help :( |
June 1st, 2010
11:33am] |
so i know this question has probably been asked a million times, but is there a way to get paint off a shirt if it bleeds?! i'm currently making a shirt for tonights true blood ultimate fan experience and when i was doing the fangs it started bleeding. can i use like nail polish remover or something to touch it up? :( it looked absolutley perfect until just now!! its totally my fault for using too much paint but still. i'm bummed.
cptn caption inspiration |
October 30th, 2008
7:48pm] |
i'm working on this stencil of our favourite cross-eyed would-be vice-president in anticipation of next tuesday [i'm more excited about it than halloween & i'm not even from the states, that's pretty fucking lame hey]
but i think it is lacking in some kinda caption smartassery. ideas, anyone?
( moose killahCollapse ) thanks heaps
September 1st, 2008
3:14pm] |
Although I have read the rules and regulations, I'm still unsure if promoting my gallery is acceptable. If this post is deleted, I understand. But thank you for you time, regardless.

July 20th, 2008
12:03pm] |
First thing I've stenciled in a long time and I think it looks ok, but I need opinions from people who won't sugar coat their opinions. Acrylic paint on canvas.
( Thank youCollapse )
Any constructive criticism is appreciated. =) x-posted