Papers by Abdul Razak
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), 2019
This study aims to determine and analyze Professional Attitude effects on audit quality and role ... more This study aims to determine and analyze Professional Attitude effects on audit quality and role of individual characteristic as a moderating variable of Professional Attitude on audit quality on Regional Inspectorate in Southeast Sulawesi. The research samples are all inspectorate employees in Southeast Sulawesi meeting the following criteria. Based on the collected data and criteria, the number of respondents meeting the criteria is 167 auditors. Results of research are found out that Professional Attitude has significant effects on audit quality. Individual characteristics do not moderate significantly the effects of auditor Professional Attitude on audit quality at Regional Inspectorate in Southeast Sulawesi.

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2018
This Research in intended know growth of storey level growth of resident economics and impact gro... more This Research in intended know growth of storey level growth of resident economics and impact growth of economics to poorness storey level area of South East Sulawesi Province. Data which used in this research is data of PDRB and impecunious residents amount is each sub-province town South East Sulawesi Province. Data stem from BPS South East Sulawesi Province and Data of Susenas BPS center year 2003-2007. Data analysis which used in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis to measure growth of economics with calculation of amount of PDRB constant prices, analysis mount poorness with impecunious residents amount. Whereas approach of economitric used to know impact growth of economics to degradation of poorness storey level. Result of analysis indicate that storey level growth of economics South East Sulawesi Province to mount from year 2003-2007. Mount measured poorness with impecunious residents amount show degradation of year 2003-2007. Whereas quantitative analysis result show growth of storey;level growth of economics have influence which isn't it to degradation of impecunious residents amount.

Sigma: Journal of Economic and Business , 2018
This research aims to determine is effect of organizational culture on the motivation of employee... more This research aims to determine is effect of organizational culture on the motivation of employees, Effect of effective communication on the motivation of employees, The influence of organizational culture on the performance, Effect of effective communication to employee performance, The effect of motivation on employee performance, The role of motivation in mediating effect of organizational culture on employee performance, The role of motivation in mediating the effects of effective communication to employee performance at the Parliament Secretariat Southeast Sulawesi Province. The design of this research is associative (causal). The object of this study is the performance of the staff of the Parliament Secretariat Southeast Sulawesi Province. The population in this study are all servants of Parliament Secretariat of Southeast Sulawesi province, amounting to 148 people. The samples using the formula Slovin. Analysis of data used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis and Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this research concluded that: Cultural organizations significant positive effect on the motivation of employees, Cultural organizations significant positive influence on employee performance, Effective communication significant positive effect on employee motivation, Effective Communication siginifkan positive effect on employee performance, Motivation significant positive effect on the performance of employees, Motivation mediates the influence of organizational culture on employee performance, The motivation mediates the effect of effective communication to employee performance. This means that the motivation could be a mediating variable in strengthening effective communication influence on employee performance in Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Parliament Secretariat.

MSME Marketing Strategy In The Framework of Public Welfare Improvement in Southeast Sulawesi Prov... more MSME Marketing Strategy In The Framework of Public Welfare Improvement in Southeast Sulawesi Province. This research aims to identify and analyze (1) marketing aspect seen from internal and external environment faced by MSME in Southeast Sulawesi Province, (2) problems faced by MSME making it to be not developed and (3) formulation of appropriate marketing strategy for MSME development. It takes 100 MSMEs as the samples distributed in each regency / city namely : Kendari City, Konawe regency, Kolaka regency, Bombana regency and Bau-Bau city. To identify and evaluate the internal and external factors, it uses Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) and External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrixes which then analyzed with SWOT analysis. The QSP matrix analysis is used to determined the strategy priority of the SWOT analysis results. It obtains mean of IFE by 2.1978 and EFE by 3,0493 so that it places the MSME in Southeast Sulawesi in the II cel. This position describes that MSMEs in Southeast Sulawesi has weak internal condition and it has strong responses to external factors. Based on QSPM results by multiplying each factor weight and attractiveness value, it results the selected strategy alternative, namely " Designing creative and attractive design so that it can be acceptable by consumers " .

