a very important issue |
[Jul. 12th, 2004|11:27 pm]
[ | mood |
| | dumb | ] |
[ | music |
| | Bathory - The Sword | ] |
 masa: HAHA what game is that?!?! tinana: i have no idea! lolol masa: looks like just some wrestling game ;( tinana: yeah but there must be a lot of options for character appearances tinana: hahaha i think hitlah would pwn jesus tinana: SRY masa: are you kidding masa: hitler was a fucking pussy masa: maybe if it was goering tinana: so was jesus, he just like hung there with fucking nails in his hands and didn't do shit about it! tinana: lame! tinana: and then he comes back like HI GUYZ HAPPY EASTER LOLOL at least hitlah killed himself like a man and stuff!! masa: yeah, hitler took the easy way out. bullet to the head, end of story. jesus hung around in that cross for days before dying. that's fucking hardcore. masa: your argument is counterintuitive! tinana: but other people had to hang him there!!! he hung around for days because he was stupid and thought maybe there was a chance he could survive or get saved or something HAHA YEAH RIGHT masa: no, he sacrificed himself for the betterment of others, as an example. tinana: HOW GAY tinana: HITLER KILLED LOTS OF PEOPLE THAT'S WAY COOLER masa: we're not talking about COOLNESS, we're talking about MELEE COMBAT ABILITY. tinana: what masa: A CATEGORY IN WHICH JESUS WOULD FUCKING TAKE HITLER APART. tinana: hitler would send some tanks after his jew ass masa: HITLER WAS COOL, BUT HE GOT OTHER PEOPLE TO DO SHIT FOR HIM ALL THE TIME. JESUS WAS A HAND-ON KINDA GUY. tinana: YEAH JESUS WAS HAND-ON, HE MADE BREAD LOL WOW
okay, does ANYONE think hitler would own jesus?! input plz |