info « WHO » This is the icon journal of the one and only Amber a.k.a. wesaucereyes. « WHAT » This journal focuses on two things sports and pop culture. « WHERE » Right here! Come on where else would they be if not in this journal? « WHEN » Um, right now there is no updating schedule. Yay, for surprises? « WHY » Because stealing home is pretty overrated. « HOW » All icons are made using Paint Shop Pro 7 ESD and Photoshop CS.
rules « HOTLINKING » Before hotlinking think what would Earl do. He would never hotlink because it makes for bad karma. Don't you believe in karma too? If you don't have one yet, I recommend making either a Box or Photobucket account for all your saving needs. « CREDIT » Giving credit is left up to you since it will never be demanded or asked for. « COMMENTS » While you don't need to credit, please comment if anything is snagged. It's just a simple way of letting me know not only what people like to see, but that people are using my icons in general. « USAGE » I'm anti-drama when it comes to my stuff so don't worry about me tracking you down all over teh interwebs and having a fit because you used one of my icons on greatestjournal/ myspace/ xanga. Actually, I just might track you down if you spread my icons all over the internet, but only to have giggle-fest since stuff like that makes me happy.
misc. « LAYOUT » Layout coding by damnicons, pictures from, all edited by me. « REQUESTS » From time to time I will take requests. When that time comes I will make a request post, so please don't go leaving comments about it until a post is up. « QUESTIONS » If you have any questions feel free in this journal. If for some reason you feel just must, you can also leave a comment in the friends only entry of my personal journal.