The International Journal of Engineering and Science ( The International Journal of Engineering and Science ( The International Journal of Engineering and Science (, 2017
This research was aimed to examine and prove empirically: (1) The effect of complaint handling sa... more This research was aimed to examine and prove empirically: (1) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s towards customers commitment and loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) The effect of commitment towards customers lotalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s
towards loyalty through customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. Population of this reseacrh was all customers of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi that have ever delivered complaints and who have obtained the saving account for more than two years with above 17 years old customers. The sample of this research was 130 respondents, the sample was decided by purposive sampling. Data analysis of the research through path analysis. The findings show: (1) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will
increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (2) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will increase the customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) the higher customers commitment will increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) the higher complaint handling satisfaction’s thus loyalty will increasecustomers loyalty of Bank BRI In Southeast Sulawesi. Keywords : Complaint Handling Satisfaction, Customers Commitment, Customers Loyalty This research was aimed to examine and prove empirically: (1) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s towards customers commitment and loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) The effect of commitment towards customers lotalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s towards loyalty through customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. Population of this reseacrh
was all customers of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi that have ever delivered complaints and who have obtained the saving account for more than two years with above 17 years old customers. The sample of this research was 130 respondents, the sample was decided by purposive sampling. Data analysis of the research through path analysis. The findings show: (1) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (2) the higher customers complaint handling
satisfaction’s will increase the customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) the higher customers commitment will increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) the higher
complaint handling satisfaction’s thus loyalty will increasecustomers loyalty of Bank BRI In Southeast Sulawesi.
Keywords : Complaint Handling Satisfaction, Customers Commitment, Customers Loyalt
This research was aimed to examine and prove empirically: (1) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s towards customers commitment and loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) The effect of commitment towards customers lotalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s
towards loyalty through customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. Population of this reseacrh was all customers of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi that have ever delivered complaints and who have obtained the saving account for more than two years with above 17 years old customers. The sample of this research was 130 respondents, the sample was decided by purposive sampling. Data analysis of the research through path analysis. The findings show: (1) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will
increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (2) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will increase the customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) the higher customers commitment will increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) the higher complaint handling satisfaction’s thus loyalty will increasecustomers loyalty of Bank BRI In Southeast Sulawesi. Keywords : Complaint Handling Satisfaction, Customers Commitment, Customers Loyalty

The International Journal Of Engineering and Science, 2017
The competence taken in this research is a strategy developed by PaninBank of Southeast Sulawesi ... more The competence taken in this research is a strategy developed by PaninBank of Southeast Sulawesi area in improving marketer Performance mainly in the field of funding, in which there is a great tense of business competition, so that it is necessary for competent and survived marketers for any challenges and changes. Digitalization era leads to easily changing all of things so that it is greatly required bank marketers with capability of providing fast anticipation on each change and immediate adaptation leading to adequate capability. Through this competence, it is expected to meet any given targets and provision Standards of riskbased bank activity implementation. The competence by each marketer can be considered as one of the key factors in determining a business success or failure by the bank because an organization core puts in its human resource capability in managing the organization.
