research is to investigate the code-switching in communication between nurse and patient which takes place in South Malang. The people speak Indonesian language, Javanese, and Madurese; therefore, they are living in... more
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    • Sociolinguistics
As it emerged at the end of December 2020 in Wuhan, China, Coronavirus has now spread to many countries, which affected several sectors of human life. This paper aims to describe the impact of covid-19 on education, agriculture, and... more
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      virus corona indonesiaimpact of corona virus on education
As it emerged at the end of December 2020 in Wuhan, China, Coronavirus has now spread to many countries, which affected several sectors of human life. This paper aims to describe the impact of covid-19 on education, agriculture, and... more
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    • impact of corona virus on education
Information, communication and technology have changed how to communicate and gather information. This development shapes students into internet literate and changes their learning process. This study aimed to investigate ICT and... more
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      E-learningBlended E-LearningICT in Education
As it emerged at the end of December 2020 in Wuhan, China, Coronavirus has now spread to many countries, which affected several sectors of human life. This paper aims to describe the impact of covid-19 on education, agriculture, and... more
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      virus corona indonesiaimpact of corona virus on education
The objective of this research is to investigate the code-switching in communication between nurse and patient which takes place in South Malang. The people speak Indonesian language, Javanese, and Madurese; therefore, they are living in... more
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      SociolinguisticsUniversitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo
This research aims to investigate the composing process and writing strategiesofthe beginning writers’free writing product dealing with the writing problem and theory of the writing process. It is seenfrom their grammar (minor grammatical... more
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      Computer ScienceTeaching English as a Second LanguageArtSecond Language Writing
Communication nurses using SBAR technique is an effective way to improve patient satisfaction and development of Nursing Care Documentation. The objective of this research is to know the application of SBAR communication among nurses on... more
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Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) is an application system and a communication information technology system that processes and integrates the entire flow of hospital service processes in the form of a network of... more
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Malang Regency's category D hospital, Hospital X, may be found here. Approximately 70% of patients interviewed during the pilot research of 25 inpatients said they were happy with the hospital's services and had faith in such services.... more
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      Quality of ServicePatient Satisfaction
Relaksasi benson dan pursed lips breathing merupakan terapi modalitas komplementer. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui penerapan Relaksasi Benson dan Pursed Lips Breathing terhadap tekanan darah dengan riwayat hipertensi pada... more
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      Nursing ResearchHypertensionBenson relaxation
The ability to speak English has become a popular issue in the management of foundation to be learned that Islamic boarding school students need English speaking training activities to improve their communication skills in foreign... more
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      PsychologyIslamBoarding School
Pendahuluan: Kejadian Henti Jantung di luar Rumah Sakit masih menjadi kejadian dengan frekuensi yang sering dan bahkan akan semakin meningkat. Sedangkan bantuan relawan RJP telah banyak dilaporkan pada angka yang rendah di berbagai... more
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      EducationVideo Games and Learning
Community's lack of understanding of evacuation during disasters is one of the things that affects the emergence of casualties during disasters. Yet with the knowledge of the threat of disasters that are around, this will be able to... more
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Introduction: Universities are institutions that prepare human resources through the learning process. Learning in a traditional way is often lacking interaction between teachers and students so that learning is boring. The function of... more
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    • Video Games and Learning
Introduction: Universities are institutions that prepare human resources through the learning process. Learning in a traditional way is often lacking interaction between teachers and students so that learning is boring. The function of... more
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