Malak Mohamed
Address: Cairo, Egypt
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Books by Malak Mohamed
Engineering. It is suitable for 12 -17-year-old readers in Middle and High school. This
curriculum, approach, and way of presenting information have been chosen after reading
many books in the field of Biomedical Engineering and discerned the pros and cons of
them from the point of view of two students in High School. This book is structured as
follows: it introduces the definition of Biomedical Engineering, gives a historical
perspective about the field and the old inventions, introduces the world of Biomedical
Engineering - the different approaches of the field,- and explains the most important
concepts needed in Biomedical Engineering Comprehension.
Papers by Malak Mohamed
Drafts by Malak Mohamed
Engineering. It is suitable for 12 -17-year-old readers in Middle and High school. This
curriculum, approach, and way of presenting information have been chosen after reading
many books in the field of Biomedical Engineering and discerned the pros and cons of
them from the point of view of two students in High School. This book is structured as
follows: it introduces the definition of Biomedical Engineering, gives a historical
perspective about the field and the old inventions, introduces the world of Biomedical
Engineering - the different approaches of the field,- and explains the most important
concepts needed in Biomedical Engineering Comprehension.