Keyword: Competen

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana model penguasaan lahan tambak bagi pe... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana model penguasaan lahan tambak bagi petani tambak di wilayah pesisir, teknik budidaya/ pengelolaan tambak yang dilakukan petani tambak, Permasalahan apakah yang dihadapi petani tambak rakyat di wilayah pesisir Sulawesi Tenggara dalam meningkatkan pendapatannya, gaktor-faktor apakah yang paling dominan mempengaruhi produksi tambak, pola pengusahaan manakah yang paling efisien dan paling menguntungkan yang dilakukan oleh petani tambak dan. Pola budidaya manakah yang paling menguntungkan petani tambak di wilayah pesisir Sulawesi Tenggara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1). Model penguasaan lahan tambak di wilayah pesisir Sulawesi Tenggara terdiri atas milik sendiri, warisan orang tua, sewa, dan bagi hasil. Sebagian besar responden atau sekitar 83,00 persen memiliki lahan milik sendiri.(2). Teknik budidaya yang dilakukan petani tambak di wilayah pesisir menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar konstruksi tambak sudah tergolong baik, namun konstruksi pintu air sebagian besar tidak permanen, dan sebagian besar petani tambak belum melakukan teknologi pasca panen, (3). rendahnya ketrampilan petani tambak, terbatasnya modal yang dimiliki, Rendahnya pengetahuan petani tambak, rendahnya kualitas benih yang diperoleh, belum adanya pendampingan usaha dan terbatasnya akses pasar. (4). Faktor-faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi produksi tambak di wilayah pesisir Sulawesi Tenggara adalah luas lahan, modal dan tenaga kerja. (5). Pola pengusahaan yang paling efisien yang dilakukan oleh petani tambak di wilayah pesisir Sulawesi Tenggara adalah pola pengusahaan bandeng dengan tingkat efisiensi sebesar 3,42. Yang berarti bahwa setiap Rp.
biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk pengusahaan bandeng, akan memperoleh pendapatan sebesar Rp. 3,42. Pola pengusahaan yang paling menguntungkan petani tambak adalah pola pengusahaan udang windu dan bandeng dengan tingkat pendapatan rata-rata sebesar Rp. 25.150.352,- dan pola budidaya yang paling menguntungkan bagi petani tambak di wilayah pesisir Sulawesi Tenggara adalah pola diskontinu yang dapat memberikan pendapatan rata-rata sebesar Rp. 23,691,105,36.
MedwellJournals, 2017
This study would like to investigate the dominant factors that influence the production of commun... more This study would like to investigate the dominant factors that influence the production of communal pond at coast of Southeast Sulawesi. The data were collected through interview, questionnaire, discussion, field note and documentation. The subjects involved were farmers. Furthermore, the data were obtained by using Cobb Douglass analysis. The study shows that dominant factors that influence the production of coast are land area, capital and labor. This article discusses the aquaculture problems and coast area of Southeast Sulawesi. Furthermore, this study investigate several factors that influence the production of pond in Southeast Sulawesi.

This research is titled „Customer Income Role as Moderation Variable of Satisfaction Effect on Cu... more This research is titled „Customer Income Role as Moderation Variable of Satisfaction Effect on Customer Loyalty in Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. In South Sulawesi. This research aims to study and analysis the satisfaction customer effect on Loyalty as well as customer income role as moderation variable of satisfaction effect on Loyalty BNI (Persero) tbk. In South Sulawesi. This research objects are satisfaction, income and Loyalty of BNI customers in South Sulawesi. The data collection is conducted by using literature review, survey and interview methods. The research population is all of the BNI customers in Southeast Sulawesi having savings more than 2 (two) years and with age more than 17 years old. The number of respondents in this research is 400 people distributed in 12 regencies / cities determined in proportional random sampling. The analysis used is Partial Least Square (PLS) with SmartPLS software. These research results show that : (1) The customer satisfaction has no effect on customer loyalty. (2) The customer income gives reinforcement effect on BNI customer Loyalty in Southeast Sulawesi.
