In a sensorimotor synchronization task requiring subjects to tap in synchrony with an auditory stimulus, occasional perturbations (i.e., interval changes) in an otherwise isochronous sequence of auditory metronome stimuli are known to be... more
The contribution of temporal asynchrony, spatial separation, and frequency separation to the cross-spectral fusion of temporally contiguous brief narrow-band noise bursts was studied using the Rhythmic Masking Release paradigm ͑RMR͒. RMR... more
The rhythm created by spacing a series of brief tones in a regular pattern can be disguised by interleaving identical distractors at irregular intervals. The disguised rhythm can be unmasked if the distractors are allocated to a separate... more
By characterizing the function of the ventral and dorsal visual streams as, respectively, vision-for-perception and vision-for-action, have brought some action onto the perceptual scene. However, with the distinction of the ventral "what"... more
We demonstrate that observation of everyday rhythmical actions biases subsequent motor execution of the same and of different actions, using a paradigm where the observed actions were irrelevant for action execution. The cycle time of the... more
We demonstrate that observation of everyday rhythmical actions biases subsequent motor execution of the same and of different actions, using a paradigm where the observed actions were irrelevant for action execution. The cycle time of the... more
We demonstrate that observation of everyday rhythmical actions biases subsequent motor execution of the same and of different actions, using a paradigm where the observed actions were irrelevant for action execution. The cycle time of the... more
An age-related difference in accuracy and variability of unpaced timing tasks suggests that the internal clock for the processing of intervals of hundreds of milliseconds slows down with age. However, we recently found that sensorimotor... more
This study assessed motor limits of regular tapping, timing error detection, and correction in 60 participants aged from 19 to 98 years. Rate limitations on motor production were estimated from the average inter-tap interval when tapping... more
Frequency difference limens (FDLs) were measured for Huggins pitch (HP) stimuli, consisting of a 30-Hz wide band of interaurally decorrelated noise in a diotic low-pass noise and for 30-Hz wide bands of diotic narrowband noise presented... more
The rhythm created by spacing a series of brief tones in a regular pattern can be disguised by interleaving identical distractors at irregular intervals. The disguised rhythm can be unmasked if the distractors are allocated to a separate... more
Three studies examined how people maintain their self-images when they face threat to interpersonal aspects of the self. In Studies 1 and 2, we found evidence that low self-esteem people lower their estimates of their performance when... more
This study examined the normative temporal sequence of the coping process and whether stressor severity or adult attachment styles moderated that sequence. Participants (N = 75) described a minor or a major stressor. They were given a... more
The Illness Attitudes Scale (IAS) is a self-rated measure that consists of nine subscales designed to assess fears, attitudes and beliefs associated with hypochondriacal concerns and abnormal illness behavior [Kellner, R. (1986).... more
Objective: the present study investigated childhood learning experiences potentially associated with the development of elevated hypochondriacal concerns in a non-clinical young adult sample, and examined the possible mediating roles of... more