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Customer Income, Customer Loyalty
Thesis Chapters by Abdul Razak

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepuasan dan kepercayaan terhadap loyalitas na... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepuasan dan kepercayaan terhadap loyalitas nasabah BNI Cabang Kendari. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh nasabah BNI Cabang Kendari yang memiliki tabungan lebih dari 2 (dua) tahun dan berusia lebih besar dari 17 tahun. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah dengan metode survey terhadap 100 orang responden yang menabung di Kantor Cabang Kendari. Peralatan analisis yang digunakan adalah Regresi Linear Berganda dengan Program SPSS Versi 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1). secara simultan kepuasan dan kepercayaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah, (2). Secara parsial kepuasan berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah dan (3). Secara parsial Kepercayaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah,
Kata Kunci : Kepuasan Nasabah, Kepercayaan Nasabah, Loyalitas Nasabah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis: 1) Pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terh... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis: 1) Pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terhadap organization citizen behavior. 2) Pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terhadap kinerja pegawai. 3) Pengaruh organization citizen behavior terhadap kinerja pegawai. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah penelitian asosiatif (sebab akibat). Adapun obyek penelitian ini adalah organizational citizen behavior dan kinerja pegawai pada Dinas Perhubungan Kominfo Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 68 pegawai Dinas Perhubungan Kominfo Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara yang dipilih dengan cara stratified random sampling (acak berkelompok) berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan. Analisis data yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) Kecerdasan emosional berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap organization citizen behavior 2) Kecerdasan emosional berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. 3) Organization citizen behavior berpengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepuasan, kepercayaan dan komitmen terhadap l... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepuasan, kepercayaan dan komitmen terhadap loyalitas nasabah dan peran demografi nasabah sebagai moderasi pengaruh kepuasan, kepercayaan dan komitmen terhadap loyalitas nasabah BNI di Sulawesi Tenggara. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh nasabah BNI di Sulawesi Tenggara yang memiliki tabungan lebih dari 2 (dua) tahun dan berusia lebih besar dari 17 tahun. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah dengan metode survey terhadap 400 orang responden yang menyebar di 12 kabupaten/kota yang ditentukan secara proportional random sampling. Peralatan analisis yang digunakan adalah Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah, sedangkan kepercayaan dan komitmen nasabah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah, Selanjuntya demografi nasabah berperan sebagai moderasi pengaruh kepuasan terhadap loyalitas nasabah, namun pada kepercayaan dan komitmen tidak dapat berperan sebagai variabel moderasi.
Book Reviews by Abdul Razak
Gawe Buku, 2017
Buku ini menjelaskan bagaimana peran demografi nasabah seperti umur, pendapatan, jenis kelamin da... more Buku ini menjelaskan bagaimana peran demografi nasabah seperti umur, pendapatan, jenis kelamin dan pekerjaan mampu mampu memperkuat pengaruh kepuasan, kepercayaan dan komitmen terhadap loyalitas nasabah pada Bank Di Sulawesi Tenggara
Teaching Documents by Abdul Razak
SK Penangkatan Abdul Razak Selaku Kepala Penjamainan Mutu dan Internal STIE 66 Kendaroi
Papers by Abdul Razak
towards loyalty through customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. Population of this reseacrh was all customers of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi that have ever delivered complaints and who have obtained the saving account for more than two years with above 17 years old customers. The sample of this research was 130 respondents, the sample was decided by purposive sampling. Data analysis of the research through path analysis. The findings show: (1) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will
increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (2) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will increase the customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) the higher customers commitment will increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) the higher complaint handling satisfaction’s thus loyalty will increasecustomers loyalty of Bank BRI In Southeast Sulawesi. Keywords : Complaint Handling Satisfaction, Customers Commitment, Customers Loyalty This research was aimed to examine and prove empirically: (1) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s towards customers commitment and loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) The effect of commitment towards customers lotalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s towards loyalty through customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. Population of this reseacrh
was all customers of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi that have ever delivered complaints and who have obtained the saving account for more than two years with above 17 years old customers. The sample of this research was 130 respondents, the sample was decided by purposive sampling. Data analysis of the research through path analysis. The findings show: (1) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (2) the higher customers complaint handling
satisfaction’s will increase the customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) the higher customers commitment will increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) the higher
complaint handling satisfaction’s thus loyalty will increasecustomers loyalty of Bank BRI In Southeast Sulawesi.
Keywords : Complaint Handling Satisfaction, Customers Commitment, Customers Loyalt
This research was aimed to examine and prove empirically: (1) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s towards customers commitment and loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) The effect of commitment towards customers lotalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s
towards loyalty through customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. Population of this reseacrh was all customers of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi that have ever delivered complaints and who have obtained the saving account for more than two years with above 17 years old customers. The sample of this research was 130 respondents, the sample was decided by purposive sampling. Data analysis of the research through path analysis. The findings show: (1) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will
increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (2) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will increase the customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) the higher customers commitment will increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) the higher complaint handling satisfaction’s thus loyalty will increasecustomers loyalty of Bank BRI In Southeast Sulawesi. Keywords : Complaint Handling Satisfaction, Customers Commitment, Customers Loyalty
Keyword: Competen
biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk pengusahaan bandeng, akan memperoleh pendapatan sebesar Rp. 3,42. Pola pengusahaan yang paling menguntungkan petani tambak adalah pola pengusahaan udang windu dan bandeng dengan tingkat pendapatan rata-rata sebesar Rp. 25.150.352,- dan pola budidaya yang paling menguntungkan bagi petani tambak di wilayah pesisir Sulawesi Tenggara adalah pola diskontinu yang dapat memberikan pendapatan rata-rata sebesar Rp. 23,691,105,36.
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Customer Income, Customer Loyalty
Thesis Chapters by Abdul Razak
Kata Kunci : Kepuasan Nasabah, Kepercayaan Nasabah, Loyalitas Nasabah
Book Reviews by Abdul Razak
Teaching Documents by Abdul Razak
towards loyalty through customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. Population of this reseacrh was all customers of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi that have ever delivered complaints and who have obtained the saving account for more than two years with above 17 years old customers. The sample of this research was 130 respondents, the sample was decided by purposive sampling. Data analysis of the research through path analysis. The findings show: (1) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will
increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (2) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will increase the customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) the higher customers commitment will increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) the higher complaint handling satisfaction’s thus loyalty will increasecustomers loyalty of Bank BRI In Southeast Sulawesi. Keywords : Complaint Handling Satisfaction, Customers Commitment, Customers Loyalty This research was aimed to examine and prove empirically: (1) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s towards customers commitment and loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) The effect of commitment towards customers lotalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s towards loyalty through customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. Population of this reseacrh
was all customers of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi that have ever delivered complaints and who have obtained the saving account for more than two years with above 17 years old customers. The sample of this research was 130 respondents, the sample was decided by purposive sampling. Data analysis of the research through path analysis. The findings show: (1) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (2) the higher customers complaint handling
satisfaction’s will increase the customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) the higher customers commitment will increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) the higher
complaint handling satisfaction’s thus loyalty will increasecustomers loyalty of Bank BRI In Southeast Sulawesi.
Keywords : Complaint Handling Satisfaction, Customers Commitment, Customers Loyalt
This research was aimed to examine and prove empirically: (1) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s towards customers commitment and loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) The effect of commitment towards customers lotalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) The effect of complaint handling satisfaction’s
towards loyalty through customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. Population of this reseacrh was all customers of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi that have ever delivered complaints and who have obtained the saving account for more than two years with above 17 years old customers. The sample of this research was 130 respondents, the sample was decided by purposive sampling. Data analysis of the research through path analysis. The findings show: (1) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will
increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (2) the higher customers complaint handling satisfaction’s will increase the customers commitment of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (3) the higher customers commitment will increase the customers loyalty of Bank BRI in Southeast Sulawesi. (4) the higher complaint handling satisfaction’s thus loyalty will increasecustomers loyalty of Bank BRI In Southeast Sulawesi. Keywords : Complaint Handling Satisfaction, Customers Commitment, Customers Loyalty
Keyword: Competen
biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk pengusahaan bandeng, akan memperoleh pendapatan sebesar Rp. 3,42. Pola pengusahaan yang paling menguntungkan petani tambak adalah pola pengusahaan udang windu dan bandeng dengan tingkat pendapatan rata-rata sebesar Rp. 25.150.352,- dan pola budidaya yang paling menguntungkan bagi petani tambak di wilayah pesisir Sulawesi Tenggara adalah pola diskontinu yang dapat memberikan pendapatan rata-rata sebesar Rp. 23,691,105,36.
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Customer Income, Customer Loyalty
Kata Kunci : Kepuasan Nasabah, Kepercayaan Nasabah, Loyalitas Nasabah